Title: Ice Core Records Vostok
1Ice Core Records- Vostok
Petit et al., 1999
3Sequence of Events during Termination
Insolation Increase at high latitudes
Temperature, CO2, CH4 increase and Dust
decreases Ice Volume decreases No one
factor (insolation, greenhouse gases, albedo) can
account for the temperature change. They must
act together as amplifiers.
4Higher Resolution Record
Temperature rise in Antarctica precedes global
CO2 rise Does Southern Ocean control CO2?
Monnin EPICA Dome C (Science 2001)
5Timing during Termination I
How important is dust?
Röthlisberger et al., GRL, 2004
6EPICA Antarctic Ice Core
7Reduced Temperature Cycles
Interglacials were less warm at gt 400K yrs
8Weak interglacials have lower CO2
Siegenthaler et al., Science 2005 (EPICA gas
9Weak interglacials have lower CH4
Spahni et al., Science 2005, EPICA gas consortium
10Mudelsee (based only on Vostok data) pCO2 922
1.646 dDt-2000
Does ability to predict global CO2 from Antarctic
temperatures indicate dominance of S. Ocean
mechanisms controlling CO2?
11Termination V (450K yrs BP)
CO2 increase precedes temperature and CH4
increase and dust decrease
12Where do we stand?
Looks like Temperature and Dust changes
precede CO2 and CH4 changes (except Term V).
Increasing evidence that Southern Ocean may be an
important factor in controlling CO2. Is it a
combination of ocean circulation changes and iron
fertilization in the S. Ocean? What is the
implication for future climate change?