Title: Intermezzo: Java Error Handling
1Intermezzo Java Error Handling
Slides from Katleen Cristie
- A program may crash during execution because of
trouble reading data, - illegal characters in the data,
- an out of bounds array index
- a file not being present or being in a different
location etc. - SOLUTION
- Java Errors and Exceptions enable the programmer
to deal with such problems. You can write a
program that recovers from errors and keeps on
- So far we have written our code with the
assumption that nothing ever goes wrong - BUT this is unrealistic.
- The reality is that unexpected situations can
arise and interfere with the intended
functioning of software - Java provides an exception handling facility
4Pre-defined Exception Classes
- An exception is an event that occurs, during the
life of a program, that could cause that program
to behave unreliably - ExampleAccessing an array with an invalid index
Charatan Kans, Java in Two Semesters, p347
5Exceptional Event
- Exception is short for exceptional event
- DefinitionAn exception is an event that occurs
during the execution of a program that disrupts
the normal flow of instructions - Exceptions can range fromserious problems e.g.
hard disk crashes to a simple programming mistake
such as trying to access an element in an array
that does not exist.
6Exceptional Event
- Whenever an exception occurs in a Java method,
the method creates an exception object and hands
it to the runtime system - The exception object contains information about
- the type of exception
- where the exception occurred
- and so forth
- After an exception occurs, the runtime system
looks for some code to handle the exception if
none is found, then the application will terminate
7The Advantage Of Exceptions
- Separates the error handling code from your
regular code, thereby keeping things neater - Error types can be grouped there are
identifiable types of errors that are likely to
occur - Errors may be handled at specific locations in
the code (and not necessarily where the error
8Runtime Exceptions
- Some instructions can fail at runtime
- If they fail they can throw an exception
- Exceptions can happen at any time in the
execution of an application - They interrupt the execution of the application
- Exceptions are used to report errors
- Exceptions can be caught
9Vulnerable Situations
- Javas exception handling facility provides a
powerful way to safely handle dangerous events
such as our array example - Most events that can lead to an exception are
already known to the Java system and, thus, are
catered for - This means the programmer is freed from the need
to write the code that identifies an occurrence
of the event and, instead, can focus on writing
the code that deals with the event
10Generic Code
- try
- // statements
- catch (exceptionType name)
- // statements
- finally
- // statements
11Exception Structure
- Try statementIdentifies a block of statements
within which an exception might be thrown - In plain English try doing this see if it
works if it doesnt, then were ready for it!
12Exception Structure
- Catch statementMust be used with a try
statement is used to identify a block of
statements that handles a particular type of
exception - Whenever an exception occurs, the code contained
within this block of statements will be performed - In plain EnglishSo it stuffed up were still
ready for it so lets deal with it
13Exception Structure
- Finally statementMust be associated with the
try statement - Identifies a block of statements that are
executed regardless of whether or not an
exception occurs within the try block - For example, irrespective of whether things
worked or not, lets just clean up the mess left
before moving on to the next part of the program
14Using the Keyword Finally
- Consider the code that will be placed within your
finally block - Dont put code within a catch block that should
really be in a finally block i.e. closing a file.
Why? Well if the specific error for that catch
block did occur then yes, the file would be
closed - But what if a different error occurred? The file
would never be closed which is obviously not a
good example of tidy programming!
15Using the Keyword Finally
- Lets assume that, irrespective of the type of
error that occurs, we want to make sure that the
file is closed - Do we close the file in all of our catch blocks?
Or, do we (considerably more sensibly) use the
code in our finally block - Because, at the end of the day, even if an error
does not occur, we still need to close the file!
16Exception Types
- There are many, many different types of
exception - These exceptions can be classed as checked
exceptions and unchecked exceptions - Unchecked exceptions are runtime exceptions i.e.
a null pointer exception, an arithmetic exception
etc - These runtime exceptions can occur anywhere in
the program and, thus, to try and catch all of
these potential exceptions would be a nightmare
job code everywhere and so forth
17Exception Types
- Thus, Java does not make you catch all of these
potential exceptions there would just be too
many try-catch statements - And therefore, we class these as unchecked they
go unchecked by the Java compiler - On the other hand we have checked exceptions
- When you compile your program, the Java compiler
checks to ensure that you have added sufficient
code to catch these exceptions and if you
have not done this, then the compiler refuses to
compile the code
18More On Exceptions
- The first step to catching an exception is to
define the try block the try block should be
used wherever there is a vulnerable piece of
codeThe try block essentially defines the scope
of the exceptionNote that you must then follow
this with a catch and finally block of code
which defines what happens should an exception
try // statements
19More On Exceptions
- The catch statementNote that you can have
multiple catch statements following a try block
to cater for different types of exceptions that
could occurFor example, we may know that doing
process x may result in the throwing of an
exception of type a, and/or the throwing of an
exception of type b etc.
catch // statements catch //
- The following example illustrates this point more
try // statements Catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoun
dsException Error) // statements Catch
(IOException Error) // statements
As can be seen, the code anticipates 2 different
exception types
21More On Exceptions
- Within the exceptions class you can access
methods to obtain the type of exception that
occurredAfter all, remember that it is an
exception object that is created when an
exception occurs and, thus, there are various
methods that are available for objects of this
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Error System.out.p
22More On Exceptions
- The statement shown below would catch only errors
of type ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionIt would
not catch our other previous example, the
try // statements Catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoun
dsException Error) // statements
23General Exception Handlers
- However, it is possible to catch exceptions with
both specific exception handlers and general
exception handlers - The use of general exception handlers obviously
gives less specific handling for the type of
exception but can be used to keep things simpler - All exceptions inherit from the Throwable class
this is the class at the top of the exceptions
24Exception ObjectsThrowing an Exception
- Each piece of code that could lead to an
exception is associated with a pre-defined
exception class - The class has been named to reflect the nature
of the exception - When a given event occurs, the Java runtime
environment determines which exception has
occurred and an object of the given exception
class is generated - This process is known as throwing an exception
i.e. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException class
25The Throwable Class
- All exception classes inherit from the base class
Throwable which is found in the java.lang
package - Throwable has two immediate subclasses
- Exception
- Error
- FileNotFoundException the expected file has not
been found - EOFException the end of the file has been
reachedBoth of the above are examples of - IOException Input/Output exceptions
- Thus, we have subclasses that are categorized
depending upon the type of the exception - The two initially mentioned examples reside in
the java.io package (input/output)
27The Error Class
- The Error class
- describes internal system errors that are very
unlikely to occur i.e. VirtualMachineError, where
an error in the Java Virtual Machine has been
detected - When an error such as this occurs, there is
really not all that much that can be done other
than to crash as gracefully as possible!
28The Exception Class
- All other exceptions are subclasses of the
Exception class and it is these exceptions that
we can take account of within our own programs - Important sub-divisions in the Exception class
- IOException and RuntimeException
- RuntimeException deals with program errors that
arise when executing a program i.e.
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (attempting to
access an array with an illegal
index)NumberFormatException(attempting to
convert a String to an int)
29IOException Class
- IOException class deals with external errors that
could affect the program during periods of input
and or output - i.e. corruption of an external file
30Unchecked Exceptions
- Just about any Java instruction has the potential
to end in a RuntimeException error - Thus, the Java compiler does not insist that all
of these potential exceptions are dealt with by
the programmer - Whether they are checked or not up to the
individual programmer - Thus known as unchecked exceptions
31Checked Exceptions
- Since a programmer cannot control IOException
errors, the Java compiler insists that
programmers deal with such errors when statements
that could result in such errors are used - These kinds of errors are thus known as
- checked exceptions
32Custom Exceptions
You can create your own exception
types Typically, you will subclass from the
Exception class As a rule, always place the word
exception within the name of your class
33Class ExceptionTest
As can be seen, when the testInt method is
invoked and a parameter outwith the range 0 to 5
is provided, then a new NumberOutOfRangeException
object is created, and the input that was
provided is passed to this new object as a
public class ExceptionTest public
ExceptionTest() // do nothing
public void testInt(int input) throws Exception
if(input lt 0 input gt 5)
throw new NumberOutOfRangeException(input)
else System.out.println("You
input " input)
34Class NumberOutOfRangeException
public class NumberOutOfRangeException extends
Exception public NumberOutOfRangeException(int
number) super("The number " number "
is out of range")
The NumberOutOfRangeException class, as defined
to suit a particular programmers needs Note
that it extends Exception
Custom exceptions as you can see, specific to
the programmers needs with some additional info
being passed up