Title: A Summary of Renewable Electricity Supply Issues
1A Summary of Renewable Electricity Supply Issues
- Bob Grace, Sustainable Energy Advantage, LLC
- Rhode Island GHG Process - Phase V
- Stakeholder - Meeting 3
- June 15, 2006
2GHG Reductions from Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy Standard (RES)
Beyond RES
Additional Options
Additional Options
So Far
So Far
3Renewable Energy Standard (RES)
- RES model law developed in GHG Stakeholder
process - RES law 2004 RES regs 2005
- Targets for electricity providers commence
1/1/2007, early compliance (2006) possible - New RE requirement from 1 of load (2007) to
14 (2019 and beyond) - Regional sources, regional impact
Renewable Energy Standard (RES)
So Far
4Will RES Reduce GHG?
- RES law passed with language to make GHG
reduction explicit stricken - To achieve GHG reductions, generators should not
be able to sell GHG reductions (tradable emission
rights) to another entity associated with RECs
used for RES compliance - But regulations to dot explicitly require this
- Requires DEM/PUC coordination to assure this
benefit - Requires coordination among states policies
tracking mechanisms to address interaction of
Renewable Energy Standards, cap trade policies,
voluntary green power purchases - what counts, what benefits can be claimed and by
5Renewables SBC
- How to get GHG reductions from RE beyond RES
Beyond RES
- SBC RE results 10-15 GWh/yr new RE, commitments
up to 5 years modest GHG impacts - Berkshire Wind 6 GWh/yr)
- Jan06 Green-Up 3586 customers
- Limited of larger customer commitments
- Renewable Energy Consumer Aggregation
- State House REC Purchase 1650 MWh/yr for 5 yrs
- Intended as voluntary purchase with incremental
GHG benefit - Will RECs be redirected to RES compliance, or
retired as envisioned?
So Far
- Small compared to 2007 RES target of 88 GWh/yr
new renewable energy - Unclear how long reductions last
- ? Ignored for modeling purposes
6Electricity SectorWhat Counts as Beyond RES?
- Projects that do not create RECs eligible for RES
or other states RPS or - Projects for which RECs are retired independent
of RES
Beyond RES
Additional Options
7Beyond RES Compliance
- Most RIREF efforts will support RES compliance,
not add to it - because RES law requires SEO (SBC administrator)
to work with PUC, EDC to maximize combined impact
efficiency of the SBC RES - RI WINDs?
- RI Winds EDC effort to meet goal of 15 RI
energy supply from wind in RI - Likely to be used for RES compliance
- If gt RES targets, would surplus RECs be sold
for other RPS compliance in other states?
8Going Forward.
- The additional renewable electricity toolkit
includes - Expanding generation of RES-eligible renewables
not used for RES compliance - Encouraging renewables that are not RES-Eligible,
but are GHG reducing - Enhancing the RES
Beyond RES
Additional Options
Renewable Energy Standard (RES)
Additional Options
9Potential Program Options
- Encourage Voluntary Purchases
- Encourage electricity generation with fuels
ineligible for RES? - Biomass CHP
- RES Enhancements
10Encourage Voluntary RI Purchases
- Support additional 20 by 2010 campaigns
- Follow lead set by Providence
Beyond RES
Additional Options
11Encourage Voluntary RI Purchases
- Leadership programs EPA Green Power Partnership
Clean Power Communities challenge recognition
program - road-side signs entering a Clean Power
Community when meet commitment thresholds - Local govt must be EPA Green Power Partner
Beyond RES
Additional Options
12Leverage Voluntary RI Purchases
- Matching grants programs (like CT, MA)
- State entices voluntary GP purchases by offering
benefits to the community (SBC) - Match community voluntary commitments on a
community basis - Matching grant funds for local clean energy
projects and projects benefiting low-income
ratepayers - Award free clean energy system (e.g. solar PV for
community municipal buildings) when thresholds
met (e.g. 3 participation)
Beyond RES
Additional Options
13Leverage Voluntary RI Purchases
- Or kick it up a notch with competition for
greenest communities - Generate additional leverage on invested funds
with voluntary commitments in similar manner to a
lottery, with a BIG PRIZE - Award substantial benefits (e.g. funding a green
elementary school) for winning community (gt
minimum threshold) - Compete on cumulative actual purchase commitments
of new RE exceeding RES (per-capita) - Prizes for 1st, 2nd 3rd
Beyond RES
Additional Options
14Encourage Voluntary RI Purchases Beyond RES Some
- Can use renewable energy credits (RECs) from
local, regional or national generation sources - Local sources more likely to have co-benefits,
but also likely to be costlier - Q how to take GHG plan credit for these without
taking credit away from customers? - example
15Encourage Electricity Generation with Fuels
Ineligible for RES?
- RES has very high bar for sorting biomass fuels
to be RES-eligible - But generators unable to meet standard may still
produce substantial GHG benefits - e.g. 99 eligible fuel ineligible if contains
ineligible fuel - Limitations
- If eligible for another states Renewable
Portfolio Standard, may not result in incremental
benefit - Is there a bright line to separate from
Beyond RES
Additional Options
16Biomass CHP
- Some biomass will be used to generate electricity
- If RECs produced used for RES compliance, this
fraction would not count for beyond RES - Remainder (thermal) would produce incremental
GHG reductions - Assess Potential
- Economic/Technical Feasibility Study
- Fuel availability study
- Survey potential applications (host sites)
Beyond RES
Additional Options
17Increase RESNew Renewable Energy Targets
- Buy-Low strategies if RES compliance cost
drops well below alternative compliance payments
(55/MWh) - Accelerate targets if ample supply (Current RES
allows supply-demand assessments modest delay
of target ramp-up if insufficient supply) - Continue ramp-up of targets post-2019 (assess
supply-demand to assure enough supply) - Require Obligated Entities (National Grid) to
over-procure when solicitations yield ample cheap
RECs - Create state fund to buy RECs if prices drop
- Price can be set so GHG benefits cost less than
marginal GHG alternatives - Enhanced investor confidence in market by
mitigating risk
Renewable Energy Standard (RES)
Additional Options