15-213 Recitation 9 Greg Reshko - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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15-213 Recitation 9 Greg Reshko


Kernel maintains all information about files and just returns a file descriptor ... Use of mutex to lock resources glossed over for now. Reading to/from Network & File ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 15-213 Recitation 9 Greg Reshko

15-213 Recitation 9Greg Reshko
  • Office Hours Wed 200-300PM
  • April 21st, 2003

  • File I/O
  • Networking
  • Lab 7

Unix File I/O
  • All I/O devices are modeled as files
  • Networks, disks, terminals, etc
  • All input and output is performed by reading and
    writing the appropriate files
  • Kernel maintains all information about files and
    just returns a file descriptor to an application
    that wants access to a given file

Unix File I/O Read/Write
include ltunistd.hgt ssize_t read(int fd, void
buf, size_t count) ssize_t write(int fd, const
void buf, size_t count)
Unix File I/O More Robust
Robust I/O (RIO) Package Unbuffered ssize_t
readn(int fd, void buf, size_t count) ssize_t
writen(int fd, const void buf, size_t
count) ssize_t readline(int fd, void buf,
size_t maxlen) Buffered (thread-safe) ssize_t
readnb(int fd, void buf, size_t count) ssize_t
writenb(int fd, const void buf, size_t
count) ssize_t readlineb(int fd, void buf,
size_t maxlen)
Standard I/O vs. Unix I/O
  • Standard I/O almost always preferred
  • fopen, fclose, fseek, fread, fwrite, fscanf,
    fprintf, etc.
  • A higher-level abstraction than UNIX I/O
  • Models files as streams, like file descriptors in
    being full-duplex
  • Restrictions exist that interact badly with
    restrictions on sockets
  • Input function cannot follow an output function
    (or vice versa) without a call to fflush, fseek,
    fsetpos, rewind, or and end-of-file

  • Two sides to networking
  • Client / Server
  • Distinction is fading
  • Peer-to-peer systems mean a node is both

Client Code Path
  • Clients typically connect to servers, perform a
    task, then close the connection
  • Create a socket()
  • Connect()
  • Write()/read()
  • Close()

Server Code Path
  • Servers wait for connections and handle them as
    they arrive
  • Create a socket()
  • Bind() to a port
  • Listen() for connections
  • Select() a ready connection
  • Accept() a connection
  • Read()/Write()
  • Close() the connection
  • Well focus on TCP, but UDP is just as important

Server Init
  • void CreateTCPServer()
  • struct sockaddr_in myAddr
  • int myAddrLen
  • int reuseAddrFlg1
  • tcpSocketfd socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0)
  • bzero((void )(myAddr),sizeof(myAddr))
  • myAddr.sin_family AF_INET
  • myAddr.sin_port htons((unsigned
  • myAddr.sin_addr.s_addr htonl(INADDR_ANY)
  • setsockopt(tcpSocketfd,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,(
    void ) reuseAddrFlg,sizeof(reuseAddrFlg))
  • bind(tcpSocketfd,(struct sockaddr
  • listen(tcpSocketfd,MAX_BACKLOG)

Server Loop
  • while(1)
  • readSetallSet
  • numReadyDescriptorsselect(maxfd1,readSet,NUL
  • if(FD_ISSET(tcpSocketfd,readSet))
  • / Incoming request for new connection /
  • struct sockaddr_in clientAddr
  • int clientAddrLen
  • slavefdaccept(tcpSocketfd,(struct sockaddr
    ) clientAddr, clientAddrLen)
  • / Save slavefd so we know to check it
    later /
  • FD_SET(slavefd,allSet)
  • if(slavefd gt maxfd) maxfdslavefd
  • fflush(stdout)
  • numReadyDescriptors--
  • if(numReadyDescriptors lt 0)
  • continue

Server The Rest
  • Check whether interesting socket descriptors are
    in the read/write set
  • Do appropriate action if they are (i.e., read()
    or write())
  • Close() the connection when appropriate

Logging and Network I/O
  • Have a server set up to receive requests and
    respond to them
  • Read in request, parse, and return response
  • Need to read/write to a network stream, and log
    events to a file for record-keeping purposes
  • Main loop opens file for logging and spawns
    children threads
  • Each thread has own network streams, but shares
    logging file stream
  • Use of mutex to lock resources glossed over for

Reading to/from Network File
  • void main ()
  • FILE log
  • / open file /
  • log fopen ( "log.txt, "a )
  • while ( true )
  • /
  • Main Loop (inside thread)
  • /
  • fclose ( log )

Reading to/from Network File
  • void thread ( void vargp )
  • FILE stream
  • char methodBUFSIZE, uriBUFSIZE,
  • / create mutex /
  • / given argument, set file descriptor for
    proper access to streams /
  • childfd ((int )vargp)
  • free(vargp)
  • / open file descriptors for reading network
    socket, set buffer type /
  • if ((stream fdopen(childfd, "r")) NULL)
  • error("ERROR on fdopen")
  • setvbuf(stream, NULL, _IONBF, 0)
  • / get header off the stream and save /
  • fgets(buf, BUFSIZE, stream)
  • sscanf(buf, "s s s\n", method, uri, version)

Reading to/from Network File
  • /
  • Parse, error check, ready for server
  • /
  • /
  • determine size of information to be written
  • in this case, copying from some other stream
  • to the network stream (stream)
  • /
  • / get size of remaining buffer from stream /
  • temp read ( serverfd, buf, BUFSIZE )
  • while ( temp gt 0 )
  • data.byte temp
  • /
  • write current buffered amount to
    network socket
  • get size of remaining buffer from
  • /

Reading to/from Network File
  • / init mutex /
  • / lock mutex /
  • / write to log file /
  • fprintf(log, "s s s d\n", data.date,
    data.ip, data.address, data.byte)
  • / unlock mutex /
  • / close network buffer /
  • fclose(stream)

Lab 7 Logging Web Proxy
  • Start early (yeah, thats a new one)
  • Read the book carefully
  • Everything you need for this lab is in the book
    make sure you understand it
  • Concurrency issues
  • Test it with your web browser
  • i.e. Internet Explorer
  • This is the coolest part of the lab
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