Title: Title Plant Taxonomy plant family report
1Title(Plant Taxonomy plant family report)
- First last name
- Green Lake School District
- Kingdom, Division, Class Order, Family
- Explain origin of the family
- To help support your discussion, include where
appropriate - Charts
- Graphs
- Illustrations
- Maps
- Tables
3Summary of Taxa
- Prepare a table that compares the number of
genera and species known worldwide, in Wisconsin
and from Green Lake County
4Family Name
- Evolutionary history
- Discuss when the plant family first appears in
the fossil record - Is it an older or younger plant family?
- Use cladograms to show related families
6Floral Arrangement
- Regular versus irregular flowers, number of
sepals, petals, stamens, pistils - Prepare labeled illustrations
- Show specific flower images that demonstrate
floral arrangement
7Range Habitat
- What is the distribution range of the family?
- Briefly discuss the geographic regions in which
representative plants occur. - Cite specific examples of habitats occupied by
representative species - E.g. Indian grass (Poaceae), Sorghastrum nutans,
is native to tallgrass prairie.
8Human Uses
- Cite several examples of how humans use various
plants from the family - Medicines?
- Foods?
- Dyes?
- Clothing?
- Industrial applications?
- Landscape restoration?
- Ornamentals?
- Other?
Book author(s). (Year). Title of book.
Publisher city, state publisher name. Â Book
editor(s). (Eds.). (Year). Title of book .
Publisher city, state publisher name. Â Journal
author(s). (Year). Title of journal article.
Journal name, volume number , Pages. Â Magazine
author(s). (Year, Month). Title of magazine
article. Magazine name, pages. Internet article
author(s). (Year). Title of journal article.
Journal Name, online. Volume (Pages), Available
WWW URL http// address) Â CD-ROM article title
(Year). Title of CD-ROM. CD-ROM.