IM and WS Mode Level 1 Product quality update - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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IM and WS Mode Level 1 Product quality update


Updated IMS product quality (VV & HH) Updated IMP product ... Hamming window with a=0.75 applied in azimuth and range. Processing algorithm: Range Doppler. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: IM and WS Mode Level 1 Product quality update

IM and WS Mode Level 1 Product quality update
  • Introduction
  • IM Mode Optimisation
  • Updated IMS product quality (VV HH)
  • Updated IMP product quality (VV HH)
  • Updated IMM product quality (VV HH)
  • Updated WSM product quality (VV HH)
  • Conclusions

  • IM Mode products characterised and preliminary
    calibrated at the ECR (September) for VV
  • IM Mode optimisation peformed in October
    requires a revision of the product quality.
    Characterisation of HH polarisation also needed.
  • Very prelimianry verification of WSM products at
    the ECR for VV polsarisation. An additional
    change in the mode requires revision of product
    quality. Characterisation of HH polarisation also

IM Mode Optimisation
  • IM mode optimisation at instrument level
  • - Increase the Tx. Chirp BW to 16 MHz for all
    swaths (17-10-02)
  • IM mode optimisation at processing level
  • - Depends on product type

ASAR IMS Product charateristics
  • Slant range, single look complex image.
  • Single polarisation VV or HH. Multiple
    incidence angles (IS1 to IS7). Coverage from 100
    Km to 56 km
  • Natural pixel spacing in range and azimuth.
    Azimuth resolution from 4 m to 5 m. Range
    resolution from 9 m to 18 m due to decreasing
    chirp bandwidth.
  • Elevation antenna pattern correction not
    applied. Range spreading loss correction not
  • Hamming window with a0.75 applied in azimuth
    and range
  • Processing algorithm Range Doppler. Phase

Change of processing settings products
characteristics for IMS products
  • Range Processing Full BW processed for all
    beams. Constant slant range resolution from IS1
    to IS7.
  • Change in quality requirements for IMS products.

IMS Absolute Calibration update
  • Azimuth processing No changes.
  • Gain settings No changes. Complete Tx. BW used
    before/after the BW change. No changes in the
    processor gain. Same K as for data acquired
    before the BW change.

IMS Product quality vs. time vs. PF-ASAR
IMS HH Ambiguities
Visible az. Ambigities for HH products -
Distributed target ambig. ratio -25.5 dB
(IS5), -24 (IS4) Point target ambiguity ratio
-26 dB
Ambiguity ratio requirement is 25 dB. Migth be
too high for HH products over low backscattering
Properties of IMP Products
  • Ground range detected imagery
  • Single polarisation (VV or HH)
  • Elevation antenna pattern and range spreading
    loss corrections applied
  • Size of up to 150Mbytes with 2 byte (16bit)
    amplitude pixel values
  • Swath widths of 100 km (IS1) to 56 km (IS7) with
    azimuth extents of 100 km
  • Azimuth resolution of 20.7m (4 looks of 320 Hz)
  • Range resolution from 21m (IS2 far range) to 37m
    (IS1 near range) and 26m for IS3 to IS7
  • 12.5m by 12.5m pixels

Change of processing settings product
characteristics for IMP products
Azimuth processing - No changes. Same number of
looks (4) and same look BW.
  • Range Processing
  • Range look BW same as before, i.e. same range
  • Number of range looks same as before (1).
    Increase in noise level expected for the higher
    inc. ang. beams.
  • Gain settings
  • Gain adjusted to compensate the fact that the
    full Tx. BW is only partially processed.
  • Same K as for data acquired before the BW change.

IMP Range resolution
Measurements demonstrate that there is no change
in range resolution and values are well within
the requirements for VV HH
IMP Absolute Calibration
Measurements demonstrate that the same absolute
calibration factor applies for data acquired
before and after the BW change.
IMP Azimuth resolution, ISLR, PSLR
  • Values are within the requirements
  • High PSLR observed however in few cases

IMP Product quality vs. time vs. PF-ASAR
IMP HH Az. Ambiguities
  • Clear Az. Ambiguities on HH products, over low
    backscattering areas.
  • Amb.ratio
  • -25.8 (IS5)
  • -21.1 (IS4)

Processing only 2 looks in az. Amb.ratio
-28 dB (IS5)
IMM Product Characteristics
  • Ground range projected detected products
  • Nominal resolution lt 150 m . Pixel spacing 75 m
  • 8 looks in azimuth, 4 looks in range. ENL gt 30
  • Antenna pattern and range spreading loss
    correction applied
  • Data output as unsigned 16 bit
  • Systematic stripline processing products as long
    as the complete acquisition segment
  • Innovative ground range projection to keep
    constant incidence angle at the center of the
    product (common to all stripline products)

Change of processing settings products
characteristics for IMM products
Azimuth processing - No changes. Same number of
looks (8) and same look BW.
  • Range Processing
  • Range look BW same as before, i.e. same range
  • Number of range looks 10 (5 before). ENL
    increase expected.
  • Look overlap different for different beams.
    Different ENL expected.

  • Measurements not available yet for all swaths.
  • No changes expected for IS1 and IS2.
  • For the beams with very small look overlap,
    values up to 80 looks are achieved
  • Initial requirement for IMM ENL was 30 looks.
  • Only negative impact is throughput

Change in quality requirements needed.
IMM Spatial Resolution
  • Range Azimuth Resolution match expected
    theoretical values for all beams
  • Theoretical values ranging from 107 m (far range
    IS1) to 160 m (near range IS1)

IMM Absolute calibration
No changes in processing gain. Changes in product
level expected between data acquired before/after
the BW change.
Change of K between products with original Tx.
Chirp BW and products with new full TX. Chirp BW.
IMM Product quality vs. time vs. PF-ASAR
IMM HH Az. Ambiguities
  • Visible Az. Ambiguities for HH products
  • Distributed target ambig. ratio -20 dB
  • IMM reprocessing using 4 rather than 8 looks in
  • Amb. Ratio - 24.5 dB

WSM Product characteristics
  • Ground range projected detected products
  • Nominal resolution lt 150 m
  • Swath width 406 Km
  • Pixel spacing 75 m
  • ENL gt 12 for all the different subswaths
  • Antenna pattern and range spreading loss
    correction applied
  • Data output as unsigned 16 bit
  • Systematic stripline processing products as long
    as the complete acquisition segment

WSM Initial product quality
  • Initial instrument settings (till 13-08-02)
  • Tx.Chirp BW    
  • Mode timeline (pulses per burst)
  • SS1-SS5 50, 80, 67, 87, 74
  • Initial processing/product settings (version lt
  • Rg. Look BW
  • Number of range looks 3
  • Result
  • - Range resolution 150 m and Azimimuth
    resolution 90 m
  • - ENL below the requirements (12) -gt from 8 for
    SS1 to 6 for SS5

First WSM optimisation (I)
  • First mode optimisation at instrument level
  • IncreaseTx.Chirp BW

First WSM optimisation (II)
  • Result
  • Range resolution 120 m
  • Azimimuth resolution 90 m -gt High
    undersampling not-square resolution
  • ENL higher than initial spec (12)
  • Inter-burst ambiguities (-21 dB) detected in
    high contrast scenes (already present before the
    BW change)

Second WSM optimisation
  • Second WS mode optimisation at instrument level
  • Change of mode timeline (expect SS1)
  • SS1-SS5 50, 65, 55, 71, 60
  • New processing settings
  • None. Only AUX data updated
  • Result
  • Removal of inter-burst ambiguities
  • Increase of Az. Res.

WSM 2703
WSM Final products resolution
  • Nominal products are still undersampled 1.2 in
    range, 1.4 in azimuth.
  • Resolution is almost square. Could be adjusted
    to be more similar in both directions.
  • IRF measurements performed on oversampled
    products of 40x40 m.

WSM Absolute calibration update
K (VV) from rain forest 69.08 dB
WSM Noise Equivalent s0
  • Noise level for SS1 expected to be higher than
    for the other swaths.
  • Measured values for final settings
  • SS1 -22 dB
  • SS2-SS5 -24,-25 dB
  • The difference in noise level between SS1 and SS2
    is clearly visible in the images.

  • IM mode BW increase has resulted in an improved
    IMS and IMM product quality and will increase the
    IM InSAR performance. Products quality shall be
    now stable.
  • The BW increase shall be almost transparent for
    IMP products. Quality could be improved with
    multi-look in range.
  • WSM optimizations provide very good product
    quality. Products should be now stable.
  • Quality results for HH polarisation are
    equivalent to those for VV polarisation.
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