Title: Introduction to Multisensors
1Introduction to Multisensors
2Fundamental Steps for Using Multisensor Data
- Definition of information needs
- - accuracy, time, cost, format
- Data collection
- - data specification, techniques and
technologies - Data analysis
- - measurement, classification, estimation
3Fundamental Steps for Using Multisensor Data
- Verification of the analysis results
- - data quality, accuracy
- Reporting the results
- - format
- Taking action
- - information for decision-making, user format
4Satellite Systems
- Multispectral Scanner (MSS)
Picture taken from the space shuttle (note
atmospheric scattering)
MSS color composite
5Satellite Systems
- Landsat 1, 2 and 3
- Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS-1),
later renamed Landsat-1, launched in 1972 as an
experimental system to test the feasibility of
collecting earth resources data from satellites - Data made publicly available world-wide Open
Skies Policy - Carried a multispectral scanner (MSS), imaged a
185 km swath in 4 wavebands, 2 in visible, 2 in
near-infrared, spatial resolution of 80 m,
sun-synchronous orbit, repeat cycle of 18 days - Each scene contains 7.5 million pixels 30
million data values
6Information Extraction Principles for
Hyperspectral Data
7Brief History
1957 - Sputnik
1958 - National Space Act - NASA formed
1960 - TIROS I
1960 - 1980 Some 40 Earth Observational
Satellites Flown
8Image Pixels
Thematic Mapper Image
9Three Generations of Sensors
10Systems View
11Scene Effects on Pixel
12Data Representations
- Spectral Space - Relate to Physical Basis for
- Feature Space - For Use in Pattern Analysis
13Data Classes
14Scatter Plot for Typical Data
15Bhattacharyya Distance
Mean Difference Term
Covariance Term
16Vegetation in Spectral Space
Laboratory Data Two classes of vegetation
17Scatter Plots of Reflectance
18Vegetation in Feature Space
19Hughes Effect
G.F. Hughes, "On the mean accuracy of statistical
pattern recognizers," IEEE Trans. Inform.
Theory., Vol IT-14, pp. 55-63, 1968.
20A Simple Measurement Complexity Example
21Classifiers of Varying Complexity
22Classifier Complexity - Continued
- Other types - Nonparametric
- Parzen Window Estimators
- Fuzzy Set - based
- Neural Network implementations
- K Nearest Neighbor - K-NN
- etc.
23Covariance Coefficients to be Estimated
- Assume a 5 class problem in 6 dimensions
Common Covariance d c d c c d c c c d c c c
c d c c c c c d
- Normal maximum likelihood - estimate
coefficients a and b
- Ignore correlation between bands - estimate
coefficients b
- Assume common covariance - estimate coefficients
c and d
- Ignore correlation between bands - estimate
coefficients d
24Example Sources of Classification Error
25Intuition and Higher Dimensional Space
Borsuks Conjecture If you break a stick in two,
both pieces are shorter than the original.
Kellers Conjecture It is possible to use cubes
(hypercubes) of equal size to fill an
n-dimensional space, leaving no overlaps nor
Counter-examples to both have been found for
higher dimensional spaces.
Science, Vol. 259, 1 Jan 1993, pp 26-27
26The Geometry of High Dimensional Space
27Some Implications
- High dimensional space is mostly empty.
- Data in high dimensional space is mostly in a
lower dimensional structure.
Normally distributed data will have a tendency to
concentrate in the tails Uniformly distributed
data will concentrate in the corners.
28How can that be?
29How can that be? (continued)
- The diagonals in high dimensional spaces become
nearly orthogonal to all coordinate axes
Implication The projection of any cluster onto
any diagonal, e.g., by averaging features could
destroy information
31Still More Geometry
- The number of labeled samples needed for
supervised classification increases rapidly with
In a specific instance, it has been shown that
the samples required for a linear classifier
increases linearly, as the square for a quadratic
classifier. It has been estimated that the number
increases exponentially for a non-parametric
- For most high dimensional data sets, lower
dimensional linear projections tend to be normal
or a combination of normals.
32A Hyperspectral Data Analysis Scheme
200 Dimensional Data
Class Conditional Feature Extraction
Feature Selection
Class-Specific Information
33Finding Optimal Feature Subspaces
- Discriminant Analysis Feature Extraction (DAFE)
- Decision Boundary Feature Extraction (DBFE)
Available in MultiSpec via WWW at
http//dynamo.ecn.purdue.edu/biehl/MultiSpec/ Ad
ditional documentation via WWW at
34Hyperspectral Image of DC Mall
HYDICE Airborne System 1208 Scan Lines, 307
Pixels/Scan Line 210 Spectral Bands in 0.4-2.4
µm Region 155 Megabytes of Data (Not yet
Geometrically Corrected)
35Define Desired Classes
Training areas designated by polygons outlined in
36Thematic Map of DC Mall
Operation CPU Time (sec.) Analyst Time Display
Image 18 Define Classes lt 20 min. Feature
Extraction 12 Reformat 67 Initial
Classification 34 Inspect and Mod. Training
5 min. Final Classification 33 Total 164 sec
2.7 min. 25 min.
Roofs Streets Grass Trees Paths Water Shadows
(No preprocessing involved)
37Hyperspectral Potential - Simply Stated
- Assume 10 bit data in a 100 dimensional space.
- That is (1024)100 10300 discrete locations
Even for a data set of 106 pixels, the
of any two pixels lying in the same discrete
is vanishing small.
38Summary - Limiting Factors
- Scene - The most complex and dynamic part
- Sensor - Also not under analysts control
- Processing System - Analysts choices
39Limiting Factors
Scene - Varies from hour to hour and sq. km to
sq. km
Sensor - Spatial Resolution, Spectral Bands, S/N
Processing System -
- Informational Value
- Separable
- Exhaustive
- Number of samples to define the classes
- Complexity of the Classifier
40Source of Ancillary Input
- From the Ground
- Of the Ground
- Previously Gather Spectra
41Use of Ancillary Input
A Key Point
- Ancillary input is used to label training samples.
- Training samples are then used to compute class
quantitative descriptions
- This reduces or eliminates the need for many
types of preprocessing by normalizing out the
difference between class descriptions and the data
42Satellite Systems
- Landsat 4 5
- Landsat 4 deactivated shortly after launch, but
remains in orbit - Landsat 5 carries a multispectral scanner (MSS)
a Thematic Mapper (TM), imaged a 185 km swath - 7 wavebands from the visible blue to the thermal
infrared, spatial resolution of 30 m except the
thermal band (120 m), sun-synchronous orbit,
repeat cycle of 16 days - each scene contains about 36 million pixels 250
million data values
43Landsat 5 - 7 wavebands
44Satellite Systems
- Landsat 1 operated from 1972 to 1978
- Landsat 2 from 1975 to 1983
- Landsat 3 from 1978 to 1983
- Landsat 4 deactivated shortly after launch
- Landsat 5 launched in 1984 still in use
- Landsat 6 launched in 1993 but did not achieve
orbit - the first underwater satellite - Landsat data is available from EOSAT (Earth
Observation Satellite Company) - Landsat 7 now in orbit with 15 m resolution.
Operated by NOAA, data is provided at cost.
45Satellite Systems
- French satellite launched in 1986
- Repeat cycle of 26 days
- Swath width of 117 km
- Sun-synchronous orbit, carries 2 pointable
scanners - Panchromatic mode with spatial resolution of 10 m
and multispectral mode with spatial resolution of
20 m images in 3 wavebands - Potential to view a location from adjacent
satellite paths stereoscopic imaging (useful
for topographic mapping)
46SPOTs Steerable Mirror
47Uses of Landsat SPOT Data
- Geology - used for mapping in mineral and
petroleum exploration - Agriculture - used to estimate crop quantities,
monitor condition of crops - Forestry - to estimate forest losses caused by
fires, clear cutting disease to provide forest
inventory data used for comparative forest land
48Uses of Landsat SPOT Data
- Land use planning - mapping current land cover,
change detection, route location planning - High resolution satellite imagery is being used
as a substitute for high-altitude aerial
Blue-water Green-forest Yellow-suburban
49Uses of Landsat SPOT Data
- For monitoring rangeland condition, wildlife
habitat, identify water pollution, identify
flooded areas, to aid in the assessment of damage
caused by natural disasters
50(No Transcript)
51(No Transcript)
52(No Transcript)
53Post Image Processing
54Ocean Monitoring Satellites
- Oceans are important natural resource - difficult
to map monitor over large areas or for long
time periods - Satellites provide complete coverage at regular
intervals - Landsat SPOT data used extensively to monitor
sediment and chlorophyll concentrations,
phytoplankton and pollution in marine and
fresh-water environments also to map water
55Ocean Monitoring Satellites
- What is phytoplankton?
- single-celled plants living in surface waters
that form the base of the marine food chain -
critical to the biological productivity of the
ocean, including the production of commercial
fish and shellfish
CZCS Data of Atlantic Ocean
56Ocean Monitoring Satellites
- The Coastal Zone Color Scanner
- Launched by the US in 1978, operated till 1986
- 1600 km swath width, spatial resolution of 825 m,
images in 6 wavebands (4 in visible, 1 in
near-infrared and 1 in thermal infrared) - Measures ocean color and temperature
- Monitors changes in ocean current location,
position of upwelling areas - Estimates the sediment content in coastal waters
- Also used for the detection of acid waste
57Meteorological Satellites
- Provides more often coverage but at lower
resolution (also means less expensive than
Landsat SPOT) - Designed primarily to collect weather data, but
often used for natural resource monitoring over
large areas - NOAA Satellites
- Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)
- Spatial resolution of 1.1 km
- Swath width of 2400 km
- Provides daily global coverage
- Used to monitor snow cover, assess snow depths,
monitor floods, detect map forest fires,
monitor crop conditions, monitor dust and sand
storms, identify geologic activities like
volcanic eruptions, for mapping regional drainage
networks, physiography geology
59AVHRR Thermal Channel
60 Different Sensors and Resolutions
sensor spatial
radiometric temporal -------------------------
------------------------------------- AVHRR
1.1 and 4 KM 4 or 5 bands 10
bit 12 hours 2400 Km
.58-.68, .725-1.1, 3.55-3.93
(0-1023) (1 day, 1 night)
10.3-11.3, 11.5-12.5
(micrometers) Landsat MSS 80 meters
4 bands 6 bit
16 days 185 Km
.5-.6, .6-.7, .7-.8, .8-1.1
(0-63) Landsat TM 30 meters 7
bands 8 bit 14
days 185 Km .45-.52,
.52-.6, .63-.69, (0-255)
.76-.9, 1.55-1.75,
10.4-12.5, 2.08-2.3 um SPOT P
10 meters 1 band
8 bit 26 days
60 Km .51-.73 um
(0-255) (2 out of 5) SPOT X 20
meters 3 bands 8 bit
26 days 60 Km
.5-.59, .61-.68, .79-.89 um (0-255)
(2 out of 5)
61Spatial and Temporal Resolution
As spatial resolution increases, the revisit time
is also increased, as are the applications that
are appropriate and the cost
62Active Remote Sensing Systems
- Passive optical - deals with reflected sunlight
and re-emitted thermal radiation, from the very
short wavelength ultra-violet to the longer
infra-red region - Active systems - a pulse of energy is sent from
the sensor towards the target the energy
reflected back to the sensor is measured and used
to produce images
63Active (Radar) Systems
Data are processed into useful information Origina
lly developed for military purposes
64Active Remote Sensing Systems
- RADAR - Radio Detection and Ranging technology
was developed during WWII to detect enemy
aircraft - Because the system provides its own source of
illumination, it has day-and-night imaging
capability. - The microwave wavelengths used are not blocked by
clouds, hence it can provide all-weather coverage.
65RADAR Imaging Systems
- The strength of reflected energy depends on
- Surface roughness
- Orientation of the terrain
- Electrical properties of the surface material
- Note metal reflects better than soil, wet soil
reflects better than dry soil - Routinely used to map areas with persistent cloud
cover (tropical/sub-tropical regions) - Stereo imaging used to map terrain relief
66Remote Sensing Analysis
- 3 categories measurement, classification
estimation - Measurement Analyses
- Use remotely sensed data to measure features or
phenomena on the earths surface - Surface temperature, elevation from stereo
images, vegetation biomass condition - Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)
comparing vegetation reflectance in the red and
near-infrared bands
67Remote Sensing Analysis
- Classification Analyses
- Identify and map areas with similar
characteristics - Conditions as varied as soil types, crop types,
forest species composition, geologic strata, and
land cover are routinely assessed by visually
interpreting remotely sensed images - Digital image processing provides an automated
classification method to complement the results
of visual interpretation to classify large
volumes of data at high speed
68Remote Sensing Analysis
- Classification Analyses
- Monitor water quality, assess soil erosion
potential, quantify environmental effects,
monitor urban sprawl post-development
conditions - Estimation Analyses
- Estimates quantity
- Expected crop production for a region, forest
resource inventory - Generally uses a classification of the data
- Accuracy of classification affects estimation
69Remote Sensing Analysis
- Field data collection is an integral part of most
analyses, but field data collection is expensive
and time-consuming - Remotely sensed data can reduce the quantity of
field data and decrease the amount of time needed
to produce the estimate - All analyses must be checked against ground
7012 Steps of Digital Image Processing
1) State the objective of the project 2) Acquire
data 3) Assess data quality 4) Correct the
data 5) Enhance the data 6) Correlate the data
with ancillary data
7112 Steps of Digital Image Processing (Cont.)
7) Select training area 8) Determine the spectral
characteristics of the training area 9) Classify
the data 10) Evaluate the results of the
classification 11) Refine training areas and
classifications if necessary 12) Communicate the
72Digital Image Processing
- Our eyes actually do image processing, analyzing
shape, size, pattern, shadow, tone/color, texture
and context - Computerized image processing let's us see beyond
the limits of our eyes, integrating spectral
channels, dividing them by one another, etc. - But remember, the computer can't think (a
positive and a negative attribute) - The human eye can recognize same feature under
different illumination levels - best pattern
recognition device
73Change Detection
The ability to monitor change is one of the
benefits of remote sensing We can monitor human
and natural changes in the landscape
74Change detection-Mississippi flood
St Louis, MO (1993)
751988 Yellowstone Fires
76Fire Management
Before After
Yellowstone National Park fires, 1988 Nearly 50
of the park burned Over 321,000 Ha
burned areas in pink
77Remote Sensing Applications
- There are many ways remote sensing is used
- Geostationary weather monitoring
- Cartography and mapping
- Natural resource management
- Disaster management warning - fire,
earthquakes, etc. - New hi-resolution systems are equal to aerial
photos - Data for Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Atmospheric and Marine
78Other Satellite Applications
- Remote sensing of other planets
- Distance learning
- Telecommunications
- Telemedicine
- Global Positioning Systems (Navstar/Glonass)
- Telemetry systems (Argos, Doris)
- Search and Rescue (Cospas/Sarsat)
Cospas-Sarsat is a satellite system designed to
provide distress alert and location data to
assist search and rescue (SAR) operations, using
spacecraft and ground facilities to detect and
locate the signals of distress beacons operating
on 406 Megahertz (MHz) or 121.5 MHz. The
position of the distress and other related
information is forwarded by the responsible
Cospas-Sarsat Mission Control Center (MCC) to the
appropriate SAR authorities. Its objective is to
support all organizations in the world with
responsibility for SAR operations, whether at
sea, in the air or on land.
80ARGOS, ALTIMETRY and DORIS (CLS is responsible,
on behalf of the French space agency CNES, for
the day-to-day operation of the DORIS instruments
in service on SPOT 2, SPOT 4 and TOPEX/POSEIDON.)
An ARGOS transmitter, connected to a tide gauge,
enables continuous in situ measurement of sea
surface height.
DORIS provides reference altimetrydata and
measures verticalcoastal movements. Doris
determines the location of a satellite or ground
location beacon with centimeter accuracy.
Satellite altimetry highlights global sea level