Title: Wendy Riveiro
1Wendy Riveiro
2Customer figures
- April 2008 October 2008
- 63 new referrals
- 47 closed cases
3Shared Equity
30 Home Owners would like to buy to meet their
4Profile Reports
19 Community Profile Reports Completed
- Sheltered Housing
- Larger Families
- Wheelchair accessible
- Hospital Discharge
- Homeless Referrals
6Thank You
- Homepoint
- Housing Associations
- Volunteer Support
7Partnership Working
- Fife Council
- Housing Associations
- Social Work
- Richmond Fellowship
- Bethany Christian Trust
- Scottish Christian Alliance
- Kingdom Support
- Housing Occupational Therapists
- Social Work Occupational Therapists
- Homeless Officers
- Hospital Support Workers
- Hospital Occupational Therapists
Thank You
8Success Stories
9The difference in my life
I have my independence
I have security
I was stuck in my house for 2 years
11Now I have my own tenancy
I was homeless
12Better than any medication I have taken, I feel
wonderful and have never stopped grinning since
we moved, better than winning the lottery
this is better than any medication I have taken,
I feel wonderful and have never stopped grinning
since we moved, better than winning the lottery