Title: CPC Forecasts: Current and Future Methods and Requirements
1CPC Forecasts Current and FutureMethods and
- Ed OLenic
- NOAA-NWS-Climate Prediction Center
- Camp Springs, Maryland
- ed.olenic_at_noaa.gov
- 301-763-8000, ext 7528
- CPC long-lead seasonal outlooks are produced
using, in order of perceived reliability - - ENSO composites, trend, soil moisture and
dynamical models (DMs) and statistical models. - Frequent model changes hamper perceived
reliability of DMs. - Lack of convincing information about model biases
reduces reliability of DM forecasts. - Weather/climate impacts of AO, MJO, PDO are
known. - Prediction of AO, MJO, PDO is not yet possible.
- DMs cannot yet predict subtle differences among
ENSOs. - Stratospheric annular mode (SAM) is a link to AO
prediction. - DMs ability to predict SAM is unknown/doubtful.
- Relationship of Indian Ocean to predictable
signals is unclear. - Relationship of QBO, Southern Hemisphere
mid-latitude circulations to predictable signals
is unclear.
4Climate Prediction Center Forecast System
5Forecast Process Schematic
Recent observations
Historical observations
Dynamical Model Forecasts
Verifications/Statistical tools Downscaling,
Analogs, Composites
Web pages, automated databases
Forecaster-created or automated products
Dissemination to public
COMPOSITES o o o ? o o ? ?
TREND o o o ? ? ? ? ?
COUPLED AGCM o o o ? ? ? ? ?
SOIL MOISTURE SUMMER o o o ? ? ? ? ?
TOOL RELIABILITY o 70-100 o 30-70
o lt 30
7Forecast tools page
8Forecast tools web page
9CMP T Forecasts
10CMP NDJ 2000-01 T Verification
11CCA 0.5 Mo lead NDJ T Outlook
12OCN 0.5 Mo lead NDJ T Outlook
13CMP 0.5 Mo lead NDJ T Outlook
14OFFICIAL NDJ 2001-02 T Outlook
15CMP P Forecasts
16CMP NDJ 2000-01 P Verification
17CCA 0.5 Mo lead NDJ P Outlook
18OCN 0.5 Mo lead NDJ P Outlook
19Official NDJ 2001-02 P Outlook
20Operations Concept for Ocean/Atmosphere Model
- NCEP currently uses dynamical coupled
ocean-atmosphere models in combination with
statistical models to produce seasonal outlooks
with ½ to 5 ½ month leads and, to a lesser
extent, monthly outlooks with ½ month lead.
Enhanced model operations which include increased
numbers of ensemble members, more frequent model
runs and enhanced capability to include the
influence of within-season variations in SST and
OLR will be used to - - Produce more highly resolved distributions of
predicted - variables,
- - Produce forecasts which increasingly and more
appropriately - reflect the influence of intra-seasonal
variability on middle - latitude climate,
- - Produce improved week 2 and monthly outlooks
and develop - and implement new outlook products for
the week 3-4 period. - - Develop and implement new products to predict
seasonal - variations in frequency of extreme events,
primarily during - ENSO.
21Detailed operations concept for ocean-atmosphere
- Currently, coupled dynamical model forecasts are
one of several tools used in - preparing long-range outlooks. NCEPs model is
run to produce one set of - ensemble forecasts per month during the first
week of the month. This is done in a - two-tiered system, in which first, an ensemble of
16 ocean forecasts are created - using a coupled GCM. The average of these is
used as the official SST forecast. - This SST forecast is then used as the lower
boundary for an AGCM to create a set - of 20 atmosphere ensemble members. The forecasts
are run out to 9 months. A - 20-year run of the AGCM is created each month.
The seasonal means from this - run are used as the climatology to create anomaly
maps from each of the - ensemble members. The means of these anomaly
maps are used as the forecast - tools which are presented to the forecasters.
- The forecasters use the NCEP model tools,
together with other model tools to - subjectively create outlook maps of the
probability of monthly and seasonal mean - temperature and total precipitation category.
22El Nino Global Impacts
- CPC long-lead seasonal outlooks are produced
using, in order of perceived reliability - - ENSO composites, trend, soil moisture and
dynamical models (DMs) and statistical models. - Frequent model changes hamper perceived
reliability of DMs. - Lack of convincing information about model biases
reduces perceived reliability of DM forecasts. - Weather/climate impacts of AO, MJO, PDO are
known. - Prediction of AO, MJO, PDO is not yet possible.
- DMs cannot yet predict subtle differences among
ENSOs. - Stratospheric annular mode (SAM) is a link to AO
prediction. - DMs ability to predict SAM is unknown/doubtful.
- Relationship of Indian Ocean to predictable
signals is unclear. - Relationship of QBO, Southern Hemisphere
mid-latitude circulations to predictable signals
is unclear.