Title: VDMA Musterprsentation
11288 Standard - Basic Information
Dr. Emil Ott, PCO AG
3Vendor, Model
- vendor
- warranty, address, website etc.
- model
- identification, selection, comparison
4Type of Data
5Sensor Type
- sensor type
- Hybrid
- other
6Sensor Diagonal Lens Category
graphics from Optical Microscopy Primer
7Resolution Pixel Size
8Readout Type Transfer Type (CCD only)
- readout type
- progressive scan
- interlaced scan
- transfer type
- interline transfer
- frame transfer
- full frame
- frame interline transfer
9Shutter Type (CMOS only)
- shutter type
- rolling shutter
- global shutter
- non shutter
- other
10Overlap Capabilities
- overlap capabilities
- overlapping readout of frame n and exposure of
frame n1 can happen at the same time - non-overlapping readout of frame n and exposure
of frame n1 can only happen sequentially - others defined in the data-sheet
11Frame Rate
_at_full frame
Maximum frame rate at the given operation point
(no change of settings permitted).
12General Conventions
- general conventions
- conditions, which are all the same for all or
many measurements (e.g. wavelength, which has
been used for measurements) - conventions, which are all the same for all or
many measurements (to be specified)
13Definition used for Typical Data
number of samples, sample selection, tolerances,
interface types, camRAM, etc...
- The basic information data are a minimum
requirement to compare image sensors and camera
systems. They should enable a pre-selection for
products, which are subsequently compared in more
detail. - The more detailed comparison with 1288 data is
explained in the next presentation...
Thank you for your attention!