How long does the river remember...? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How long does the river remember...?


The price of an asset determined in an efficient market should follow a ... Diebold, F. X., and A. Inoue (2001), 'Long memory and regime switching', Journal ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: How long does the river remember...?

Academy of Economic Studies Doctoral School of
Finance and Banking- DOFIN
Exploring Dual Long Memory in Returns and
Volatility across the Central and Eastern
European stock markets
Msc. Student Mihaela Sandu Supervisor
PhD.Professor Moisa Altar
Bucharest, July 2009
Dissertation paper outline
  • Importance of long memory
  • Aims of the paper
  • Data Methodology
  • Nonparametric semiparametric aproaches
  • Parametric approach ARFIMA / FIGARCH
  • Structural breaks
  • The joint ARFIMA-FIGARCH model
  • Model distributions
  • Empirical results
  • Conclusions and further improvements
  • References

Long memory
  • Contradicts the EMH weak-form by allowing
    investors and portfolio managers to make
    prediction and to construct speculative
  • The price of an asset determined in an efficient
    market should follow a martingale process in
    which each price change is unaffected by its
    predecessor and has no memory . Pricing
    derivative securities with martingale methods may
    not be appropriate if the underlying continuous
    stochastic processes exhibit long memory
  • Implications to assest allocation decisions and
    risk management

Aims of the paper
  • To ivestigate the presence of long memory in
    stock returns via non-, semi- and parametric
  • To distinguish between long memory and structural
    breaks within return series
  • To found evidences of dual long memory processes
    within CEE emerging stock markets

Short vs. Long memory processes
The Data
  • Six indices representing five CEE emerging stock
    markets BET, BET-FI, SOFIX, BUX, WIG, PX
  • Daily closing stock prices transformed into
    continuously compounded returns
  • The estimations and tests were performed in R
    version 2.9.0.
  • For estimating ARFIMA-FIGARCH model, the Ox
    Console version 5.10, together with the G_at_rch
    Console 4.2 were used.

  • Unit root tests
  • ADF
  • KPSS statistic
  • Rescaled range statistic
  • Wavelet based estimator
  • Log-periodogram estimator (GPH)
  • ARFIMA model

  • FIGARCH model
  • Model distributions
  • Pearson goodness-of-fit test

Empirical results
  • Unit root tests
  • For all indices we can reject the null of a I(1)
    process, as well as the null of I(0) process

  • Nonparametric and semiparametric estimates
  • For most of the indices, the estimates indicate
    the presence of long memory in returns, squared
    and absolute returns
  • In case of SOFIX, the estimate of H using R/S
    and wavelet analysis indicate no long memory in
    return series.

  • Parametric estimates - ARFIMA model

Following Cheung(1993), we estimate different
specifications of the ARFIMA (p, ?, q) with
p,q02 for each return series. The Akaikes
information Criterion (AIC), is used to choose
the best model that describes the data.
Ln(L) is the value of the maximized Gaussian
Likelihood AIC is the Akaike information
criteria the Q(20) is the Ljung-Box test
statistic with 20 degrees of freedom based on the
standardized residuals
  • Parametric estimates - ARFIMA model
  • the long memory parameter ? significantly
    differs from zero for all return series (for WIG
    at 5 level of significance)
  • the results seem to confirm the idea that long
    memory is a property of emerging markets rather
    than developed markets.
  • the standardized residuals display skewness and
    excess kurtosis, the departure from normality
    beeing also confirmed by the J-B statistic
  • Q-statistic indicate that the residuals are not
    independent, except for BET-FI and WIG , for
    which we cannot reject the null of independent

  • Testing for structural breaks

We use the Supremum F test proposed by Andrews
and the methodology of Bai and Perron for
detecting structural breaks in return series
  • for BET, BET-FI, SOFIX and WIG the breakpoint
    corespond to the historical maximum value of the
  • For BUX, the F statistic indicate that the null
    hypothesis of no structural break cannot be
  • we further split the sample in two subsamples
    depending on the breakdate, and we reestimate all
    the procedures for each subsample

  • Subsamples technique non and semiparametric

For most of the series, the subsamples appear to
keep the full sample properties For SOFIX
although the Hurst exponent is still below 0.5
for each subsample , indicating no long memory
properties, the log-periodogram estimate indicate
a significant value for ? on the second
subsample. We therefore examine the ARFIMA
estimates on each subsample in order to conclude
upon the reliability of the initially findings.
  • Subsamples technique ARFIMA estimates

For BET, BET-FI and PX the estimate of fractional
parameter is significant for both subsamples In
case of SOFIX and WIG it can be clearly observed
that the long memory patterns of the full sample
are based in fact only on the second subsample,
after the structural break
ARFIMA-FIGARCH for the Romanian stock market
  • the sum of the estimates of a1 and ß1 in the
    ARFIMAGARCH model is very close to one,
    indicating that the volatility process is highly
  • the estimates of ß1 in the GARCH model are very
    high, suggesting a strong autoregressive
    component in the conditional variance process
  • in the ARFIMAFIGARCH model, the estimates of
    both long memory parameters ? and d are
    significantly different from zero
  • the results indicate that the ß1 estimates are
    lower in the FIGARCH than those of in the GARCH
  • according to the AIC, the FIGARCH models fit the
    return series better than the GARCH models
  • P(60) test statistics reconfirm the relevance of
    skewed Student-t

ARFIMA-FIGARCH estimates for PX and BUX
FIGARCH estimates for WIG and SOFIX
Conclusions and further improvements
  • The tests and estimated models show evidence of
    dual long memory in Romanian, Czech Republic and
    Hungarian stock markets, while Bulgarian and
    Polands markets show evidence of long memory in
  • The results support the idea that the detection
    of long memory properties in emerging markes is
    more likely than in developed markets, having
    implications in portfolio diversification,
    speculative strategies and risk management.
  • However, one should use various methods and
    techniques when investingating the presence of
    long memory, due to the sensitivity of the
    results to the selected estimation method.
  • Structural breaks and regime shifts can
    significantly affect the results. Therefore, one
    should use such techniques designed to account
    for these processes which could induce to a short
    memory process similar patterns with a long
    memory process.
  • Further research could be conducted using the
    models developed by Baillie and Morana
    (2007,2009), namely Adaptive-FIGARCH and
    Adaptive-ARFIMA, and their generalisation for
    dual long memory processes, the
    A2-ARFIMA-FIGARCH model, beeing designed to take
    into account for both long memory and structural
    change in the conditional mean and variance.

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