Title: Community Discovery in New Chaplino, Chukotka
1Community Discovery in New Chaplino, Chukotka
UAF Department of Alaska Native and Rural
Development U. S. Department of Interior -
National Park Service UAA American Russian
Center Providensky Borough, Chukotka
2Issues and Skills Developed
- Conducted real world facilitation using the
Healthy Community concepts. - Working with a group of unfamiliar people towards
a successful outcome. - Cultural sensitivity in community based research.
3Community Planning Effort Held in New Chaplino,
- Introduction and confirmation of protocols
- Community web concept and sacred values
- Identify changes occurring to community
- Identify problems within the community
- Identify community strengths and resources
- Formulate community action plans
4Introduction and acceptance
5- Introduction
- Ground Rules
- Planning Successes in Alaska Communities
- Web Exercise Ice Breaker
- Community Approval
- Social Time
- Sacred Values of the Community
- What is your favorite thing to do?
- Where is your favorite place to go?
- Why do you live here?
- What holds the community together?
- Closing activity New Chaplino, my Native
village is
6Community Change
7- Second Meeting
- Recap of previous meeting
- Introduction to concept of change and examples
- Understanding change is important to surviving it
- Change from outside forces can be damaging
- Exercises
- What changes have you seen in your lifetime?
- There are less fish
- The climate is warmer
- People speak the Native language less
- Community Visioning
- Drumhead/Medicine Wheel Analogy
- Closing Activity and Recap
8Community Barriers Assets
9- Third Meeting Barriers
- Recap of last meeting
- Exercise to list barriers to reaching community
vision - Lack of self-confidence
- Alcoholism
- Bureaucracy
- Ranking of significant barriers
- Potential for divisiveness
- Community Assets
- Exercise to identify examples of social, physical
and spiritual resources that could be present in
a community - There are people who preserve their culture,
language, and traditions - There are experienced marine mammal hunters
- There are good, enthusiastic teachers
10Community Action Plans
11Eradication of Alcohol Dependence
- Develop program to propagate a healthy way of
life and adult alcohol education in the village - Train one villager to work with alcohol dependent
people for a permanent job in the village - Invite psychologists for work with those
suffering alcoholic dependence and their families - Introduction of lessons in living in a healthy
way at school and kindergarten - Introduction of the laws regulating behavior in
public places and conducting preventive work
within the population
12Preserving Traditional Knowledge
- Teaching native children the Eskimo language
- Teaching adults the Eskimo language
- Tutorship of young people by elders (Elders
Council) - Learning of Eskimo language in pairs speaking
person - not speaking - Creation of a village museum
- Training children in ivory carving
- Dog breeding
- Conducting traditional dances and songs
13Community Education
- Increase support to teachers
- Promote cultural and education exchange between
Chukotka and Alaska - Have children visit Alaska to speak on Eskimo
language - Cooperation of school in New Chaplino and schools
in Alaska - Teach children at school the traditional national
crafts - Get parents be involved to school activities
14Lessons Learned
- Obtain a Russian phrase book
- Obtain a permit for the satellite phone prior to
departing to Russia - Insure the study group has a dedicated translator
- There needs to better surveillance of the
community - Define a single purpose of visit
- Conduct a pre-trip seminar with students and
review group facilitation of the Healthy
Community Process
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