Title: Poster Session XI
1 Poster Session XI
Poster Session XII
Poster Session XIII
2Poster Session XI
- Important practical benefits (XI. 1)
- the optical signal is immune to electromagnetic
interference, - ambient conditions of pressure and temperature,
- (2) pulse-delivery is not dependent on materials
that might - degrade over time.
3Poster Session XII
(5 Computational, 12 Experimental)
Elastic properties of CNTs as a function of -
length, outer / inner tube diameter (1),
chirality (11), interaction with substrate
(13) - coiled NTs (14, 16) - precursors used
in the synthesis (4, 16) - MoS2 NTs (3), BN
nanowires (10), polypryrrole NTs (12)
4Poster Session XII
How mechanical properties influence electronic
properties? (2) Current induced bends, repairing
structural defects (5,6) Selective removal of
individual CNTs from a high density CNT network
(7) Cantilevers zeptogram (8), attogram (14)
mass detection Suspended tubes - evidence for
phonon-assisted tunneling (15) - thermal
effects on optical transition energies E22
(17) Anisotropic heat transfer by CNTs (9)
5Methods for Measuring Bending Modulus
7XII. 5
9Poster Session XIII
(6 Computational, 4 Experimental)
Atomic Structure of NTs - Identical
chiralities in a single DWNT inside a DWNT
bundle (1) - Effect of HTT on the interlayer
spacing between adjacent graphene layers
inside a MWNT (3) - Computed powder diffraction
pattern for Haekelelite CNTs (4,5)
10Poster Session XIII
(6 Computational, 4 Experimental)
Atomic Structure of NTs - Controlled point
defects and its mobility (6) - Correct
description of molecular interactions in peapods
(7) - Near Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure
(NEXAFS) for determining the dopant
concentration (9) - Peierls distortion in
small diameter tubes (2, 8, 10)
12XIII. 2
13XIII.10 Kohn Anomalies and Temperature
Dependent Peierls Distortions in Nanotubes S.
Piscanec, M. Lazzeri, F. Mauri, A. C. Ferrari, J.
Kohn Anomalies
- Efficient DFT calculation of phonon dispersion
of large diameter nanotubes - Study of Kohn anomalies, Peierls distortion and
LO-TO splitting in metallic tubes - Peierls Distortion temperature exponentially
depends on diameter, and is negligible for tubes
normally used in experiments (ltlt1K)