Title: 5' Naval Materials
15. Naval Materials
- Definition
- - normal load, shear load
- - tension, compression
- - stress, strain
- Stress and Strain Diagram
- Material Characteristics
- - ductility
- - brittleness
- - toughness
- - transition temperature
- - endurance limit
25.1 Classifying Load
- Normal Load (Axial load) Load is perpendicular
to the - supporting material.
- - Tension Load As the ends of material
are pulled apart - to make the material longer, the load
is called a tension - load.
- - Compression Load As the ends of
material are pushed in - to make the material smaller, the
load is called - a compression load.
35.1 Classifying Load (cont)
- Shear Load Tangential load
pulling apart
4 5.2 Stress and Strain
In order to compare materials, we must have
- Stress load per unit Area
F load applied in pounds A cross sectional
area in in² stress in psi
5 5.2 Stress and Strain (cont)
- Strain
- - Ratio of elongation of a material to the
original length - - unit deformation
e elongation (ft) Lo unloaded(original)
length of a material (ft) strain (ft/ft)
or (in/in)
L loaded length of a material (ft)
6Baldwin Hydraulic Machine for Tension
Compression test
7 5.3 Stress-Strain Diagram
- A plot of Strain vs. Stress.
- The diagram gives us the behavior of the material
and - material properties.
- Each material produces a different stress-strain
- diagram.
85.3 Stress-Strain Diagram
ultimate tensile strength
Strain Hardening
yield strength
Elastic region slopeYoungs(elastic) modulus
yield strength Plastic region ultimate tensile
strength strain hardening fracture
Plastic Region
Stress (F/A)
Elastic Region
Strain ( ) (e/Lo)
9A36 Steel
Stress and Strain Diagram
10 5.3 Stress-Strain Diagram (cont)
- Elastic Region (Point 1 2)
- - The material will return to its original
shape - after the material is unloaded( like a
rubber band). - - The stress is linearly proportional to the
strain in - this region.
Stress(psi) E Elastic modulus (Youngs
Modulus) (psi) Strain (in/in)
- Point 2 Yield Strength a point at which
permanent - deformation occurs. ( If it is passed, the
material will - no longer return to its original length.)
11 5.3 Stress-Strain Diagram (cont)
- Plastic Region (Point 2 3)
- - If the material is loaded beyond the yield
strength, - the material will not return to its
original shape - after unloading.
- - It will have some permanent deformation.
- - If the material is unloaded at Point 3, the
curve will - proceed from Point 3 to Point 4. The slope
will be - the as the slope between Point 1 and 2.
- - The distance between Point 1 and 4
indicates the - amount of permanent deformation.
12 5.3 Stress-Strain Diagram (cont)
- Strain Hardening
- - If the material is loaded again from Point
4, the - curve will follow back to Point 3 with the
same - Elastic Modulus(slope).
- - The material now has a higher yield
strength of - Point 4.
- - Raising the yield strength by permanently
straining - the material is called Strain Hardening.
13 5.3 Stress-Strain Diagram (cont)
- Tensile Strength (Point 3)
- - The largest value of stress on the diagram
is called - Tensile Strength(TS) or Ultimate Tensile
Strength - (UTS)
- - It is the maximum stress which the material
can - support without breaking.
- Fracture (Point 5)
- - If the material is stretched beyond Point 3,
the stress - decreases as necking and non-uniform
deformation - occur.
- - Fracture will finally occur at Point 5.
14Example 1. Mooring line length 100 ft
diameter1.0 in Axial loading
applied25,000 lb Elongation due to loading1.0
mooring line
1) Find the normal stress.
2) Strain?
15Example 2. - Salvage crane is lifting an object
of 20,000 lb. - Characteristics of the cable
diameter1.0 in, length prior to lifting 50 ft
1) Normal stress in the cable?
2) Strain?
163) Determine the cable stretch in inches.
17 5.4 Material Properties
Characteristics of Material are described as
- Strength
- Hardness
- Ductility
- Brittleness
- Toughness
18 5.4 Material Properties
- Strength
- - Measure of the material property to resist
deformation - and to maintain its shape
- - It is quantified in terms of yield stress
or ultimate tensile - strength.
- - High carbon steels and metal alloys have
higher strength - than pure metals.
- - Ceramic also exhibit high strength
19 5.4 Material Properties
2) Hardness - Measure of the material
property to resist indentation, abrasion
and wear. - It is quantified by hardness
scale such as Rockwell and Brinell
hardness scale. - Hardness and Strength
correlate well because both properties are
related to in-molecular bonding.
20 5.4 Material Properties
3) Ductility - Measure of the material
property to deform before failure. - It is
quantified by reading the value of strain at the
fracture point on the stress strain curve.
- Example of ductile material low
carbon steel aluminum bubble gum
21 5.4 Material Properties
4) Brittleness - Measure of the materials
inability to deform before failure. - The
opposite of ductility. - Example of ductile
material glass, high carbon steel,
22 5.4 Material Properties
5) Toughness - Measure of the material
ability to absorb energy. - It is measured by
two methods. a) Integration of stress
strain curve - Slow absorption of energy
- Absorbed energy per unit volume
unit (lb/in²) (in/in) lbin/in³
b) Charpy test - Impact toughness can
be measured.
23 5.4 Material Properties
- Charpy V-Notch Test
24 5.4 Material Properties
- Charpy V-Notch Test (continued)
- - The potential energy of the pendulum before
and after - impact can be calculated form the initial
and final location - of the pendulum.
- - The potential energy difference is the
energy it took to - break the material. ? absorbed during the
impact. - - Charpy test is an impact toughness
measurement test - because the energy is absorbed by the
specimen very - rapidly.
- - Purpose to evaluate the impact toughness
as a function of - temperature
25 5.4 Material Properties
- Charpy V-Notch Test (continued)
Ductile Behavior
Charpy Toughness(lbin)
Brittle Behavior
Transition Temperature
Temperature (F)
26 5.4 Material Properties
- Charpy V-Notch Test (continued)
- At low temperature, where the material is
brittle and - not strong, little energy is required to
fracture the material. - At high temperature, where the material is more
ductile - and stronger, greater energy is required to
fracture the - material
- The transition temperature is the boundary
between brittle - and ductile behavior.
- The transition temperature is an extremely
important - parameter in selection of construction
27Charpy Test
High Carbon Steel
Stainless Steel
28 5.4 Material Properties
6) Fatigue
- The repeated application of stress typically
produced by - an oscillating load such as vibration.
- Sources of ship vibration are engine, propeller
and waves.
Endurance Limit A certain threshold stress
which will not cause the fatigue failure for
the number of cycles.
Stress (psi)
Aluminum has no endurance limit
Cycles N at Fatigue Failure
29Evaluation of fatigue curve
Stress (x10³) psi
Number of cycles
- Endurance limit of each material - Case 1)
stress level 30x103 psi, max cycles104 - Case
2) stress level 30x103 psi, max cycles106 -
Case 3) stress level 30x103 psi, max cycles106
- Case 4) stress level 50x103 psi, max
30 5.4 Material Properties
Factors effecting Material Properties
- Temperature
- Increasing temperature will decrease
- - Modulus of Elasticity
- - Yield Strength
- - Tensile Strength
- Decreasing temperature will
- - Increase ductility
- - Reduce brittleness
- Environment
- - Sulfites, Chlorine, Oxygen in water,
31 5.5 Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)
- NDT Inspections for material defects
- External Inspection Technique
- - Visual Test (VT)
- - Dye Penetrant Test (PT)
- - Magnetic Particle Test (MT)
- Internal Inspection Technique
- - Radiographic Test (RT)
- - Ultrasonic Test (UT)
- - Eddy Current test
- - Hydrostatic Test
32Visual Testing (VT)
- Can be used to examine only the
surface of a material. - Should be done during
the all phases of maintenance (QAI). - Can be
performed quickly and easily and at no virtually
cost. - Often performed under some
magnification to locate defects. - Sometimes
photographs are needed for a permanent record.
33Dye Penetrant Test (PT)
- Can be used for location and identification
of only surface defects cracks, seams,
laps, laminations or porosity - Uses dyes
to make surface flaws visible to naked eye. -
Can be used as a field inspection for glass,
metal, castings, forgings and welds. -
Simple and inexpensive
34 Dye Penetrant Test (PT) (contd.)
35 Magnetic Particle Test (MT)
- Method that can be used to find surface and near
surface flaws - in ferromagnetic materials such as steel and
iron. - The technique uses the principle that magnetic
fields (flux) will - be distorted by the presence of a flaw.
36 Radiographic Test (RT)
- The x-ray (gamma) rays are used. - The rays
pass through the material and exposes film. -
RT requires trained technicians. - RT may have
large effect on ship access and watchstanding.
The picture shows the integrity of welding for
the 2.5mm thick steel plate
37 (Ultrasonic Test UT)
- UT uses high frequency sound waves to detect
flaws, - measure material thickness, or level in a tank
or vessel. - Can be used on all metals and nonmetals.
- Excellent technique for detecting deep flaws in
tubing, rods, adhesive-joined joints. - It is used on aircraft to detect cracks in
38 39 Eddy Current Test
- Involves the creation of a magnetic field in a
specimen and - reading the field variations on an
oscilloscope. - Can only be used on conductive materials and is
only good for - limited penetration depth.
- Used for measurement of wall thickness, cracks
of tubes, wire, - or ball bearings.
40 Elliptical Crack
41Hydrostatic Tests
- System being tested is isolated and pressurized
by a pump. - System is inspected for leaks at welds, valve
bodies, valve seats, etc. - Automatic and manual pressure reliefs are used to
prevent overpressurizing system beyond desired
test pressure.
42Hydrostatic Test Pump