Title: Team Rush Mission
1Team Rush Mission
Team Rush is committed to improving and
fortifying math and science education while
offering its team members an opportunity to
develop a fundamental understanding of respect,
team unity, competitive spirit, and the gracious
professionalism that is the heart of every
successful venture. Team Rush has an
uncompromised focus on positive moral values, and
uses that focus to reach out to its community,
create world-class design process, mold future
leaders, build competitive robots, and most
importantlyhave fun!
2Team Rush History
- 1996
- Several OSMTech students joint the Brandon High
School Robotics Team - Odyssey of the Mind competitions discontinued
- Sponsored by 3-Dimensional Services
- Anthony first year
- 1997
- OSMTech starts a FIRST Team
- Sponsored by Budd Company
- RUSH acronym is created by Zach Wheeler
respect, unity, spirit, heart - Use old fruit loops logo
- First appearance of jim holmes..budd company
employee - Builds a fantastic robot, has lights in
interiorwins Motorola quality award in Chicago
at Medieval Times - Create passive arm design
- Brandon robot becomes sponsored by Lear -
Learhawk - 1998
- lose sponsor
- build robot at small machine shop, Denovo
- for simplicity, replicate their previous years
arm. - Compete at a high level despite lack of sponsors