Title: Purchasing Principles
1Purchasing Principles
- North Georgia
- College State University
- Office of Materials Management
2Purchasing Methods
- P-card
- Used for small dollar purchases, office
supplies, items on contract and registration
fees. - Paper Check Request
- Used for reimbursements, invoices
non-employee travel 100.00 or less. - ePro Requisition
- All other purchases
- Expense Request
- Employee travel reimbursement
- WEX Fuel Card
- Used for fuel purchase (State Owned
vehicles only)
3Types of Purchases
- Sole Brand-Normally used to match existing
equipment. - Sole Source-No other sources are available. (Must
be posted for five days on the GPR) - Open Market-Purchase made in the open market.
- Emergency-Used when possible loss of life or
property. (Notify Materials Mgt.) - Intergovernmental- Purchase agreement from one
state agency to another. - Mandatory Source-Georgia Correctional Institute
and Georgia Enterprise. - Contract-Agency or State Wide Contract.
4Check Surplus/Excess Property
- This is the first step in the purchasing process.
- Requester should check for Surplus Excess
Property availability prior to making any
purchase request. - There may be used property or equipment available
at no cost or minimal cost through State Surplus
channels. - Contact Materials Management at x1940 for more
5Mandatory Sources
- Mandatory sources must be checked prior to
seeking out any other vendors. - If the service or item is available through one
of these sources, the purchase to the mandatory
vendor is required. - Exception can only be granted through the Office
of Materials Management and D.O.A.S. Process
6Mandatory Sources
- State Wide Contracts
- Contracts which have been competitively bid
through the State Purchasing Division (SPD). - Contract number, NIGP number, expiration
dates and payment terms/discounts are required on
the Purchase Order. - These contract may be viewed on the Georgia
Procurement Registry located at - http//ssl.doas.state.ga.us/PRSapp/PR_StateWide_co
ntract_menu.jsp - or the Materials Management Web Site located at
- http//www.ngcsu.edu/Bus_Fin/MatMgt/Purchasing/pur
7Mandatory Source
- Agency Contracts
- Contracts that have been competitively bid by
NGCSU. - Contract is for one year with the possibility
of four renewals. - Contract number, NIGP Number and expiration
date must be referenced on the request or p-card
summary. -
- These contract can be view at
- http//www.ngcsu.edu/Bus_Fin/MatMgt/Purchasing/pur
8Mandatory Sources
- Georgia Correction Institution (GCI)
- State agencies are required by statute to
purchase certain products and services from
Georgia Correctional Industries (GCI) and Georgia
Enterprises where the products being purchased
have been certified in writing. In the case of
GCI, the Commissioner of Corrections must certify
the products. The State Use Council must certify
products for Georgia Enterprises. Products and
Services not certified are not mandatory
purchases under the Official Code of Georgia. - Primarily Furniture
9Purchasing Thresholds
- All purchases 5000.00 and over, not available
through a mandatory source, must be competitively
bid. - Public works projects 10,000 and over
- Requisitions requiring competitive bid should be
submitted well in advance to allow time for
preparation of solicitation documents and the bid
10Purchase Request
- Submitted through the eProcurement Module.
- Users require set-up prior to use.
- Requires self service login/password.
- Basic instruction available on the MM Website for
Creation, manager approvals Delegating approval
11Create an ePro Request
- Follow Business Process EP.020.500
- Category Code (NIGP) applies to the product or
service. (Reference contract if applicable) - Select vendor from database. If the vendor is not
available, identify vendor in the suggested
vendor location. (Allow more time for processing) - If in contact with vendor, request W-9
12ePro Request Cont
- Line description should be clear and concise.
- Attach documentation to the ePro Requisition or
send in the mail to Materials Mgmt. Documents
that support the purchase includes - Quotes
- Invoices for contracted items
- Food Justification Form
- Sole Source/Sole Brand Forms
- W-9 Form
13AdHoc Approval Requirements
- Technology Purchases
- Software-Jim Webb
- Audio/ Visual-Eric Nelken
- Hardware-Steve McLeod
- Physical Plant Items (Installations, electrical,
construction etc) - Todd Berman
- Publications/Advertisements
- Kate Maine
14Account Information
- Chart of accounts located on the N Drive.
- ePro requires all accounting fields.
- (714110 10500 4012000 16300 11000
153) -
- (714110 10500 4012000 16300
11000 153) -
- (714110 10500 4012000 16300
11000 153) -
- (714110 10500 4012000 16300
11000 153) -
- (714110 10500 4012000 16300
11000 153) -
- (714110 10500 4012000 16300
11000 153)
Expenditure Account Number (Supplies Materials
Fund Code
Department ID- Indicates routing for Approval
Program (General Admin/Logistical Svc.)
Class (General Operations-Gen.)
Project-Indicates routing for approval work flow
15Purchasing Workflow
Requester Submits ePro Request
Approver Validates Purchase
AdHoc Approval Requester/Approver Generated
Dept ID
Project Number
AdHoc Not Required
Director of Materials Mgt
Work Flow
Budget Error
Budget Check System/MM
Service/ Product Received
Vendor Approval
Requisition Screening Coding
Accounts Payable
Vendor Set-up
PO Distributed
Materials Mgt Buyer
Red indicates Show stoppers
W-9 Returned
Request for W-9
16ePro Approvers
- Approvers are overall responsible to ensure the
purchase is valid state business. - Approvers can view all information through their
work list. - Ability to approve or deny with comments.
- Can delegate temporary approval authority.
17Competitive Bids
- eQuote is the primary tool for solicitations.
- This is an electronic bid system posted the
Georgia Procurement Registry (GPR) - Estimated dollar amounts drives the duration of
posting and number of minority vendors to be
solicited. - All bids must come through eQuote. (No paper
bids) - Ability to add vendors of choice both registered
and non-registered.
18Contracts Agreements
- All contracts and agreements should be review by
Materials Management. - Only the President or the Vice President of
Business Finance can enter into a contract or
an agreement. - Contract or agreement require a indemnification
clause and the ability to cancel.
19Questions 1
- What is the first step in the procurement?
- Create a ePro Requisition
- Check surplus property
- Create a Purchase Order
- None of the above
20Question 2
- What is the best method/preferred method to
purchase small dollar items such as office
supplies? - Purchase Order
- WEX Fuel Card
- Visa Purchasing Card
- All of the above
21Question 3
- Employee Travel Reimbursements should be
processed through . - eProcurement
- Check Request
- Visa Purchasing Card
- Self Service Expense Module
22Question 4
- Sole Source Procurements are only used when the
vendor is the only source available. Prior
research should be conducted to ensure no other
source is available. There is a five day posting
requirement on the GPR prior to the procurement. - True
- False
23Question 5
- All purchases ______ and above must be
competitively bid unless the product or service
is exempt or available from a mandatory source? - 1,000.00
- 2,000.00
- 5,000.00
- 8,000.00
24Question 6
- Requester/approvers should always check _______
prior to selecting a source for their purchase? - State Wide Contract
- Agency Contracts
- Mandatory Sources
- All of the above
25Question 7
- When creating an ePro Requisition and a vendor is
not available in the database the requester
should? - Obtain a W-9 Form to assist in expediting the
request - Allow for more processing time
- Add the vendor in the suggested vendor link
- All of the above
26Question 8
- A requester is creating an ePro Requisition for
some book shelves that require installation that
is not provided by the vendor. The requester
should? - Purchase the necessary tools to install yourself
- Contact Auxiliary Services
- Add Todd Berman as an AdHoc Approver to
coordinate and approve the install. - Contact Materials Management
27Question 9
- Approvers should verify ______ before approving
an ePro Requisition? - Purchase is for official university business
- The account number is appropriate for the type of
purchase - The purchase follows university guidelines
- All of the above
28Question 10
- The President or Vice President of Business
Finance is the only authorized persons to enter
into agreements or contracts? - True
- False