Title: Surface water erosion
1Surface water erosion
- Movement of loose materials on the surface (soil)
by flowing water - Limited to smaller particles (clays to fine
gravels) - Energy for surface water erosion
- Raindrop impact
- Overland flow
- Channeled flow
2Energy for surface water erosion
- Raindrop impact
- Rainfall intensity
- Soil compaction and crusting
- Particle detachment and flow turbulence
- Overland flow (velocity and depth)
- Rainfall excess over infiltration rate
- Rainfall intensity
- Soil properties
- Vegetation cover
- Flow velocities related to
- Slope gradient
- Flow depth (flow volume)
- Surface roughness (vegetation)
3Erosion factors
- Rainfall energy intensity x duration
- Slope gradient
- Slope length / contributing area
- Soil erodibility
- Vegetation cover
- Land use practice conservation measures
4Erosion classes
Gully erosion
No or slight erosion
Sheet erosion
Badland erosion
Sheet rill erosion
River bank erosion
5Wooded landscape near Harare
6Land cleared for cultivation
Compacted soils promote surface runoff
7Different crop types provide different ground
Straw mulch
8Young maize provides a poor ground cover
Mature maize provides better protection
9Almond cultivation in southern Spain promotes
soil erosion
Natural cover of matoral
10Clay soils crack during dry season but swell when
11Rill erosion
KwaZulu Natal
12Coastal Transkei
Hedges shorten hillslope
Low soil erodibility allows cultivation on steep
13Low grazing pressures maintain vegetation cover
in sub-humid area
14Gully erosion in heavily grazed area
Hillslope acts as runoff source
15Landscape in northern Kenya What factors do you
think would promote erosion in this environment?
16Putting it all togetherRelationship between
weathering, hillslope erosion and river load
Mass movements
Sediment clasts - scree
Steep slopes
Moderate slopes
Surface erosion
Dissolved material - solutes
Groundwater flow