Title: Electron Configurations
1Electron Configurations
- How does the Bohr Model of an atom compare to the
Quantum Mechanical Model of an atom?
2What is the wave nature of light?
- Visible light is part of electromagnetic
radiation, a form of wave energy that travels
through empty space in the form of alternating
electric and magnetic fields. - All waves consist of crest and troughs traveling
away from a source at a velocity determined by
the nature of the wave the material through
which the wave passes.
3How are frequency wavelength related?
- Frequency rate of wave vibration is the of
waves that pass a given point per second. - Expressed as Hz 1 Hz 1 wave/sec
- Wavelength determined by frequency velocity,
it is the distance between points on a continuous
wave. - If frequency ? wavelength ?
- If frequency ? wavelength ?
4Answer Questions
- Wave A Wave B
- What wave has the shortest wavelength?
- Which wave has the longest wavelength?
- Which wave has the lowest frequency?
- Which wave has the highest frequency?
- Which wave do you think has the most energy?
5Answer Questions
- Wave A Wave B
- What wave has the shortest wavelength? A
- Which wave has the longest wavelength? B
- Which wave has the lowest frequency? B
- Which wave has the highest frequency? A
- Which wave do you think has the most energy? A
6- 6. Which electromagnetic radiation would cause
the most damage, gamma-rays or radio waves? Why?
7The more light bends the shorter the wavelength.
- Which color of light bends the most?
- Describe its wavelength and frequency.
- Which color of light has the lowest frequency?
- Which color has the longest wavelength?
8The more light bends the shorter the wavelength.
- Which color of light bends the most? Purple
- Describe its wavelength and frequency. Short
Wavelength High Frequency - Which color of light has the lowest frequency?
Red - Which color has the longest wavelength? Red
9Niels Bohr (1913)
- Bohr
- placed p no in the center or nucleus of an
atom - Placed e- in rings around the nucleus
- worked in Rutherfords Lab
e- gets excited
Ground state
e- relax
- A Quantum model of H based on its spectrum.
- Predicted correctly frequencies of the lines H
atomic emission spectrum. - Proposed H atom has certain allowable energy
states - Lowest level ground state
- Gain energy excited states
- H has many different excited states
11Emission Spectrum of H, He, Hg, U
Visible Spectrum ROY G BIV
Hydrogen has 4 colors Red Aqua Blue Violet
- Ground state is the 1st energy level atom
doesnt radiate energy - Add energy from an outside source e- moves to
higher energy level (orbit) to excited states - An atom emits a photon (color of light)
corresponding to the difference between energy
levels of two orbits.
Light (has certain wavelength frequency color)
13Draw the Bohr model of the atom
- The number of protons and neutrons are listed in
the center of the atom - The number of electrons must be determined
- The electrons are placed in concentric rings
around the nucleus - 1 The first ring can only hold 2 electrons
- 2 The next ring can only hold 8 electrons
- 3 The next ring can only hold 8 electrons
- 4 The next ring can only hold 18 electrons
- 5 The next ring can only hold 18 electrons
- 6 The next ring can only hold 32 electrons
- 7 The next ring can only hold 32 electrons
14Bohr Model WS
- Fill in the information and place the correct
amount of e-s in each ring - Fill in the orbitals from the inside (ground
State) out (excited states)
- Failed to explain spectrum of other elements.
- Did not fully account for atoms behavior
- Research shows e- do not move in circular orbits
- Did lay groundwork for other models
16What is the quantum mechanical model for atoms?
- (1924 Louis de Broglie 1892-1987)
- Proposed a model to account for fixed energy
levels of Bohrs Model - Thought that light waves have both wave
particle like behavior. - If waves have particle like behavior could
particles have wavelike behavior?
17Erwin Shrödinger
- Austrian physicist using complex equation,
developed quantum mechanical model (electron
cloud) of the atom - Electrons treated as waves
- Electrons not in circular orbits
- Mathematically predicts probable location of an
18Quantum Mechanical Model
- e- are treated as waves
- limits e- to certain values
- doesnt describe e- path
- 3-dimensional design
- atomic orbital describes e- probable location
e- wiggle as the move around nucleus
19Werner Heisenberg (1901- 1976)
- Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
- Impossible to make any measurement on an object
without disturbing the object, even a little. - States it is fundamentally impossible to know
precisely both the velocity position of a
particle _at_ the same time.
Where is the e-?
20Assign Principle Quantum s (n)
- (n) increases as orbitals become larger
- e- away from nucleus have increased energy
- n principle energy level ground state (PEL)
- Ex n 1 ground state
- H has a n 1-6
21PEL contains
- energy sublevels s,p,d,f according to the shapes
of the atoms orbitals. - s - spherical
- p - dumbbell shaped
- d - f have different shapes
22Energy Levels
- While Bohrs model of an atom is an easy
representation it is not correct. Electrons
exist in energy levels and must be assigned
correctly to determine the valence electrons - There are 4 orbitals each holding a different
number of electrons - s holds 2 electrons
- p holds 6 electrons
- d holds 10 electrons
- f holds 14 electrons
23To determine the electron configuration for any
atom simply look at the periodic table
- Columns Groups Family
- Groups 1 - 2 are s orbitals (He)
- Groups 13 18 are p orbitals
- Groups 3 12 are d orbitals
- Lanthanide and Actinide are f orbitals
24Periodic Table
- Color your periodic table indicating the s, p, d,
f elements - Pp. 161 in book
- s yellow
- p purple
- d blue
- f green
25Fill in WS
- Energy levels are numbered from 1 to 7 and are
where electrons are located. Energy levels can
only hold a certain of electrons. Electrons
fill inner energy levels before they fill outer
energy levels. Electrons in the outer most energy
level determine the behavior of an element.
Another name for these electrons would be valence
electrons. Atoms with full outer shells are
stable or inert. Generally, that means 8
electrons and is called the octet rule. The
exception to this rule is He which has only 2
valence electrons.
- Sublevels are areas within an energy level.
- They are designated by the letters s, p, d, f.
- s holds 2 electrons __
- p holds 6 electrons __ __ __
- d holds 10 electrons __ __ __ __ __
- f holds 14 electrons. __ __ __ __ __ __
27Sublevels per Energy Level
- n 1 1 sublevel 1s
- n 2 2 sublevels 2s 2p
- n 3 3 sublevels 3s 3p 3d
- n 4 4 sublevels 4s 4p 4d 4f
- n 5-7 are the same as the 4th energy level
28Electron Configuration
- A method of keeping track of how many electrons
are located at each energy level and which
sublevel they are in. The number represents the
energy level. The letter represents the sublevel.
The superscript represents how many electrons are
located at a certain place.
29- The period (row number on PT) is important in
determining the energy level - To write an electron configuration you must write
all the electrons in the atom - Energy level?1s2 superscript (number of
electrons) -
- Sublevel
30Aufbau Diagram
- 1s
- 2s 2p
- 3s 3p 3d
- 4s 4p 4d 4f
- 5s 5p 5d 5f
- 6s 6p 6d
- 7s 7p
Energy pathway for electrons
31Aufbau Diagram
- 1s
- 2s 2p
- 3s 3p 3d
- 4s 4p 4d 4f
- 5s 5p 5d 5f
- 6s 6p 6d
- 7s 7p
Notice the pathway goes from 4s to 3d to 4p. This
is b/c the 4s electrons have more energy than the
3d, but less energy than the 4p electrons.
d suborbitals are in 1 energy level less than the
period (row) the element is in. f suborbitals
are in 2 energy levels less than the period (row)
the element is in.
32Electronic Configurations
- The arrangement of electrons in an atom is called
the atoms configuration. - Electrons will arrange themselves in a way that
gives the atom the lowest possible energy. - Energy level?1s2 superscript (number of
electrons) -
- Sublevel
333 rules define how electrons are arranged
- The Aufbau principle states that electrons will
occupy the lowest energy level available - The Pauli exclusion principle Two e- within same
orbit must have opposite spins - Hunds rule single e- with the same spin must
occupy each equal energy orbit before additional
e- with opposite spins can occupy the same
34Practice Electron Configurations
- Fill in arrows to represent electrons
- Follow Aufbau pathway when filling orbitals
- Transfer arrows to other WS and write electron
configuration notation for each atom
35Identify each element
36Identify each element
37Electron ConfigurationExamples
- H 1s1
- He 1s2
- Li 1s2 2s1
- Be 1s2 2s2
- B 1s2 2s2 2p1
- C 1s2 2s2 2p2
- N 1s2 2s2 2p3
- O 1s2 2s2 2p4
- F 1s2 2s2 2p5
- Ne 1s2 2s2 2p6
38Electron ConfigurationExamples
- Na 1s2 2s2 2p63s1
- Mg 1s2 2s2 2p63s2
- Al 1s2 2s2 2p63s23p1
- Si 1s2 2s2 2p63s23p2
- P 1s2 2s2 2p63s23p3
- S 1s2 2s2 2p63s23p4
- Cl 1s2 2s2 2p63s23p5
- Ar 1s2 2s2 2p63s23p6
- K 1s2 2s2 2p63s23p64s1
- Ca 1s2 2s2 2p63s23p64s2
39Electron ConfigurationExamples
- Sc 1s2 2s2 2p63s23p64s23d1
- Ti 1s2 2s2 2p63s23p64s23d2
- V 1s2 2s2 2p63s23p64s23d3
- Cr 1s2 2s2 2p63s23p64s23d4
- Mn 1s2 2s2 2p63s23p64s23d5
- Fe 1s2 2s2 2p63s23p64s23d6
- Co 1s2 2s2 2p63s23p64s23d7
- Ni 1s2 2s2 2p63s23p64s23d8
- Cu 1s2 2s2 2p63s23p64s23d9
- Zn 1s2 2s2 2p63s23p64s23d10
40Electron ConfigurationExamples
- Cs 1s2 2s2 2p63s23p64s23d104p6
- 5s24d105p66s1
- Hg 1s2 2s2 2p63s23p64s23d104p6
- 5s24d105p66s24f145d10
41Noble Gas (Short Hand) Notation of Electron
- Find the noble gas in the row above the element
you need to write the notation for and put in
brackets __ . - Ex Looking for S (sulfur) the noble gas
would be Neon - SNe
42Noble Gas (Short Hand) Notation of Electron
- 2. Write the notation starting in the period
(row) the element is in. - SNe3s23p4
- Write noble gas notation using these
- elements
- Br, Ag, U, Xe
43What are Valence Electrons?
- e-s that determine chemical properties of an
element - These e- are in the outermost orbitals usually
the highest principle energy level
44How are valence e- determined
- Find which group (column) element is in and that
is how many valence electrons the element has. - Works for groups
- 1-2 (He has only 2 ve-) 13-18
45How are valence e- determined from electron
- SNe 3s2 3p4 (6 e- in outermost level)
- CsXe 6s1 (1 e- in outermost level)
46What are Electron Dot or Lewis Structures?(1875-1
- LiHe 1s1 Li 1 ve-
- NeHe 2s2 2p6 Ne 8 ve-
47What are Electron Dot or Lewis Structures?(1875-1
- LiHe 1s1 Li 1 ve-
- NeHe 2s2 2p6 Ne 8 ve-