Title: Interdisciplina en diabetes' Parte II
1- Interdisciplina en diabetes. Parte II
Servicio de Endocrinología , Diabetes y
Nutrición Hospital M.I. San Roque Paraná-Entre
Dra. Angela Figueroa Sobrero Pediatra
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4Figueroa Sobrero A y Gaviola MA. 33º Congreso
Argentino de Pediatría. Mar del Plata 1-4/10/03.
Relación porcentual de las características de las
familias entrevistadas. n 60 Servicio de
Endocrinología, Nutrición y Diabetes. Hospital
M.I.San Roque de Paraná Período 2001-2
5Relación del control metabólico y nº de visitas
según las características de la familia.
Servicio de Endocrinología, Nutrición y Diabetes
-HMISR. Período 2001-2
- Figueroa Sobrero A y Gaviola MA. XVI
Reunión SLEP y IV Congreso SMEP. Cancún. México
6 Figueroa Sobrero A y Gaviola MA. XVI
Reunión SLEP y IV Congreso SMEP. Cancún. México
Reinternaciones por cetoacidosis segun
características de la familia n 12 Servicio de
Endocrinología, Nutrición y Diabetes -HMISR
Período 2001-2
7- Las familias contenedoras presentan niños con
mejor control metabólico y mayor número de
visitas por año a su especialista. - Consideramos a las familias con características
desligadas y endogámicas de mayor riesgo para el
niño DT1.
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Assessment of the Different Educational Variables
Influencing the Metabolic Control in Type I
Diabetic (T1D) Young Patients Figueroa Sobrero
A., Orzuza N., Baraballe E., Laporta A., Basso
P., Walz F., Cernuda J.C., Panzitta S. Hospital
Materno Infantil San Roque - La Paz 435 (3100)
Paraná- Entre Ríos- Argentina
Results Significant association between
glycosylated hemoglobin values and family
functionning style (p0.002), nutrition
(p0.004), diabetic knowledge (p0.002) and
physical activity (p0.005) was observed. P
values were obtained by Chi square. tests. Risk
factor for HbA1C levels higher than 8 were
inadequate family support (OR4), inadequate
nutrition (OR3.5), poor diabetic knowledge
(OR3.95) and poor or lack of physical activity
(OR3). Family functionning style variable was
shown to be more relevant over poor metabolic
control depending on both the calculated Odds
Ratio (OR) and the Classification Tree.
Diabetic education (DE) tends to improve T1D
patients knowledge by teaching them to assume,
integrate, and achieve self-control of the
disease in their everyday life. The length of
educational interventions, contents and
educational styles, among others, vary
extensively, making conclusions difficult to
reach regarding which are the truly successful
components in diabetic education.
Objective The aim of this study was to assess
the different educational variables influencing
the metabolic control in (T1D) patients in order
to improve educational strategies.
Graphyc 1 Classification Tree
Material and methods 84 T1D young patients
aged between 10-19 years, treated at the
Endocrinology, Diabetes and Nutrition Service at
San Roque Hospital in Paraná from 2006 to 2008,
were evaluated by semi structured interviews and
validated tests. The following variables assumed
to influence metabolic control were assessed
diabetic knowledge, physical activity, nutrition,
and family functioning style (Mc Master test).
The metabolic control was estimated by the
glycosylated hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) level. All
the patients received insulin between 0.5-1.5
U/kg/d. To determine if there was any association
between the independent variables and the
metabolic control we used Chi 2 tests.
Conclution Because family functionning style is
the most relevant variable over poor metabolic
control it is advisable not to disregard it,
creating diverse leading actions to generate
different diabetic educational programs. Such
programs are to be applied to patients according
to their characteristics and family group so as
to obtain a better adherence to treatment. The
present results might shed light on the rationale
and design of cost-effective educational programs.
11- La familia es el eje fundamental a partir de la
cual comenzamos la tarea educativa.
Educación diabetológicaAbordaje de los niños y
sus familias
- Es importante para el equipo de salud
interviniente (psicopedagoga, psicóloga,
enfermera, nutricionista, prof. de educación
física y médico) compartir una filosofía en
común para que el abordaje familiar sea efectivo
sin diferir en los contenidos y la forma de
transmitir los mensajes.
13Campamentos educativos para niños y adolescentes
DID Paraná Entre Ríos 1996-2008