Title: Architectural Patterns of Animals
1Part 3
Architectural Patterns of Animals
2Characteristics of Animals
- Kingdom Animalia
- Eukaryotes
- Heterotrophic
- Multicellular
3Table 9.1
4Fig. 9.10
5Fig. 9.11
6Fig. 9.12
7Fig. 8.11a
8Fig. 9.13
9Fig. 9.9a
10Fig. 9.9b
11Fig. 9.14
Metamerism (segmentation) Cephalization
12Fig. 9.1
Copes Law- Increase Size within lines of Descent
with time Advantages?
13Fig. 9.2
14Cost of Transport
15Animal of the Day
16Blue Whale(Balaenoptera musculus)
17Phylum Chordata Class Mammalia
Order Cetacea Family Balaenopteridae
80-90 feet long 20-25 feet across
18The Largest Animal on Earth Ever
Record 174 tons (348,000 lbs.)
19Fun Facts
Feeding Baleen Whale Filter Feeder Feed on
Krill, 1-2 in. shrimp-like critter eat up to 4
tons a day! Endangered from over hunting now
700-1300 individuals Loudest Animal?
20Organization of Metazoan Bodies
Intracellular Extracellular
Organelles Cytoplasm
Interstitial Blood Plasma
21Fig. 9.3
22Fig. 9.4
23Fig. 9.5
24Fig. 9.6c
25Haversian System
26Tendon Dense Connective Tissue Collagen
Fibers High Tensile Strength
27Skeletal Muscle
28- Cardiac Muscle
- striated
- mononuclear
- branched fiber
- intercalated disc
29- Smooth Muscle
- Non-striated
- Spindle Shape
- Mononuclear
30Fig. 9.8