The Gendered Order of Caring: Care Commanders and Care Footsoldiers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Gendered Order of Caring: Care Commanders and Care Footsoldiers


Presentation to the National Women's Council of Ireland, ... systematically throughout society (institutionalised sexism in state and other ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Gendered Order of Caring: Care Commanders and Care Footsoldiers

The Gendered Order of CaringCare Commanders and
Care Footsoldiers
  • Presentation to the National Womens Council of
  • European Year of Equal Opportunities November
    20th 2007, Dublin

Unpaid Carers of adults and persons with a
disability (Census 2006) 4.8 are carers
  • 2006 Census
  • Women comprise 62 of such carers
  • 5.9 of women over 15 years are carers of this
  • Source Vol. 11, 2006 Census, Carers Section,
  • 2006 Census
  • Men comprise
  • 38 of such carers
  • 3.6 of men are carers of this kind
  • Source Vol. 11, 2006 Census, Carers Section,

Patriarchy in numbersMaking care invisible by
not measuring all of it
  • Within the Census, care is defined as being given
    by persons aged 15 years and over who provide
    regular unpaid personal help for a friend or
    family member with a long-term illness, health
    problem or disability (including problems due to
    age) (CSO, 2007 63)
  • This fails to count the largest body of unpaid
    care workers in the State Carers of children
    and those who are carers of adults children
  • Women are almost 2.5 times as likely to be the
    carers of children compared with men

All types of Carers aged 16 (almost 1.2
million)(2001) European Community Household
Panel Survey (ECHP)
  • Type of Care Female Male Total Total

  • Pop. Carer

  • Care of children only 34.0 14.0 24.0 85.0
  • Care of persons due to
  • Illness, age or disability 3.0 2.0 2.0
  • Care of Children adults 3.0 0.0 2.0 7.0
  • No Care responsibility 60.0 84.0
    72.0 N/A
  • Total 100.0 100.0 100.0

Hours spent caring
  • The modal or most typical hours of work for women
    carers is 61 hours per week (40 do these hours)
  • The modal or most typical hours of work for men
    carers is 14-28 hours per week (40 do these
  • Only 6 of men do 61 hours caring compared with
    40 of women
  • 40 or four out of every ten women believe that
    their care work and lack of care supports
    prevents them doing the amount and kind of paid
    care work they would like to do just 8 of men
    think this (ECHP, 2001)
  • (Irish Census only measures hours at caring to a
    Max. of 43 hours thereby underestimating long
    hours at care work)

The Economic Costs of Unpaid Caring for women
  • Income differentials In 2004 the average income
    for all women aged 15-84 was 19,512 while it
    was 29,691 men when you control for hours in
    paid work womens pay is 86 of mens in 2004
  • BUT Ways of measuring gender income differentials
    underestimate levels of gender inequality as
    women own far less wealth land/capital/property
    than men e.g. almost 90 of farmers are men
  • The average income of women aged 55-65 is only
    53 of mens
  • In 2005 52.5 of women in employment (aged 20-69)
    had no pension provision other than the state
    pension (and neither did 45.6 of men)
  • Women in Ireland have the highest risk of poverty
    of all women in the 27 EU countries (Table 1.14)
    and men have the 3rd highest risk CSO, 2006 19)
  • 23 of Irish women are at risk of poverty
    compared with 12 in the Netherlands 9 in the
    Czech Republic and 17 in Latvia which is one of
    the poorest EU countries
  • (Source CSO, Women and Men in Ireland Report
    2006) Irelands low Social expenditure on
    welfare, health and education is a major equality

Are Social Expenditures a way of compensating for
inequalities in wealth in Ireland? No
  • Country Total Social Expenditure on
    Education on Health
  • as a of GDP as a of GDP as a of GDP
  • Sweden 49.4 7.7 9.2
  • France 45.7 5.8 9.7
  • Netherlands 27.6 5.1 9.1
  • UK 26.4 5.3 7.7
  • Slovenia 25.3 6.1 8.2
  • Czech Repub. 20.2 4.4 7.1
  • Ireland 15.9 4.3 7.3
  • Lithuania 14.1 5.9 5.7
  • Social Expenditures have decreased from 1994
    (19.7 of GDP) to 2006 (15.9)
  • Source Tables, 4.1 and 4,2, Central Statistics
    Office (CSO) Measuring Irelands Progress, 2006.
    accessed at October 12th 2007

Inequality in Love and Care in the doing of
care and love work gender issues
  • Womens exploitation as carers is the principal
    form of exploitation that applies specifically to
    them as women
  • Most care labour is unpaid so women suffer a
    direct material loss in both the short and long
    term the doing of care work leaves others
    (mostly men) free to advance their material and
    social status and enjoy more leisure
  • Rich and powerful (decision-makers) can claim
    immunity from care responsibilities they are
    Care Commanders being a leader or manager is
    almost synonymous with being a care commander
  • Women are Cares Foot soldiers they do the
    everyday work of care it is assumed that it
    comes naturally

How do we understand the subordinate status of
women? The impact of Conceptions of Citizenship
  • Liberal, Social democratic view prevails within
    the EU citizen is as person with a range of
    rights, civil, political, social and economic
    rights employed persons are best protected.
  • The adult citizen is defined as an autonomous
    person (employed worker of a particular
  • It ignores community voluntary work, care work
    and love work generally work that is not for
  • Traditionally citizenship is equated with the
    public sphere
  • citizen is defined as an economic actor
  • citizen is defined as a socio-cultural actor
  • citizen is defined as a political actor

Problems with Liberal conceptions of Citizenship
for Women
  • Ignores the reality of dependency and
  • Implicitly and often explicitly equate
    citizenship with being a paid worker not
    everyone can be employed and all of us are not
    employed for much of our lives
  • Silence on the reality of human dependency and
    interdependency in so doing it is silent on much
    of the care and love work that women do without
    pay and that leaves they vulnerable to the
    control and abuse of others
  • Feminist Egalitarian perspective emphasises the
    fact that the citizen is also a Universal
    caregiver and care receiver a person who has
    citizenship with or without paid employment
  • based on a relational rather than autonomous view
    of the person sees the citizen as independent,
    interdependent and dependent

Neo-liberal concept of the citizen prioritises
the economic citizen
  • The neo-liberal citizen is seen as an employed
    worker and economic maximiser and consumer.
  • a hypothetical man supposed to be free from
    altruistic sentiments and motives interfering
    with a purely selfish pursuit of wealth and its
  • Moral endorsement of the CARE-LESS model of the
    citizen in neo- liberalism ideal worker is a
    Zero-Load worker person with no care
  • The market has become the primary producer of
    cultural logic and cultural value encapsulated
    in the metaphor of choice - Rational choice
    theorys explanation for women staying at home to
    do care work free choice-(H. Becker, C. Hakim)
  • Self-interested economic model is blind to the
    rationalities of caring which are not governed by
    purely economic self-centred calculation.

Rational Economic Actor (REA) Model of the
Citizen- citizen valued for performance
Competing Rational Economic Actors
Visible Political Cultural Relations
Economic Relations
Invisible Affective Relations
(Love, Care Solidarity Work)
O Self interested, Calculating, Competing
Economic Actors. X Competition Between Actors.
Why care, love and solidarity matter
  • While conditioned in fundamentally significant
    ways by cultural considerations, dependency for
    humans is as unavoidable as birth and death are
    for all living organisms. We may even say that
    the long maturation process of humans, combined
    with the decidedly human capacity for moral
    feeling and attaching, make caring for dependents
    a mark of humanity. (Kittay, 1999 29).
  • 4 Major reasons
  • Survival depends on care
  • Human flourishing needs caring
  • Care involves work practical and sentient work
  • Care produces outcomes human beings capable of
    enjoying and being fulfilled in life. It provides
  • general health and well being a sense of
    belonging, of being important or appreciated, a
    mutual sense of being needed, desired and wanted.
    The absence of love and care produces loneliness,
    isolation and illness, especially mental illness
    and psychological distress

CARE-FULL Model of the Citizen Relational
Perspective Concentric circles of caringFrom
Lynch, K., (2007) Love Labour as a distinct and
non-commodifiable form of care labour,
Sociological Review, Vol 55, No. 3 550570
  • Tertiary Care Relations
  • solidarity work

Secondary Care Relations general care work
Primary Care Relations love labour
Defining Love Labour
  • It involves emotional and other work oriented to
    the enrichment and enablement of others and the
    bonds between self and others
  • It is both a sentient (thinking, and planning for
    others, attentiveness, managing relations and
    conflict, and non-sentient activity (practical
  • It involves the creation and transformation of
    persons and relationships
  • The object is the enrichment of other persons and
    the reinforcement of the relationship itself
  • It is a set of perspectives and orientations
    integrated with tasks
  • attentiveness to the needs of others
    responsibility commitment
  • Interdependency and mutuality involved often
    spread over time and unevenly distributed
  • Moral imperatives on women to undertake love
    labour and care labour
  • Love labour is often experienced as both burden
    and pleasure

Care Labour and Love Labour
  • All love labour involves caring but not all
    caring involves love labour you can care for
    someone without feeling emotionally attached to
  • Paid care is an important supplement to love
    labour but does not replace it as there is a
    mutuality and commitment at the heart of intimacy
    that is not commodifiable
  • You cannot commodify the feelings and intentions
    of others or the quality of a given relationship
  • To attempt to pay someone to do a love labour
    task (having a meal with a partner, visiting a
    friend in hospital, going to play a game
    together, reading a story to a child or changing
    an ageing parents bed linen) is to undermine the
    premise of care and mutuality that is at the
    heart of intimacy and friendship
  • Other Issues
  • TIME Time is a scarce resource, you can buy
    other peoples but not increase your own Crises
    in society over time for love labour
  • Conflict between caring values and capitalist
    values (other-directed work and self-directed
  • Two different ethical principles are in conflict
    in our society self interest principle and the
    other-centred principles-
  • Debate is repressed we pass as not having
    these conflicts or keeping them in the private

Primary care (love) relations and secondary care
  • In the concentric circles of interdependency, we
    tentatively suggest that love relations refer to
    relations of high interdependency where there is
    greatest attachment, intimacy and responsibility
    over time. They arise from inherited or
    contractual dependencies or interdependencies and
    are our primary care relations. Love relations
    are either chosen relations (close friendships,
    partners) built around intimacy, commitment and
    belongingness, or relations of obligation that
    are inherited or derived from the deep
    dependencies that are integral to our existence
    as relational beings (child care relations being
    the most obvious type).
  •  Secondary care relations are lower order
    interdependency relations. While they involve
    care responsibilities and attachments, they do
    not carry the same depth of moral obligation in
    terms of meeting dependency needs, especially
    long-term dependency needs.
  • There is a degree of choice and contingency about
    secondary care relations that does not apply to
    primary relations.

Tertiary care relationsSolidarity is the Social
Form of Love
  • Tertiary care relations refer to relations of
    solidarity and do not involve intimacy. Sometimes
    solidarity relations are chosen, such as when
    individuals or groups work collectively for the
    well being of others whose welfare is only
    partially related to their own (as in trade union
    solidarity or campaigns for environmental
    protection), or whose welfare is not immediately
    related to their own well being (as in global
  • It also applies to our democratically agreed
    solidarity responsibilities to care - via
    taxation and the redistribution of wealth

The inalienable is not commodifiable
  • The rationality of caring is different from, and
    to some degree contradicts, scientific and
    bureaucratic rationality (Waerness, 1984).
    There is no hierarchy or career structure to
    relations of solidarity and love labouring. They
    cannot be provided on a hire and fire basis.
    There is no clear identifiable project with
    boundaries illuminating the path to the
    realisation of the goal. Indeed, as the goal is
    the relationship itself, there is no identifiable
    beginning, middle and end. The goal or objective
    is often diffuse and indefinable.
  • The structural status of love labour
  • love labour occupies a similar structural role
    in relation to one's affectual life that material
    labour occupies in relation to the natural world.
    Just as use-value-creating-labour can be seen as
    'an eternal natural necessity' mediating between
    'man and nature' (Marx, 1976133) so love labour
    is also an eternal necessity mediating human
    beings' relations to each other as affectual
    relational entities

Why Women are exploited as Carers and Lovers
  • The Denial of the Universal Caregiver model of
    the citizen has led to
  • The Privatisation of the debate about care and
  • Care and Love labour being made inadmissible
    subjects of mainstream politics
  • Failure to cost care work in the family sphere in
    economic terms and this has contributed to the
    trivialisation of caring and of the women who do
    most of the unpaid work - no financial
  • The non-contested gender division of care and
    love labour which in turn leads to a situation
    where the personal identity of women is highly
    care-driven and fostered systematically
    throughout society (institutionalised sexism in
    state and other services - primary school
    timetables health services etc. care as a
    duty and as natural)
  • Moral imperative on women to care that does not
    apply to men
  • A sense of empowerment and moral approbation that
    comes with being a carer, especially in the
    absence of other opportunities, making caring
    attractive to women
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