Title: Statistics and Mathematics for Economics
1Statistics and Mathematics for Economics
- Statistics Component Lecture Seven
2Objectives of the Lecture
- To present diagrammatically and mathematically a
normal distribution - To show how to calculate the probability that the
value of a normally-distributed random variable
lies within a specified range of values - To indicate how to produce a point estimate and
an interval estimate of the value of the
population mean of a normally-distributed random
3The Normal Distribution
- In the previous lecture, consideration was given
to continuous random variables - Examples were provided of the probability density
function of a continuous random variable - In Econometrics and Statistics, one of the most
frequently encountered probability density
functions is the normal distribution - Diagrammatically, a normal distribution has the
appearance of a symmetrical, bell-shaped curve
which is centred over the expected value of the
random variable
4Diagrammatic Presentation of the Normal
EX ?x
5Mathematical Form of the Normal Distribution
- f(x) (2??x2)-1/2.exp.(-1/(2?x2)).(x - ?x)2,
- -? lt x lt ?
- ?x denotes the population mean of X
- ?x2 denotes the population variance of X
- 3.14159
- exp. exponential 2.71828
6A Property of a Normal Distribution
- A normal distribution is completely characterised
by its first moment and its second central moment - Consequently, given knowledge of the values of
the population mean and the variance of a
normally-distributed random variable, it is
possible to calculate the probability that its
value lies within any specified range - Short-hand notation X N(?x, ?x2)
7The Calculation of a Probability
Assume that X N(10, 4). In theory, through
integration, it is possible to calculate P(X gt
12). ? ?(2??x2)-1/2.exp.(-1/(2?x2)).(x -
?x)2dx 12 ? ?(2?(4))-1/2.exp.(-1/(2(4))
.(x - 10)2dx 12
8The Table of the Cumulative Standardised Normal
- Fortunately, there is a more convenient method
which is available for the purpose of calculating
the probability - Typically, there is to be found, towards the back
of a Statistics or an Econometrics textbook, a
table of probabilities relating to a normal
distribution - One such table has been produced by Christopher
Dougherty, and accompanies his textbook,
Introduction to Econometrics, Second Edition, 2002
9An Apparent Problem
- The table of probabilities relates specifically
to a particular type of normally-distributed
random variable, Z N(0, 1) - However, any normally-distributed random variable
can be easily transformed to create a variable
which has a standardised normal distribution - The strategy is to subtract from the variable its
expected value, and to divide the result by its
standard deviation
10Using the Table of the Standardised Normal
Hence, if X N(10, 4) then Z (X 10) N(0,
?4 And so, P(X gt 12)
P(Z gt (12 10) /2) P(Z gt 1)
11Interpreting the Probabilities in the Table
- A figure in the table indicates the probability
of obtaining a value of Z which is less than the
specified value - Thus, 0.8413 represents P(Z lt 1)
- Upon recognising that Z lt 1 and Z gt 1 cover all
possible values of Z then P(Z lt 1) P(Z gt 1) 1 - Hence, P(Z gt 1) 1 P(Z lt 1)
- So, P(Z gt 1) P(X gt 12) 1 0.8413 0.1587
12P(Z gt 1)
Prob.(Z lt 1.00)
Prob.(Z gt 1.00)
13A Second Example of the Use of the Table
Let us suppose that we are seeking to
calculate P(X lt 6). X N(10, 4) Hence, Z (X
10) N(0, 1) ----------
?4 P(X lt 6) P(Z lt (6
10)/2) P(Z lt -2)
14Calculation of P(X lt 6)
On the basis of the symmetrical nature of the
graph of the standardised normal distribution
about Z 0 on the horizontal axis P(Z lt -2)
P(Z gt 2). But, P(Z gt 2) 1 P(Z lt 2) Upon
consulting the table, P(Z gt 2) 1
0.9772 0.0228 P(X
lt 6)
15P(Z lt -2)
16P(Z gt 2)
17P(Z gt 2) 1 P(Z lt 2)
Prob.(Z lt 2.00)
Prob.(Z gt 2.00)
18Point and Interval Estimates of the Value of the
Population Mean of a Random Variable
- Assume that there is a population of female
students - The concern is with a particular characteristic
of a female student, namely, her height - X denotes the height of a female student
- The population of values of X is described by a
normal distribution - More specifically, X N(?x, ?x2)
- The value of ?x is unknown
19Point Estimate of the Population Mean
- Suppose that there is a desire to know the
average height of a female student - It is impractical to approach every female
student in the population - Consequently, an estimate of the average height
is formed, having taken a random sample from the
population of values of X - Random sample X1, X2, , Xn
- The estimate is achieved by calculating the
average of the sample values
20The Sample Mean
The sample mean, -_
n X (1/n)?Xi i
1 The value of the sample mean has the
interpretation of the best guess of the value of
the population mean.
21An Interval Estimate
- It may be more useful to have access to an
interval estimate, rather than a point estimate,
of the value of the population mean - An interval estimate constitutes a range of
values within which the value of the population
parameter falls with a specified probability - In order to be able to produce an interval
estimate of ?x, it is necessary to know the
statistical properties of the sample mean of X
22The Probability Density Function of the Sample
- X (1/n) (X1 X2 Xn)
(1/n)X1 (1/n)X2 (1/n)Xn On the basis
of the nature of the population from which the
sample has been drawn, Xi N(?x, ?x2), i 1,
2, , n. Any linear combination of
normally-distributed random variables, itself,
has a normal distribution.
23The Expected Value and the Variance of the Sample
It can be demonstrated that - EX
?x and - Var.(X) ?x2/n.
- Consequently, Z (X -
?x)/(?x2/n)1/2 N(0, 1)
24P(Z lt 1.96) 0.975
Prob.(Z lt 1.96)
Prob.(Z gt 1.96)
25P(-1.96 lt Z lt 1.96)
If P(Z gt 1.96) 0.025 then, on the basis of
the symmetrical nature of the standardised
normal distribution about zero, P(Z lt -1.96)
0.025. It follows that P(-1.96 lt Z lt 1.96) 1
0.025 0.025 0.95
26Ninety-five per cent confidence interval for ?x
On substitution, then
Prob.(-1.96 lt (X - ?x)/?(?x2/n) lt 1.96)
0.95 Through a sequence of manipulations, it is
possible to obtain the interval estimate
- Prob.X 1.96?(?x2/n) lt ?x lt X
1.96?(?x2/n) 0.95