Title: Spectroscopy: Part B
1Spectroscopy Part B
Chapter 19
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy,
Mass Spectrometry
Please read Chapter 19 and study figures and
2Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
- Powerful, but theoretically complex, analytical
tool. - Involves the nuclei of atoms.
- Structural environment about specific nuclei is
deduced from - information obtained about the nuclei.
- NMR requires nuclear spin I
- protons and neutrons - possess spin.
- In many atoms, individual spins in nucleus are
paired e.g.12C nucleus has no overall spin. - In some atoms nucleus possesses net spin
- If no. neutrons no. of protons odd no., then
the nucleus has a half-integer spin (i.e. 1/2,
3/2, 5/2) (e.g. 1H, 13C) - If no. neutrons and no. of protons are each odd,
then the nucleus has an integer spin (i.e. 1, 2,
3) (e.g. 14N)
3NMR Spectroscopy Nuclear Spin
Nuclear Spin I most common useful nuclei are -
1H, 13C, 15N, 19F, 31P (I ½)
If a nucleus has a spin I gt 0, then its rotation
generates a magnetic field
H vector quantity
4Nuclear Spin (cont.)
i. At zero external magnetic field, spins are
degenerate! ii. Apply an external magnetic
field spins states will differ in energy
depending upon relative orientation with respect
to external field.
-nuclei with I ½ will adopt two specific
orientations with respect to an
externally-applied magnetic field...
iv. to convert lower energy spin state into
higher energy spin state, require external energy
source .........irradiate with radiofrequency
(rf) radiation!
5Nuclear Spin (cont.)
i. At zero external magnetic field, nuclear
spins are degenerate!
ii. In external magnetic field spins states
will differ in energy depending upon relative
orientation with respect to external field.
iii. To convert lower energy spin to higher
energy spin, irradiate with radiofrequency (rf)
- Radiofrequency (rf) radiation provides energy h?
for spin flip to higher energy orientation to
occur - 'Spin flip' is called 'resonance' hence
'nuclear magnetic resonance'
6Nuclear Spin (cont.)
- Difference in energy between the two nuclear spin
states depends on strength of external magnetic
- For nucleus of H atom (proton), spin energy
? (MHz)
H0 (Tesla)
Thus, at H0 4.7 T (Tesla), use rf radiation of
200 MHz etc.
7Effect of Electrons
- Nuclei are surrounded by electrons
- In external magnetic field, the electrons
generate an induced magnetic field which shields
the nucleus from the external field.
Net magnetic field at nucleus H0 - Hi
8Effect of Electrons (cont.)
Net effect field experienced at the proton (H
atom nucleus) will be LESS than the external field
9Effect of Electrons (cont.)
Consider proton (nucleus of H atom)
Increasing magnetic field strength ?
10NMR Spectroscopy Instrumentation
- Sample is normally dissolved in a solvent which
has no H-atoms in - a small tube which is spun at high speed!
11NMR Spectroscopy Spectrum X-Axis
X-axis relates to field strength, but frequency
(Hz) is used (n gH0/2p ? magnetogyric
For field-independent recording of signal
position i. use internal standard
tetramethylsilane (CH3)4Si (TMS) for 1H NMR
spectra and arbitrarily assign ? 0. ii. use
chemical shift d relative to the internal
signal frequency (from TMS)
d (signal)
applied frequency
Thus, peak at 200 Hz from TMS at applied
frequency of 200 MHz becomes
d (peak)
200 x 106
d values are very small - e.g. 0.000001
therefore express as ? 1 ppm (1 part per
12Spectrum X-Axis (cont.)
1H NMR spectrum of chloroform at 200 MHz, proton
absorbs at 1456.667 Hz downfield from reference
standard TMS
? ppm
131H NMR Spectroscopy The NMR Spectrum
Plot absorption vs. external field strength or
High Field (highly shielded nuclei appear here)
Low Field (deshielded nuclei appear here)
Si(CH3)4 (TMS) reference (? 0)
141H NMR Spectroscopy Features of Spectra
1. Chemical Shift (chemical environment of
proton) 2. Number of Signals (symmetry of
molecule) 3. Signal Integration (relative number
of different types of
protons) 4. Coupling (information on
neighbouring protons)
151H NMR Spectroscopy 1. Chemical Shift
Electronegative substituents withdraw electron
density and thereby reduce shielding, increasing ?
Compound CH4 CH3Cl CH2Cl2 CHCl3
Compound CH3I CH3Br CH3Cl CH3F
d 0.2 3.0 5.3 7.3
d 2.2 2.7 3.0 4.1
Compound CH3Si(CH3)3 CH3CH3
d 0.0 0.9
Compound CH3N(CH3)2 CH3OCH3
d 2.2 3.2b
However, increasing electronegativity is not the
only factor to cause increase in ?!
161. Chemical Shift (cont.)
Approximate ranges - ? affected by nature of
other groups attached!
171. Chemical Shift (cont.)
Correlation Chart
181H NMR Spectroscopy 2. No. of Signals
How many different types of protons?
Protons in identical environment chemically
equivalent - give one signal
192. No. of Signals (cont.)
202. No. of Signals (cont.)
212. No. of Signals (cont.)
Equivalence of nuclei
Two nuclei are equivalent if they can be
interchanged by i. a symmetry operation
two Ha are the same interchange by a 180
rotation or reflection
two Hb are the same interchange by a 180
rotation or reflection
ii. by a rapid conformational change
Heq and Hax interchange by a rapid ring-flip
Cyclohexane one signal in 1H NMR spectrum at
room temperature!
221H NMR Spectroscopy 3. Signal Integration
Integration of area under signal - gives
relative number of protons
233. Signal Integration (cont.)
Integration of area under signal - gives
relative number of protons in this case,
multiply values by 2 to get actual numbers
243. Signal Integration (cont.)
Multiply the integrals by 2 to get all integer
251H NMR Spectroscopy 4. Spin Coupling
- If two protons, or sets of protons, on the same
or adjacent carbon atoms are non-equivalent, they
will undergo spin coupling with each other!
264. Spin Coupling (cont.)
Hb is split by the two Ha into a (21)-let
triplet Ha is split by the one Hb into a
(11)-let doublet
274. Spin Coupling (cont.)
284. Spin Coupling (cont.)
294. Spin Coupling (cont.)
For coupling to equivalent protons on adjacent
304. Spin Coupling (cont.)
For coupling to non-equivalent protons on
adjacent C-atom each coupling will be different
31Mass Spectrometry
- Ionization of organic molecules use 'electron
impact' (ei)-high-energy electrons at 70 eV
(6500 kJ!)
- Radical cation of organic molecule produced -
molecular ion - mass mass of parent molecule!
- Molecular ion unstable breaks up to generate
fragment or daughter ions fragmentation.
CH4. ? CH3 H. CH4. ? CH3. H
CH3 ? CH2 H. CH2. ? CH H.
- Masses of ions can be measured according to mass
to charge (m/z) ratio!
other methods apart from ei can be used
32Mass Spectrometry Instrumentation
STEP 2 Sort according to m/z (mass/charge ratio)
STEP 1 Ionize molecule M e ? M 2e
33Mass Spectrometry The Mass Spectrum
- Plot of ion current (proportional to number of
ions) vs. m/z - the intact molecule gives the molecular ion M
- other peaks are due to fragment ions ( incl.
isotopic ions) - tallest peak is the base peak (may not be M!)
34The Mass Spectrum (cont.)
35The Mass Spectrum (cont.)
- Fragmentation complicated mechanism, but can
correlate with stabilities of cations!
36Mass Spectrometry Isotopes
- At low resolution, MS measures integral masses
- Isotopic ions easily detected and measured.
Therefore, peaks will appear to the right of M
for 12C, 1H due to M for ions containing 13C,
2H, other isotopes.
37Isotopes (cont.)
- Consider chlorobenzene
- two M peaks at m/z 112, m/z 114, intensity
ratio 7426 - Due to isotopes 35Cl and 37Cl
38Isotopes (cont.)
Dichloromethane CH2Cl2 M (parent ion) m/z is 84
(CH2 35Cl 35Cl), 86 (CH2 35Cl 37Cl), 88
(CH2 37Cl 37Cl) base peak at m/z 49
(CH235Cl) is formed by loss of 35Cl from 84
and loss of 37Cl from M 86 m/z 51 (CH237Cl)
formed by loss of 35Cl from M 86 or loss of 37Cl
from M 88.
39Isotopes (cont.)
2-Bromopropane CH3CHBrCH3 M m/z 122 (CH3CHCH3
79Br) 124 (CH3CHCH3 81Br) base peak due to
fragment ion m/z 43 (CH3CHCH3) is formed by
loss of 79Br from M 122 and 81Br from M 124
40Isotopes (cont.)
Bromobutane CH3CH2CH2CH2Br M m/z is 136
(CH3CH2CH2CH2 79Br) 138 (CH3CH2CH2CH2 81Br)
base peak m/z 57 formed by loss of 79Br from M
136 and loss of 81Br from M 138.
41Isotopes (cont.)
Iodoethane CH3CH2I major isotope for I is 127I
M m/z 156 (which is also base peak), 29 formed
by loss of 127I from M 156