Title: Introduction to Database Administration
1Introduction to Database AdministrationSecurity
- Examine some basic DBA duties
- Starting/stopping a database
- Managing user accounts
- creating users
- assigning users privileges
- removing users
3The Database Administrator
- Database Administrator (DBA)
- Experienced senior member(s) of the computing
staff who plan and co-ordinate the development
and daily maintenance of the entire database
environment. - Has an extensive working knowledge of host
languages and all major sub-language components. - Usually the role of DBA is shared between 2 or 3
such employees for security purposes.
4DBA Duties
- A typical DBAs duties include
- Overseeing new database developments, database
re-organisation - Maintaining an acceptable level of technical
performance for database utilities - Establishing integrity controls, user access
privileges - Overseeing that adequate backup and recovery
procedures are in place and enforced - Resource usage monitoring
- Facilitating end-users with required database
facilities - Setting standards for system documentation
- Educating the organisation in the use,
capabilities and availability of the database
5Managing User Accounts
- The everyday users of a database need to be able
access manipulate various database objects in a
safe and controlled manner. - The DBA creates a USER ACCOUNT for each user by
following these basic steps - Create a username/password protected account and
assign the user to a table space. - Allocate the user limited disk storage space
(quota) within the table space - Grant the user limited privileges to log in/out
of the account, create/destroy and manipulate
database objects within the account.
6Creating User Accounts
- The CREATE USER command (Create a user account)
- CREATE USER username
- IDENTIFIED BY password
7Creating User Accounts
- Example
- create user opsfarmer
- identified by puma
- NOTE the ops prefix can be used so that the new
oracle user account is paired with an existing
operating system account for the same user (via
the username). Once farmer has logged into the op
sys account, he can log into the oracle account
without entering the username password. - Example
- gt sqlplus /
8Changing a password for A user
- ALTER USER username
- identified by newpassword
- Example
- Alter user opsfarmer
- identified by sam10
9Managing User Accounts
- Removing a user account
- The cascade option drops all objects in the
users schema before dropping the user. If the
user owns objects you must specify this parameter
to drop the user.
10Introduction to DB Security
- Secrecy Users should not be able to see things
they are not supposed to. - E.g., A student cant see other students grades.
- Integrity Users should not be able to modify
things they are not supposed to. - E.g., Only instructors can assign grades.
- Availability Users should be able to see and
modify things they are allowed to.
11Elements in SQL Security Model
Master db
view column
12Security and Access Control
- Security is the prevention of unauthorized access
to the database - Two Access Control mechanisms
- Discretionary access control GRANT/REVOKE
commands on object and system privileges - Views
13Discretionary Access Control
- Based on the concept of access rights or
privileges for tables and views, and mechanisms
for giving and revoking privileges users
privileges. - Creator of an Oracle object a table or a view,
etc, automatically gets all privileges on it. - DMBS keeps track of who subsequently gains and
loses privileges, and ensures that only requests
from users who have the necessary privileges (at
the time the request is issued) are allowed.
- Global Schema comprises many individual User
- Each user Owns the tables, views etc in their
own schema - has ALL privileges on these tables/views
15Controlling Privileges
- Privileges give users access to data that they do
not own. - Two types
- Object Privileges Can be give to tables, views,
sequences, etc - For Tables Select, Insert, Update, Delete,
Create, Drop, Alter. - System Privileges are stored inside Oracle
dictionary. To list all of them, use - select name from system_privilege_map
- In Oracle, Roles - (groups of privileges), are
available to ease the administration of
privileges. - Explicit privileges can be assigned individually
through the use of the GRANT and REVOKE commands.
16Controlling Privileges Cont.
- The owner of an object may grant privileges on
the object to other users - e.g. Scott may grant select privilege on his EMP
table to NewUser - Grant select on Emp to NewUser
- NewUser may now access the data in the EMP table
in Scotts domain - select from scott.emp
17Controlling User Access Privileges
- The GRANT command
- GRANT privilege_list (database_objects)
- ON object_name TO username
- The GRANT command can be used to grant OBJECT or
SYSTEM privileges to users as the DBA deems
necessary. - When granting OBJECT privileges the optional ON
clause can be included, when granting SYSTEM
privileges it can be omitted.
18Object Privilege List
19GRANT and REVOKE of Privileges Cont.
- Horatio can query Emp or insert tuples into it.
OPTION - Yuppy can delete tuples, and also authorize
others to do so. - GRANT UPDATE (annsalary) ON emp TO Dustin
- Dustin can update (only) the annsalary field of
Emp tuples. - GRANT SELECT ON dept TO public
- This allows all users to query Emp, Dept tables
directly - REVOKE When a privilege is revoked from X, it
is also revoked from all users who got it solely
from X. - Revoke insert, select on emp from scott
- Revoke all privileges on emp, dept from scott
20Object Privileges and Roles
- This is OK but very time consuming if many users
and/or objects - Use ROLE to group together all users who will be
given the same privileges on a set of objects - Default ROLE
- PUBLIC created in ALL Oracle systems
- Grant select on Emp to PUBLIC
21Object Privileges and Roles cont.
- New roles can be created by DBA and users
associated with these roles - create role staff
- Roles can then be granted to users
- grant staff to fred
- The owner of an object can now give privileges to
the staff role - grant insert, select
- on stockitem
- to staff
22Creating new Roles
- The new role can now be granted to a user
- GRANT role_name TO username
- Example
- GRANT application_creator TO opsfarmer
23System Level Roles
- Oracle DBAs could grant 3 levels of privileges
to users - CONNECT
- In Oracle7 the DBA has the extended ability to
create Roles (groups of privileges) that can be
tailored to suit an individuals database needs.
24Connect, Resource DBA Roles
- Example of granting a traditional role to a user
account - GRANT resource TO ubakang WITH GRANT OPTION
25Creating new Roles
- The CREATE ROLE command
- CREATE ROLE role_name
- GRANT privilege(s) TO role_name
- Example
- CREATE ROLE application_creator
- TO application_creator
- The example above creates a role
application_creator, then assigns that role the
privileges of being able to log in (CREATE
SESION) and to create new user accounts (CREATE
26Revoking Roles Privileges
- To remove a role or particular privileges from a
user, the REVOKE command is used. - REVOKE (role_name, privilege)
- FROM username/role_name
- Example 1 revoking a privilege from a user
- REVOKE create user FROM opsfarmer
- Example 2 revoking a privilege from a role
- REVOKE create user FROM application_creator
- Example 3 revoking a role from a user
- REVOKE application_creator FROM opsfarmer