Programming Languages - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Programming Languages


To avoid ambiguities, use end marker: end if, fi, or bracketing ... Ada dispenses with brackets for sequences, because keywords for the enclosing ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Programming Languages

Programming Languages
  • Lecture 2

Control Structures
  • Any mechanism that departs from straight-line
  • Selection if-statements
  • Multiway-selection case statements
  • Unbounded iteration while-loops
  • Definite iteration for-loops
  • Iterations over collections
  • transfer of control gotos (considered harmful!)
  • unbounded transfer of control exceptions,
  • Characteristic of Imperative languages
  • All you need for a universal machine increment,
    decrement, branch on zero. All the rest is
    programmer convenience!
  • Not efficient on modern pipelined processors

  • if Condition then Statement else Statement --
    Pascal, Ada
  • if (Condition) Statement else Statement -- C,
    C Java
  • Selection Expression Condition ? Expression
    Expression -- C
  • Characteristic of functional languages
  • To avoid ambiguities, use end marker end if, fi,
    or bracketing
  • To deal with several alternatives, use keyword or
  • --Ada / C /
  • if Condition then
    if (Condition)
  • Statements
  • elsif Condition then
    else if (Condition)
  • Statements
  • else
  • Statements
  • end if

Statement Grouping
  • Pascal introduces begin-end pair to mark sequence
  • C/C/Java abbreviate keywords to
  • Ada dispenses with brackets for sequences,
    because keywords for the enclosing control
    structure are sufficient
  • for J in 1 .. N loop end loop
  • More writing gt more readable
  • The use of grouping in C/Java is just syntactic
  • Another possibility (ABC, Python) make
    indentation significant
  • Nesting groups of statements
  • if Condition then if (Condition)
  • if Condition then if
  • Statements
  • end if
  • else else
  • Statements Statements
  • end if

Short-Circuit Evaluation
  • If x is more than five times greater than y,
    compute z
  • if x / y gt 5 then z --
    but what if y is 0?
  • if y / 0 and x/ y gt 5then z -- but
    operators evaluate their arguments
  • Solutions
  • a lazy evaluation rule for logical operators
    (LISP, C, etc)
  • a control structure with a different syntax
  • C1 C2 does not
    evaluate C2 if C1 is false
  • if C1 and then C2 then ditto
  • C1 C2 does not
    evaluate C2 if C1 is true
  • if C1 or else C2 then ditto

Multiway selection
  • Generalization of condition if from boolean to
    any discrete type
  • Can be simulated with a sequence of
    if-statements, but logic can become obscured.
  • case (X) is -- any integer value (discrete
    but large)
  • when integerfirst .. 0 gt Put_Line
  • when 1 gt Put_Line
  • when 3 5 7 11 gt Put_Line
    (small prime)
  • when 2 4 6 8 10 gt Put_Line
    (small even)
  • when 21 gt Put_Line
    (house wins)
  • when 12 .. 20 22 .. 99 gt Put_Line
  • when others gt Put_Line
  • end case
  • All choices must be computable at compile-time

The well-structured case statement
Enforced in C Ada
Type of expression must be discrete an enumerable set of values (floating-point numbers not acceptable) Y Y
Each choice is independent of the others (no flow-through) N Y
All possible choices are covered exactly once N Y
There is mechanism to specify a default outcome for choices not given explicitly. Y Y
  • Definite Loops
  • for J in Integer range 1 .. 10 loop
    statementsend loop
  • Indefinite Loops
  • while condition loop statementsend loop
  • loop statementsend loop
  • All loops can be expressed as while-loops (e.g.,
    in C)
  • for (i 0 i lt10 i) equivalent to i0
    while (ilt10) i
  • Condition is evaluated at each iteration
  • If condition is initially false, loop is never
  • while Condition loop .. end loop
  • equivalent to
  • if Condition then
  • while Condition loop end loop
  • end if

What if we want to execute at least once?
  • Pascal introduces until-loop.
  • C/C use different syntax with while
  • while (Condition)
  • do while (Condition)
  • Can always simulate with a boolean variable
  • done False
  • while (not done) loop
  • if Condition then done True
  • end loop

Unstructured flow (Duffs device)
  • void send (int to, int from, int count)
  • int n (count 7 ) / 8
  • switch (count 8)
  • case 0 do to from
  • case 7 to from
  • case 6 to from
  • case 5 to from
  • case 4 to from
  • case 3 to from
  • case 2 to from
  • case 1 to from
  • while (--n gt0)
  • What does this do? Why bother?

Breaking out
  • More common is the need for an indefinite loop
    that terminates in the middle of an iteration.
  • C/C/Java break
  • Break out of while, do, for, switch statements
  • Ada exit statement
  • loop -- infinite
  • compute_first_part
  • exit when got_it
  • compute_some_more
  • end loop

Breaking out of Nested Loops
  • Within nested loops, useful to specify exit from
    several of them
  • Ada solution give names to loops
  • Otherwise use a counter (Modula) or use a goto.
  • Outer while C1 loop ...
  • Inner while C2 loop...
  • Innermost while C3 loop...
  • exit Outer when
  • exit Inner when
  • ...
  • end loop Innermost
  • end loop Inner
  • end loop Outer

Definite loops
  • Counting loops are iterators over discrete
  • for J in 1..10 loop
  • for (int I 0 I lt N I ) ..
  • Design issues
  • Evaluation of bounds (only once, ever since
  • Scope of loop variable
  • Empty loops
  • Increments other than one
  • Backwards iteration
  • non-numeric domains

The loop variable
  • Best if local to loop and treated as constant
  • Avoids issue of value at termination, and value
    on abrupt exit
  • counter integer 17 -- outer
  • ...
  • for counter in 1 ..10 loop
  • do_something -- 1 lt counter lt 10
  • end loop
  • -- counter is still 17

Different increments
  • The universal Algol60 form
  • for J from Exp1 to Exp2 by Exp3 do
  • Too rich for most cases. Exp3 is most often 1,
  • What is meaning if Exp1 gt Exp2 and Exp3 lt 0 ?
  • In C/ C
  • for (int J Exp1 J lt Exp2 J J
  • In Ada
  • for J in 1 .. N loop
    -- increment is 1
  • for J in reverse 1 .. N loop --
    increment is -1
  • Everything else can be programmed with while-loop

Non-numeric domains
  • Ada form generalizes to discrete types
  • for M in months loop
  • General pattern for other data-types
  • define iterator class with primitive operations
  • hasNext(), next()
  • Iterator it Collection.Iterator()
  • while (it.hasNext)
  • element
  • APL avoids the need for iterators by
    automatically extending scalar operations over
    composite data types
  • a ? 1 2 3
  • b ? 3 2 1
  • 1 a is 2 3 4
  • a b is 4 4 4

  • Example
  • int fib(int n)
  • return (n lt 1) ? 1 fib(n-1) fib(n-2)
  • Tail Recursion when function returns
    immediately after recursive call can be
    automatically transformed into a loop
  • List processing with recursion
  • int max(ListltIntegergt list)
  • if (list.isEmpty())
  • return Integer.min()
  • else
  • if (list.first() gt max(list.deleteHead)
  • return list.first()
  • else
  • return max(list.deleteHead()

  • Assignment always produces a side effect
  • variable expression
  • lvalue rvalue
  • lvalue (left hand value) must be an address or
    reference. e.g., x, xi but not (x 1)
  • rvalue (right hand value) is a value
  • Types must match
  • In Ada, assignment is a statement
  • In C, C, and Java it is an expression
  • Initialization vs. Assignment
  • Combination Assignment
  • X X 1 -- a mathematical absurdity
  • X 1 -- simpler and clearer

Precedence Associativity
  • Most languages enforce standard mathematical
  • APL doesnt. Evaluation is always right to left
  • Same for Smalltalk
  • C has 18 levels of precedence
  • Even if you know them all, the next maintenance
    programmer might not
  • Use parentheses

  • A Continuation represents a point in the
    computation, including all of the state
    information at that point
  • All control structures (function calls, loops,
    if, exceptions, goto, etc.) can be described
    using continuations
  • Scheme supports continuations as 1st class objects

An Introduction to Ada
Whats ADA all about
  • Designed by committee for DoD
  • Key goals
  • Readability
  • Strong typing
  • Detection of errors at compile time
  • Programming in the Large Packages
  • Encapsulation
  • Separate compilation
  • Data Abstraction
  • Run-time Error Handling Exceptions
  • Reliable multi-Tasking
  • Generic Units parameterized types
  • Emphasis on Programming as a Human Activity

Hello, World
  • A simple Ada Program, hello.ada
  • with text_IO
  • procedure hello is
  • use text_IO
  • begin
  • put(Hello, World)
  • end hello

Basic Structure of an ADA Program
  • Program Units
  • Packages, subprograms and tasks
  • Subprograms
  • Procedures (do not return a value)
  • Functions (return a value)
  • Packages
  • Collection of related data types
  • functions and procedures
  • Provides services to clients
  • May use services of other packages
  • Defined in two parts
  • Package Specification (.ads, .spc)
  • Package Body (.adb, .bdy)

Package Specification
  • Contain Declarations
  • package X is declarations types
    subprogram specs (but not subprogram
    bodies)end X
  • Specification provides public interface for users
    of the package, but no implementation details
  • Specification is like a contract between the
    package and its clients

Subprogram Specification
  • procedure Print_In_Hex (X Integer)
  • function Max (A, B Integer) return Integer
  • Similar to signatures in C and C header files.
  • Headers can be generated automatically from the
    source code
  • Java does this automatically with import
  • A subprogram spec has everything you need to know
    to use the subprogram
  • A client sees only the specification
  • Implementation details are hidden
  • Implementation can be changed without affecting

Procedure Body
  • procedure H (M Integer) is
    declarationsbegin statements returnend
  • Typical use is procedure Main is which defines
    the main program
  • File name must match main procedure name

Function Body
  • function Max (A Integer B Integer) return
    Integeris Result Integerbegin if A gt
    B then Result A else Result
    B end if return Resultend Max

Package Bodies
  • Contain Definitions
  • package body X is declarations subprograms
    local to body variables/constants local to
    body subprogram bodies for subprogram specs
    appearing in the package specbegin
    initialization statementsend X

How to be a Client of a package
  • To access a package, use With and Use
    statements with Calendar, Text_IO use
    Text_IO procedure Main is Today
    Calendar.Time put(Today is )
    end Main
  • Use eliminates the need to specify the package
    name, as in Calendar.Time, when using a package

Package Clients
  • Package Bodies
  • with Calendar
  • package body Julian_Calendar_Stuff is
  • end Julian_Calendar_Stuff
  • Package implemented using another package
  • Package Specifications
  • with Calendaruse Calendarpackage To_Do_List
    is procedure Enter (T Time M
    String) -- Enter new item in todo list. Time
    is -- deadline. M is description.end
  • Package To_Do_List extends Calendar interface

Using Ada
  • Write your program using any text editor
  • Save it in a file named myprog.adb, where myprog
    is the name of the main procedure in the program.
  • Compile your program
  • gnat make myprog.adb
  • On windows this produces a file myprog.exe, which
    you can execute
  • On Unix you will have to make the file executable
    using chmod ax myprog
  • Ada resources on the Web
  • http//
  • http//
  • ftp//

Writing an ADA Program
  • Write the package specifications
  • Verify that specification is usable by intended
  • Write the body
  • Write the clients
  • Last two activities are completely independent
    (and should not talk to one another except via
    the spec)

Ada Operators
  • Logical Operators and or xor
  • Relational Operators / lt lt gt gt
  • Additive Operators
  • is concatenation on vectors and strings
  • Unary Operators not
  • Multiplicative Operators / mod rem
  • Exponentiation Operator

Integer Types
  • Type Integer is built in But you dont want to
    use it!
  • In ADA types are defined according to use
  • type Day_In_Year is range 1 .. 366type Age is
    range 0 .. 130type Temperature is range -20 ..
  • Now we can define variables of the type
  • Today_Day Day_In_YearEmployee_Age
    AgeMachine_Room_Temp Temperature
  • Type Attributes
  • Integerlast, Yearlast
  • Integerfirst, Agefirst
  • for A in Agefirst Agelast loop

Strong Typing
  • No dependence on implementation -- Unlike type
    int in C
  • Range of types matches problem
  • Get an error or warning at compile time
  • Age 200
  • Or an exception at runtime
  • Age Age 1000
  • Cannot mix integer types
  • Current_Temp Temperature OK
  • Current_Pressure Pressure OK
  • Current_Temp Current_Pressure 1 Error
  • Current_Temp Current_Temp Current_Pressure
  • Type Errors detected at Compile Time

Integer Subtypes
  • A subtype creates a limited range
  • But is still the same type
  • subtype OK_Operating_Range is Temperature range
    70 .. 80Room_Temp TemperatureMachine_Room_Te
    mp OK_Operating_RangeMachine_Room_Temp
  • Raises exception if Room_Temp out of range

Enumeration Types
  • An enumeration type is a sequence of ordered
    enumeration literals
  • Type State is (Off, Powering_Up, On)
  • Type Color is (Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Green)
  • Not integers (as in C)
  • S1, S2 State
  • S1 S1 1 Error, but
  • StatePred (On) OK, Powering_UpStateSucc
    (On) OK, but raises constraint_error
  • Predefined enumeration type
  • type Boolean is (False, True)
  • Other Attributes include
  • TFirst, TLast, TVal(n) where n is a value in T

Character Types
  • Built in types
  • Character (8-bit Latin-1)
  • Wide_Character (16-bit Unicode/ISO 10646)
  • Good enough for most purposes, but you can define
    your own types
  • type My_Character is (A, B, C, .)

String Types
  • A string type is an array whose elements are a
    character type.
  • Two standard built in string types
  • type String is array (Natural range ltgt) of
    Charactertype Wide_String is array (Natural
    range ltgt) of Wide_CharacterS String (1 .. 5)
  • Note Natural is a predefined subtype of Integer
    with bounds 0 .. IntegerLast

Array Types
  • Arrays can have 1 or more subscripts
  • type Vector is
  • array (Integer range 1 .. 10) of
    Integertype Matrix is array (Integer range 0
    .. 10, Character range A .. Z)
    of Vector
  • VV Vector MM MatrixMM (5, C) VV

Array Attributes
  • AFirst(N), ALast(N), ALength(N), ARange(N)
  • N is the attribute for the Nth index
  • N must be static
  • Without a parameter, attributes refer to the
    first index - AFirst, etc.
  • We can use the array range in loops
  • for x in ARange loop
  • result result Ax
  • end loop

Unconstrained Arrays
  • Unconstrained array type has no bounds
  • type UA is array (Int range ltgt) of Int--
    cannot use UA to declare a variable-- instead
    must build a subtypesubtype UA5 is UA (1 ..
    5)UAV5 UA5 (6,5,4,3,2)-- can also set
    bounds for a variableUAV2 UA (1 .. 2)

Access Types
  • Access types function like pointers
  • But are not necessarily implemented that way
  • type r is access integer
  • Allocate an object using new
  • type AI is access all integerPtr AIPtr
    new Integer -- uninitializedPtr new
    Integer(12) -- initialized
  • To obtain value dereference
  • V IntegerV Ptr.all

Declaring and Handling Exceptions
  • Declaring an exception
  • Error, Disaster exception
  • Raising an exception
  • raise Disaster-- strips stack frames till a
    handler is found
  • Handling an exception
  • exception when Disaster gt statements

Catching Exceptions
  • You can catch an exception at run time
  • begin Machine_Room_Temp Room_Temp
    exception when Constraint_Error gt recovery
    stuff when Meltdown_Error gt recovery stuff
  • end

Block Statement
  • Block statement can be used anywhere
  • declare -- declare section optional
    declarationsbegin statementsexception
    -- exception section optional handlersend

Access Types
  • Access types function like pointers
  • But are not necessarily implemented that way
  • type r is access integer
  • Allocate an object using new
  • type AI is access all integerPtr AIPtr
    new Integer -- uninitializedPtr new
    Integer(12) -- initialized
  • To obtain value dereference
  • V IntegerV Ptr.all
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