Title: Because Student Achievement
1Nancy McGriffLibrary Media SpecialistSouth
Central Community SchoolsUnion Mills,
Indiananmcgriff_at_scentral.k12.in.us October 2002
- Because Student Achievement
- IS
2Why a Reading Program?
- The mission of the library media program is to
ensure that students and staff are effective
users of ideas and information, to promote
reading and educational technology in a
collaborative environment.
3Monitoring the Mission Statement
4Monitoring the Mission Statement
5Standards Supported
- Language Arts Academic Standards
- All Grade Levels
- Standard 1 READING Word Recognition, Fluency,
and Vocabulary Development - Standard 2 READING Reading Comprehension
- Standard 3 READING Literary Response and Analysis
6Standards Supported
- Information Literacy Standards
- Standard 1access
- Standard 2evaluates
- Standard 3uses
- Standard 4personal interest
- Standard 5literature
- Standard 6generate knowledge
- Krashen The Power Of Reading
- Zemelman Best Practice
- Dr. Reeds 2001 Legislative Agenda
- NCREL A Study of the Differences Between Higher
and Lower Performing Indiana Schools in Reading
and Mathematics
- Power Of Reading by Stephen Krashen
- Freedom of choice, self-selected material
- Print rich environment
- Access to library collections
- Time to read in and out of school
- Adult reading role models
- NO book reports, journal entries, chapter review
questions - MUST read, read, read and talk about reading
9Reading Committee
- Representative each grade level K-6
- Title I Reading teacher
- Principal
- Media Specialist
- Any other interested teacher
- Survey
- Background information and research concerning
reading - Solicited ideas for accountability
- Rules
10Creating a Reading Program
- Unite all reading incentive programs
- Young Hoosier Book Award
- Pizza Hut Book It
- Read To Succeed
- Accelerated Reader, etc.
- Make reading a priority
- Include parents and families
- One system for validating reading
111998-99 G.E.A.R.
- Get Excited About Reading
- Theme--Unity and recognition
- Logo--Visual recognition
- Goal--A place for everyone and everyone a place
- Schoolwide
- Everyone contributes
- Reading in and out of school
- Minutes because it is for everyone
- 1,000,000 minutes between October 1 and May 1
13Reading Logs
- At home to record minutes, verified by adult
- School added weekly or monthly and verified by
teacher - Individual goal, 500 minute minimum
- (See Student reading logs on this site)
14Keeping Track
- Classroom teachers collect logs and total minutes
- Minutes entered into a spreadsheet by a volunteer
- Tally of total minutes per student, per
classroom, per school, per month and for the
length of the program - (See Student Tally spreadsheet on this site)
15Reporting Results
- Monthly report to parents in the school
newsletter - Monthly reports to staff
- Monthly reports to students at assemblies
161999-2000 R.A.M.P.Reading and Math Passport (to
- 250 minutes of reading and
- 250 minutes of math
- outside of school per month
- Participate 6 of 8 months, earns a trip to the
water park
17Final CelebrationWater Park
308 students and teachers go to Deep River Water
182000-2001 S.P.O.R.T.S.
- South Central Prepares Our Readers to Succeed
- 2000-2001 Reading Incentive Program
- Monthly Sports Theme
- Monthly Assemblies
- 300 minutes of reading, outside school
- 200 minutes of reading, inside school
192000-2001 S.T.A.R.S.
- Stand Together and Read Satellites
- 2000-2001 Junior High Reading Program
- 400 minutes of reading, outside school
- 5 of 7 months goal-Amusement Park
- Daily 20 minutes sustained silent reading in
academic classes - Monday-English
- Tuesday-Social Studies
- Wednesday-Science
- Thursday-Math
- Friday-Other
20January 2001K-12 Daily Reading
In January, high school teachers voted for daily
silent reading.
21Final Celebration
328 students and teachers went to Deep River
Water Park.
22May 31, 2001 Indiana Beach
67 students and teachers spent the day at Indiana
Beach. The event got a full page in the school
- Second GEARElementary
- 500 minutes monthly
- 300 out of school
- and 200 in school
- 6 of 8 months water park
- STARSJunior High
- 400 minutes monthly outside school
- and 20 minutes daily at school
- 6 of 8 months amusement park
- Senior High20 minutes daily