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30-year floating-rate mortgages repriced (rate reset) every 9 months. ... Consider a 2-year, 8% coupon bond, with a face value of $1,000 and yield-to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: BUS FINANCE 826

  • Interest rate risk associated with financial
  • Federal Reserve policy
  • Repricing model
  • Maturity model
  • Duration model
  • Term structure of interest rate risk
  • Theories of term structure of interest rates

Central Bank Policy and Interest Rate Risk
  • Japan March 2001 announced it would no longer
    target the uncollateralized overnight call rate.
  • New target Outstanding current account balances
    at BOJ
  • Targeting of bank reserves in U.S. proved

Central Bank and Interest Rate Risk
  • Effects of interest rate targeting.
  • Lessens interest rate risk
  • October 1979 to October 1982, nonborrowed
    reserves target regime.
  • Implications of return to reserves target policy
  • Increases importance of measuring and managing
    interest rate risk.

Web Resources
  • For information related to central bank policy,
  • Bank for International Settlements www.bis.org
  • Federal Reserve Bank www.federalreserve.gov
  • Bank of Japan www.boj.or.jp

Web Surf
Repricing Model
  • Repricing or funding gap model based on book
  • Contrasts with market value-based maturity and
    duration models recommended by the Bank for
    International Settlements (BIS).
  • Rate sensitivity means time to repricing.
  • Repricing gap is the difference between the rate
    sensitivity of each asset and the rate
    sensitivity of each liability RSA - RSL.

Maturity Buckets
  • Commercial banks must report repricing gaps for
    assets and liabilities with maturities of
  • One day.
  • More than one day to three months.
  • More than 3 three months to six months.
  • More than six months to twelve months.
  • More than one year to five years.
  • Over five years.

Repricing Gap Example
  • Assets Liabilities Gap Cum. Gap
  • 1-day 20 30 -10 -10
  • gt1day-3mos. 30 40 -10
  • gt3mos.-6mos. 70 85 -15
  • gt6mos.-12mos. 90 70 20
  • gt1yr.-5yrs. 40 30 10
  • gt5 years 10 5 5

Applying the Repricing Model
  • DNIIi (GAPi) DRi (RSAi - RSLi) Dri
  • Example
  • In the one day bucket, gap is -10 million. If
    rates rise by 1,
  • DNIIi (-10 million) .01 -100,000.

Applying the Repricing Model
  • Example II
  • If we consider the cumulative 1-year gap,
  • DNIIi (CGAPi) DRi (-15 million)(.01)
  • -150,000.

Rate-Sensitive Assets
  • Examples from hypothetical balance sheet
  • Short-term consumer loans. If repriced at
    year-end, would just make one-year cutoff.
  • Three-month T-bills repriced on maturity every 3
  • Six-month T-notes repriced on maturity every 6
  • 30-year floating-rate mortgages repriced (rate
    reset) every 9 months.

Rate-Sensitive Liabilities
  • RSLs bucketed in same manner as RSAs.
  • Demand deposits and passbook savings accounts
    warrant special mention.
  • Generally considered rate-insensitive (act as
    core deposits), but there are arguments for their
    inclusion as rate-sensitive liabilities.

CGAP Ratio
  • May be useful to express CGAP in ratio form as,
  • CGAP/Assets.
  • Provides direction of exposure and
  • Scale of the exposure.
  • Example
  • CGAP/A 15 million / 270 million 0.56, or
    5.6 percent.

Equal Changes in Rates on RSAs and RSLs
  • Example Suppose rates rise 2 for RSAs and RSLs.
    Expected annual change in NII,
  • ?NII CGAP ? R
  • 15 million .01
  • 150,000
  • With positive CGAP, rates and NII move in the
    same direction.

Unequal Changes in Rates
  • If changes in rates on RSAs and RSLs are not
    equal, the spread changes. In this case,
  • ?NII (RSA ? RRSA ) - (RSL ? RRSL )

Unequal Rate Change Example
  • Spread effect example
  • RSA rate rises by 1.2 and RSL rate rises by 1.0
  • ?NII ? interest revenue - ? interest expense
  • (155 million 1.2) - (155 million 1.0)
  • 310,000

Restructuring Assets and Liabilities
  • The FI can restructure its assets and
    liabilities, on or off the balance sheet, to
    benefit from projected interest rate changes.
  • Positive gap increase in rates increases NII
  • Negative gap decrease in rates increases NII

Weaknesses of Repricing Model
  • Weaknesses
  • Ignores market value effects and off-balance
    sheet cash flows
  • Overaggregative
  • Distribution of assets liabilities within
    individual buckets is not considered. Mismatches
    within buckets can be substantial.
  • Ignores effects of runoffs
  • Bank continuously originates and retires consumer
    and mortgage loans. Runoffs may be rate-sensitive.

The Maturity Model
  • Explicitly incorporates market value effects.
  • For fixed-income assets and liabilities
  • Rise (fall) in interest rates leads to fall
    (rise) in market price.
  • The longer the maturity, the greater the effect
    of interest rate changes on market price.
  • Fall in value of longer-term securities increases
    at diminishing rate for given increase in
    interest rates.

Maturity of Portfolio
  • Maturity of portfolio of assets (liabilities)
    equals weighted average of maturities of
    individual components of the portfolio.
  • Principles stated on previous slide apply to
    portfolio as well as to individual assets or
  • Typically, MA - ML gt 0 for most banks and thrifts.

Effects of Interest Rate Changes
  • Size of the gap determines the size of interest
    rate change that would drive net worth to zero.
  • Immunization and effect of setting
  • MA - ML 0.

Maturity Matching and Interest Rate Exposure
  • If MA - ML 0, is the FI immunized?
  • Extreme example Suppose liabilities consist of
    1-year zero coupon bond with face value 100.
    Assets consist of 1-year loan, which pays back
    99.99 shortly after origination, and 1 at the
    end of the year. Both have maturities of 1 year.
  • Not immunized, although maturities are equal.
  • Reason Differences in duration.

  • The average life of an asset or liability
  • The weighted-average time to maturity using
    present value of the cash flows, relative to the
    total present value of the asset or liability as

Term Structure of Interest Rates
  • YTM

Time to Maturity
Time to Maturity
Time to Maturity
Time to Maturity
Unbiased Expectations Theory
  • Yield curve reflects markets expectations of
    future short-term rates.
  • Long-term rates are geometric average of current
    and expected short-term rates.
  • _ _
  • RN (1R1)(1E(r2))(1E(rN))1/N - 1

Liquidity Premium Theory
  • Allows for future uncertainty.
  • Premium required to hold long-term.
  • Market Segmentation Theory
  • Investors have specific needs in terms of
  • Yield curve reflects intersection of demand and
    supply of individual maturities.

Pertinent Websites
  • Bank for International Settlements www.bis.org
  • Federal Reserve www.federalreserve.gov
  • Bank of Japan www.boj.or.jp

Web Surf
  • Market value-based model for assessing and
    managing interest rate risk
  • Duration
  • Computation of duration
  • Economic interpretation
  • Immunization using duration
  • Problems in applying duration

Price Sensitivity and Maturity
  • In general, the longer the term to maturity, the
    greater the sensitivity to interest rate changes.
  • Example Suppose the zero coupon yield curve is
    flat at 12. Bond A pays 1762.34 in five years.
    Bond B pays 3105.85 in ten years, and both are
    currently priced at 1000.

Example continued...
  • Bond A P 1000 1762.34/(1.12)5
  • Bond B P 1000 3105.84/(1.12)10
  • Now suppose the interest rate increases by 1.
  • Bond A P 1762.34/(1.13)5 956.53
  • Bond B P 3105.84/(1.13)10 914.94
  • The longer maturity bond has the greater drop in
    price because the payment is discounted a greater
    number of times.

Coupon Effect
  • Bonds with identical maturities will respond
    differently to interest rate changes when the
    coupons differ. This is more readily understood
    by recognizing that coupon bonds consist of a
    bundle of zero-coupon bonds. With higher
    coupons, more of the bonds value is generated by
    cash flows which take place sooner in time.
    Consequently, less sensitive to changes in R.

Price Sensitivity of 6 Coupon Bond
Price Sensitivity of 8 Coupon Bond
Remarks on Preceding Slides
  • The longer maturity bonds experience greater
    price changes in response to any change in the
    discount rate.
  • The range of prices is greater when the coupon is
  • The 6 bond shows greater changes in price in
    response to a 2 change than the 8 bond. The
    first bond has greater interest rate risk.

  • Duration
  • Weighted average time to maturity using the
    relative present values of the cash flows as
  • Combines the effects of differences in coupon
    rates and differences in maturity.
  • Based on elasticity of bond price with respect
    to interest rate.

  • Duration
  • D Snt1Ct t/(1r)t/ Snt1 Ct/(1r)t
  • Where
  • D duration
  • t number of periods in the future
  • Ct cash flow to be delivered in t periods
  • n term-to-maturity r yield to maturity (per
    period basis).

  • Since the price of the bond must equal the
    present value of all its cash flows, we can state
    the duration formula another way
  • D Snt1t ? (Present Value of Ct/Price)
  • Notice that the weights correspond to the
    relative present values of the cash flows.

Duration of Zero-coupon Bond
  • For a zero coupon bond, duration equals maturity
    since 100 of its present value is generated by
    the payment of the face value, at maturity.
  • For all other bonds
  • duration lt maturity

Computing duration
  • Consider a 2-year, 8 coupon bond, with a face
    value of 1,000 and yield-to-maturity of 12.
    Coupons are paid semi-annually.
  • Therefore, each coupon payment is 40 and the per
    period YTM is (1/2) 12 6.
  • Present value of each cash flow equals CFt (1
    0.06)t where t is the period number.

Duration of 2-year, 8 bond Face value
1,000, YTM 12
Special Case
  • Maturity of a consol M ?.
  • Duration of a consol D 1 1/R

Duration Gap
  • Suppose the bond in the previous example is the
    only loan asset (L) of an FI, funded by a 2-year
    certificate of deposit (D).
  • Maturity gap ML - MD 2 -2 0
  • Duration Gap DL - DD 1.885 - 2.0 -0.115
  • Deposit has greater interest rate sensitivity
    than the loan, so DGAP is negative.
  • FI exposed to rising interest rates.

Features of Duration
  • Duration and maturity
  • D increases with M, but at a decreasing rate.
  • Duration and yield-to-maturity
  • D decreases as yield increases.
  • Duration and coupon interest
  • D decreases as coupon increases

Economic Interpretation
  • Duration is a measure of interest rate
    sensitivity or elasticity of a liability or
  • dP/P ? dR/(1R) -D
  • Or equivalently,
  • dP/P -DdR/(1R) -MD dR
  • where MD is modified duration.

Economic Interpretation
  • To estimate the change in price, we can rewrite
    this as
  • dP -DdR/(1R)P -(MD) (dR) (P)
  • Note the direct linear relationship between dP
    and -D.

Semi-annual Coupon Payments
  • With semi-annual coupon payments
  • (dP/P)/(dR/R) -DdR/(1(R/2)

An example
  • Consider three loan plans, all of which have
    maturities of 2 years. The loan amount is 1,000
    and the current interest rate is 3. Loan 1, is
    an installment loan with two equal payments of
    522.61. Loan 2 is a discount loan, which has a
    single payment of 1,060.90. Loan 3 is
    structured as a 3 annual coupon bond.

Duration as Index of Interest Rate Risk
Immunizing theBalance Sheet of an FI
  • Duration Gap
  • From the balance sheet, EA-L. Therefore,
    DEDA-DL. In the same manner used to determine
    the change in bond prices, we can find the change
    in value of equity using duration.
  • DE -DAA DLL DR/(1R) or
  • DE -DA - DLkA(DR/(1R))

Duration and Immunizing
  • The formula shows 3 effects
  • Leverage adjusted D-Gap
  • The size of the FI
  • The size of the interest rate shock

An example
  • Suppose DA 5 years, DL 3 years and rates are
    expected to rise from 10 to 11. (Rates change
    by 1). Also, A 100, L 90 and E 10. Find
    change in E.
  • DE -DA - DLkADR/(1R)
  • -5 - 3(90/100)100.01/1.1 - 2.09.
  • Methods of immunizing balance sheet.
  • Adjust DA , DL or k.

Immunization and Regulatory
  • Regulators set target ratios for a banks capital
    (net worth)
  • Capital (Net worth) ratio E/A
  • If target is to set ?(E/A) 0
  • DA DL
  • But, to set ?E 0
  • DA kDL

Limitations of Duration
  • Immunizing the entire balance sheet need not be
    costly. Duration can be employed in combination
    with hedge positions to immunize.
  • Immunization is a dynamic process since duration
    depends on instantaneous R.
  • Large interest rate change effects not accurately
  • Convexity
  • More complex if nonparallel shift in yield curve.

  • The duration measure is a linear approximation of
    a non-linear function. If there are large changes
    in R, the approximation is much less accurate.
    All fixed-income securities are convex. Convexity
    is desirable, but greater convexity causes larger
    errors in the duration-based estimate of price

  • Recall that duration involves only the first
    derivative of the price function. We can improve
    on the estimate using a Taylor expansion. In
    practice, the expansion rarely goes beyond second
    order (using the second derivative).

Modified duration
  • DP/P -DDR/(1R) (1/2) CX (DR)2 or DP/P
    -MD DR (1/2) CX (DR)2
  • Where MD implies modified duration and CX is a
    measure of the curvature effect.
  • CX Scaling factor capital loss from 1bp rise
    in yield capital gain from 1bp fall in yield
  • Commonly used scaling factor is 108.

Calculation of CX
  • Example convexity of 8 coupon, 8 yield,
    six-year maturity Eurobond priced at 1,000.
  • CX 108DP-/P DP/P
  • 108(999.53785-1,000)/1,000
  • 28.

Duration Measure Other Issues
  • Default risk
  • Floating-rate loans and bonds
  • Duration of demand deposits and passbook savings
  • Mortgage-backed securities and mortgages
  • Duration relationship affected by call or
    prepayment provisions.

Contingent Claims
  • Interest rate changes also affect value of
    off-balance sheet claims.
  • Duration gap hedging strategy must include the
    effects on off-balance sheet items such as
    futures, options, swaps, caps, and other
    contingent claims.

Pertinent Websites
  • Securities Exchange Commission www.sec.gov

Web Surf
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