Title: RL and RC Circuits
1R-L and R-C Circuits
- EE341 Energy Conversion
- Ali Keyhani
- Circuit Theory
- Lecture 1
2R-L Circuit
Considering a R-L circuit
If at t0, the switch is closed. What will be the
response inductor current i?
The system differential equation is
3R-L Circuit
After some time (transient state), the current
reaches steady state as shown in the figure.
Voltage source
Steady state
Transient state
4R-L Circuit
At steady state, v and i can be represented by
phasor V and I, where
?V is the phase angle of V. ?I is the phase
angle of I. It is determined by ?V and impedance
angle ? (?I ?V - ? )
The differential equation becomes
5R-L Circuit
Inductor Reactance
We have
Generally we choose V as reference, then ?V 0
I lags V
6R-L Circuit
The power supplied by the power source is
Lagging positive reactive power
Or in other form,
7R-C Circuit
Considering a R-C circuit
If at t0, the switch is closed. What will be the
response capacitor voltage vc?
The system differential equation is
8R-C Circuit
After some time (transient state), the voltage
reaches steady state as shown in the figure.
Voltage source
Steady state
Transient state
9R-C Circuit
At steady state, v and vc can be represented by
phasor V and VC, where
10R-C Circuit
Capacitor Reactance
We have
Generally we choose V as reference, then ?V 0
I leads V
11R-C Circuit
The power supplied by the power source is
Leading negative reactive power
Or in other form,