Title: Benthos Pressure Sphere
1(No Transcript)
2Benthos Pressure Sphere
- Bubbles
- Chips
- Ground surface
- Lines
- Color
3Benthos Pressure Sphere
- One example of bubble at grind noted.
- Small bubbles in volume, common.
- Benthos says no problem.
4Benthos Pressure Sphere
- Inside chips less desirable.
- Outside chips more tolerable.
5Benthos Pressure Sphere
9.1. Pressure Sphere Glass.A passing grade
requires that the following 9.1.1. Any chip on
the inner circumference may not exceed 2mm peak
radial. 9.1.2. Any chip on the inner
circumference may not exceed 5mm peak
tangent. 9.1.3. Any chip on the inner
circumference may not exceed 1mm peak
normal. 9.1.4. Any chip on the outer
circumference may not exceed 4mm peak
radial. 9.1.5. Any chip on the outer
circumference may not exceed 8mm peak
tangent. 9.1.6. Any chip on the outer
circumference may not exceed 2mm peak
normal. 9.1.7. In the case of multiple chips No
more than 4 chips within a 15cm path. 9.1.8. A
Sphere may pass with no more than three
noticeable chips which do not exceed the
previous 7 criteria.
6Benthos Pressure Sphere
- Poor surface grind speeds leak up rate.
- Modified backfill seal procedure, shown
tolerant of leak rate. - Benthos says not a problem for pressure.
7Benthos Pressure Sphere
- Similar to the embossed circle and text.
- Not a structural issue.
8Benthos Pressure Sphere
- Two tinted spheres noted.
- No explanation, if found return to
Benthos for evaluation.