Title: Using AI Planning to Implement Algorithm Composition
1Using AI Planning to Implement Algorithm
- Context Sensitive Domain-Independent Algorithm
Composition and Selection.Troy A. Johnson and
Rudolf EigenmannPurdue University
- Increasing programmer productivity
- Typical language approach increase abstraction
- abstract away from machine get closer to problem
- do more using less code
- reduce software development maintenance costs
- Domain-specific languages / libraries (DSLs)
provide high level of abstraction - e.g., domains are biology, chemistry, physics,
3A Common BioPerl Call Sequence
- Query a remote database and save the result to
local storage
Query q bio_db_query_genbank_new(nucleotide,
ArabidopsisORGN AND topoisomeraseTITL
AND 03000SLEN) DB db
bio_db_genbank_new() Stream stream
get_stream_by_query(db, q) SeqIO seqio
bio_seqio_new(gtsequence.fasta, fasta) Seq
seq next_seq(stream) write_seq(seqio, seq)
5 data types 6 procedure calls
4A Library Designers Problem
- Everything should be made as simple as
possible, but not simpler - Create useful fundamental building blocks
- Dont include redundant ones, eventhough they
might be convenient - Library user is expected to compose sequences of
fundamental calls
5A Library Users Problem
- Novice users dont know these call sequences
- procedures documented independently
- tutorials provide some example code fragments
- not an exhaustive list
- may need adjusted for calling context (no copy
paste) - User knows what they want to do, but not how to
do it
6Bridging the Gap
- Build (semi) automatic tools to help users
specify what they want and get what they need.
- A brief introduction to Automated Planning
- Algorithm Composition Using Planning
- Mapping composition to planning
- Language, compiler and planner
- Limitations
- Where do we go from here?
8Simplified View of Planning
Initial State
Goal State
Plan User
A Domain-Dependent Planner
A Domain-Independent Planner
- World is composed of objects
- Actions modify objects' properties and
relationships - Planner deals with a symbolic model
9Traditional Planning Example
- Planners are not normally applied to software
they traditionally solve problems like this
Actions in the plan modify a world of blocks
Initial state on(B, table)on(C, table)on(A,
Goal state on(C, table) on(B, C) on(A, B)
move(A, table) move(B, C) move(A, B)
These are properties. (Planners Input)
These are actions. (Planners Output)
These are properties. (Planners Input)
10Classical Representation
- The world is represented as states
- States are represented as a set of logical atoms
- Operators define a state-transition system
- precondition when an operator can be used
- effects what an operator does
- Planner finds a path through the system from the
initial state to the goal state
11Why Planning Is Difficult
- Too many states to enumerate
- Search intelligently using reasonable time
space - Danger that planner may not terminate
12Simple Planning Algorithms
- Forward Search
- Start at the initial state and advance using the
operators until you reach the goal - Backward Search
- Start at the goal state and apply the inverse of
the operators - STRIPS
13To Solve Composition Using Planning
- Initial state Calling context
- compiler analysis
- Goal state Abstract Algorithm
- user
- Operators Procedure specifications
- library author
- Actions Procedure calls
- World Program state
14Is Planning Necessary For Composition
- Many possible actions
- libraries contain 10s 100s procedures
(operators) - each procedure has several parameters
- many live variables (objects) at a call site
- many ways to bind variables to parameters
- Ex 128 procs, 2 params each, 8 objs, 4 calls
- assume all objects params have the same type
- (128 82)4 252 potential plans
15The Planning Solution
- Add an abstract algorithm (AA) construct to
the programming language - An AA is named and defined by the programmer
- definition is the programmer's goal
- An AA is called like a procedure
- compiler replaces the call with a sequence of
library calls - How does the compiler compose the sequence?
- it uses a domain-independent planner
16BioPerl Call Sequence Revisited
- Query a remote database and save the result to
local storage
Query q bio_db_query_genbank_new(nucleotide,
ArabidopsisORGN AND topoisomeraseTITL
AND 03000SLEN) DB db
bio_db_genbank_new() Stream stream
get_stream_by_query(db, q) SeqIO seqio
bio_seqio_new(gtsequence.fasta, fasta) Seq
seq next_seq(stream) write_seq(seqio, seq)
17Defining and Calling an AA
- AA (goal) defined using the glossary...
algorithm save_query_result_locally(db_name,
query_string, filename,
format) gt query_result(result, db_name,
query_string), contains(filename,
result), in_format(filename, format)
18Defining and Calling an AA
- ...and called like a procedure
Seq seq save_query_result_locally(
nucleotide, ArabidopsisORGN AND
opoisomeraseTITL AND 03000SLEN,
gtsequence.fasta, fasta)
1 data type, 1 AA call
- Domain Independent Planned Algorithm Composition
and Selection
- Ontological engineering
- Choosing a vocabulary for the domain
- Determine initial and goal states
- Object creation
- most planners assume a fixed set of objects
- Merging of plan and program
21Ontological Engineering
- Glossary of abstractions for describing the
preconditions and effect of library routines - e.g. sorted(x), permutation(x, y), contains(a, b)
- not precise semantics
- Library author and user understand the properties
- via prior familiarity with the domain
- via the glossary
22Ontological Engineering
- The compiler propagates terms during analysis
- meaning of properties does not matter
- The planner matches properties to goals
- meaning of properties does not matter
23Determining Initial and Goal States
- Determine variables at AAs call point
int a, b, c ... a b c AA(...) (objects
a b c int (init (equals a b))
24Determining Initial and Goal States
- Discover properties at the AAs call point
y sort(x)
y sort(x)
y0 1
z AA(y)
z AA(y)
(objects x y z int_array (init (sorted y))
(objects x y z int_array (init (sorted y))
25Object Creation
- Classical planning
- The world consists of a static set of objects
- Operators never create new objects
- Extension to the programming world is needed
- Start with a large enough number of extra
objects - Create new objects on demand
26Merging of Plan and Program
- Destructive vs. non-destructive call sequence
- The compiler choose based on live variables
int a, b, c ... a sort(a) c
sort(b) ... ... a ... b
sort is an AA
1. destructive_sort(a) 2. a nondestructive_sort
int t b destructive_sort(t) c t
27The Planning Language (Librarian)
- Library procedures and their specifications
- Provided by the library programmer
procedure intnondestructive_sort( int array
) gt sorted (result) ,permutation(result,
array) time pow(array.length , 2) space 2
array.length / implementation /
28The Planning Language (User)
- Defining Abstract Algorithms
algorithm sort( x ) gt sorted( result ),
permutaion( result, x ) algorithm stable_sort(
y ) gt sort(y), stable( result, y )
29The Planning Language (Compiler)
- Generates extended PDDL
- Lisp-like syntax
( define (problem sort) ( objects input_array
- int_array) ( goal ( exists (?result -
int_array) ( and (sorted ?result)
(permutation ?result
30The Planning Language (Compiler)
- Generates extended PDDL
- Object creation non standard create
(action next_seq parameters (?stream -
Stream) creates (?result - Seq) effect
(forall (?q Query) (when (
stream_for_query ?stream ?q )
(query_result ?result ?q.db ?q.query)))) (action
insertion_sort parameters (?array -
int_array) creates (?array_at_ - int_array)
effect (and (sorted ?array_at_)
(permutaion ?array_at_ ?array)))
31The Planning Language (Compiler)
- Generates extended PDDL
- Non deterministic effects non standard either
(action isalpha parameters (?ch - char)
creates (?result - bool) effect (either
(and (?ch alpha) (equal ?result t))
(and (not (?ch alpha)) (equal ?result f))))
32The Planner
- Call sequences are (relatively) short
- High Branching factor
- Exhaustive search is infeasible
- Could not find good heuristic for forward search
- Use a modified version of STRIPS
- allow for backtracking (multiple plans)
- p? the empty plan
- do a modified backward search from g
- instead of ?-1(s, a), each new set of subgoals is
just precond(a) - whenever you find an action thats executable in
the current state, then go forward on the current
search path as far as possible, executing actions
and appending them to p
Abstract Algorithm create solutions time (ms)
1 dummy Seq 32 300
2 save_query_result_locally Seq 1 3270
3 sort int 2 800
4 sort float 0 30
- Multiple plans require interactive compilation
- cache to store previous decisions
algorithm dummy() Seq s dummy()
35Where Do We Go From Here?
- DIPACS is a proof of concept. Can we take the
concept to the next level? - language features loops, exceptions, OO
- scalability
- using existing libraries
- automatic inference of effects
- Different planning algorithm
- plans with branches
- forward search