Title: Taiga and Rain Forest
1Taiga and Rain Forest
2The Taiga is the biggest biome in the world. The
Taiga is a broad band across North America,
Europe, and Asia to southern broader of the Artic
Tundra. The Taiga is found northern Hemisphere To
the polar region.As you can see the Tiaga is big
3The Tropical Rain Forest is a Hot and moist
place. The Rain forest is the largest
biome Forest in South America. The Rain Forest
has tall trees.It is a region of year round
wormth.As you can see the Rain Forest is a great
place to be in.
4Animals of the Taiga
Bald eagle
5Animals of the Rain forest
6Plants of the Taiga
Paper Birch
Douglas Fir
Black Spruce
Balsam fir
Siberian Spruce
Eastern Red Cedar