Title: Foot, Ankle and Lower Leg Problems
1Foot, Ankle and Lower Leg Problems
- Scott W. Pyne, M.D.
- United States Naval Academy
- Define relevant anatomy, physiology, and
radiographic features of the foot, ankle and
lower leg - Recognize history, presenting signs and pertinent
exam findings - Demonstrate common rehabilitative exercises
- Demonstrate proper injection techniques,
indications and contraindications
3Ankle Bones
- Tibia
- Fibula
- Talus
- Dome
- Neck
- Calcaneus
- Medial tubercle
- Anterior process
- Posterior process
4What are these things?
- Fractures
- Sesamoids
- Gout crystals
- Tendon calcification
5Foot Bones
- Calcaneus
- Talus
- Navicular
- Cuboid
- Cuneiform
- Medial, Intermediate, Lateral
- Metatarsals
- Phalanges
- Sesamoids
6Lateral Ankle
- Lateral Malleolus Distal Fibula
- Tibiofibular Ligaments
- Syndesmosis
- Anterior Talofibular Ligament
- Calcaneofibular Ligament
- Posterior Talofibular Ligament
- Peroneus Brevis
- Peroneus Longus
7Anterior Ankle
- Tibialis Anterior Tendon
- Extensor Hallicus Longus
- Anterior tibiofibular ligament
8Medial Ankle
- Medial Malleolus Distal Tibia
- Deltoid Ligament
- Tibialis Posterior Tendon
- Flexor Digitorum Longus Tendon
- Posterior Tibial Artery
- Posterior Tibial Vein
- Tibial Nerve
- Flexor Hallicus Longus
9Medial ankle
10Posterior Ankle
- Calcaneus
- Achilles Tendon
- Gastrocnemius
- Soleus
- Posterior tibiofibular ligament
11Plantar Foot
- Plantar fascia
- Longitudinally oriented collagen fibers
- Medial calcaneal tubercle
- Proximal phalanges
12Dorsal foot
- Extensor tendons
- Dorsal pedis artery
- Digital nerves
13Midfoot Congruity
- Tarsometatarsal Articulation
- First and second metatarsal with medial and
intermediate cuneiform - Lisfranc ligament
- Transverse ligaments
14Which foot is overpronated?
15A Word About Imaging
- Ottawa Ankle Rules
- X-rays
- Stress views
- Bone Scan
- CT
16Normal Ankle X-ray
17Normal Foot X-ray
18Acute Foot and Ankle Injuries
- Bone
- Ligament
- Muscle Tendon
- Nerve Blood Vessels
- Remember mechanism of injury!
19Case 1
- 34 yo male with ankle pain
- Landed on foot while playing basketball
- Stopped playing
- Lateral pain
- Able to limp off court and into your office
20Case 1 History
- Previous history
- Previous rehabilitation
- Ankle protection
- Ability to bear weight
- Neurovascular symptoms
21Case 1 Physical Exam
- Able to walk
- Swelling Laterally
- Tender laterally, but not bone
- Slight bruising
- Neurovascular intact
- No instability
22How do you treat this?
- Cast and crutch for 3 weeks
- Orthopedic referral
- Early range of motion,
protect and gradually
advance activity - MRI will guide treatment
23Case 2
- 34 yo male football player
- Right ankle rolled up under him during tackle
- Walked off field
- Unable to return to play
24Case 2 History
- Previous history
- Previous rehabilitation
- Ankle protection
- Ability to bear weight
- Neurovascular symptoms
25Case 2 Physical Exam
- Difficulty bearing weight
- Swelling throughout
- Tender laterally, anteriorly, medially
- Neurovascular intact
- Painful Tib-Fib Squeeze
26Lateral Ankle Sprains
- Grade 1 Ligament stretch
- Grade 2 Ligament partial tear
- Grade 3 Ligament complete tear
- High Ankle Sprain
- Involvement of syndesmosis
- All structures keeping tibial and fibula together
27Lateral Ankle Sprain
- Evaluation
- Image as necessary
- Functional Assessment
- Treatment
- Protect, rest, ice, compress, elevate
- Brace
- Movement
- Physical Therapy ROM, strength, proprioception
28Case 3 History
- 33 yo Football Player
- Ankle twisted up under him
- Heard a pop
- Unable to bear weight
- Thinks something bad happened
- Blamed the quarterback, the coach, the city
29Case 3 Physical Exam
- Difficulty bearing weight
- Swelling throughout
- Tender laterally, anteriorly, medially
- Neurovascular intact
- Painful tib-fib squeeze
30Danis-Weber Classification
31Ankle Fracture
- Evaluation
- Neurovascular
- Mortise and proximal fibula
- Treatment
- Bulky splint
- Protect, elevate
- Referral
32Who is Maissoneuve?
- One of Napoleon's surgeons
- He runs a spa in Maui
- Described proximal fibular fracture with
ankle external rotation - Described causative mechanism in
Mortons metatarsalgia
33Case 4
- 45 yo Male with right heel pain
- Exercises daily run, basketball, volleyball
- Worse after volleyball game
- Pain and creaking over heel for past month
- Difficulty walking, but warms up
34Case 4 Differential Diagnosis
- What lives in the back of the leg
- Calcaneus unlikely
- Calf muscle
- Gastrocnemius
- Soleus
- Achilles Tendon
35Achilles Tendinosis
- Evaluation
- Palpation with tender Achilles Tendon
- Associated crepitus
- Imaging?
- Treatment
- Rest, stretch, ice, cross-friction massage
- Eccentric strengthening
- Physical Therapy modalities
- Avoid injection
36Case 5
- 19 yo female with lateral ankle pain 2 days after
her first marathon - No swelling or bruising
- Worse with running and stairs
- No previous sx and no pain with marathon
37Case 5 Differential Diagnosis
- What lives on the lateral ankle?
- Bone
- Lateral malleolus
- Talus
- Ligaments
- Tendons
- Peroneus brevis
- Peroneus longus
38Peroneal Tendonitis
- Evaluation
- Tender to palpation along tendons
- Increased with resisted eversion
- No bony tenderness
- Imaging?
- Treatment
- Protect, Rest, Ice, Time, Physical Therapy
- Prevention
- Foot analysis, gradual training, footwear
39Case 6
- Football player tackled
- Entire stadium heard a loud crack
- Defense immediately calling trainers
- Never had this happen before
40Case 6 Physical Exam
- Painful distal leg
- Resistant to any movement
- Something doesnt look right
- Deformity
- Swelling
41Tibia Fibula fracture
- Evaluation
- Neurovascular status
- X-ray
- Treatment
- Bulky splint
- Protect and elevate
- Referral
42Chronic Ankle Injuries
- Remember functional anatomy
- Previous Injury
- How long ago?
- Treatment?
- Previous problem or limitations?
- What is different?
- Reason for the visit today?
43Case 7
- 20 yo basketball player
- Rolls ankle all the time
- Rehabilitation with physical therapy a few times
- Stopped when he could play again
- Wears brace
44Case 7 Physical Exam
- Normal gait
- Minimal swelling laterally
- No bruising
- Normal strength
- Neurovascular intact
- Poor proprioception
45Case 7 Differential Diagnosis
- What lives laterally?
- Bone
- Lateral malleolus
- Talus
- Ligaments
- Tendons
- What will help?
46Case 7 Diagnosis
- Chronic ligament injury
- Positive anterior drawer
- What can we do?
- Strengthen
- Brace
- Operate
- How to decide?
47Case 8
- 65 yo male with right ankle pain.
- Gradually worsening over past year
- No fever, chills or recent trauma
- No instability
- Long history bilateral ankle injuries
- History of Gout
48Case 8 Differential Diagnosis
- This one is different
- Global ankle problem
- Possible Causes
- Bone
- Infection
- Crystal deposition
49Case 8
- Evaluation
- X-ray
- Blood Work
- Aspiration
- Treatment options
- Good luck
- Activity modification
- Medications
- Corticosteroid injection
- Surgery
50Case 9
- 20 yo female kickboxing instructor
- Injured foot 2 months ago while landing
- Persistent pain to run, jump and kick
- Tapes her midfoot for class
51Lisfranc Ligament Complex
- Evaluation
- Painful midfoot stress
- Mild swelling
- Weight-bearing X-ray
- 2nd MT/intermediate cuneiform
- CT/MRI/Bone Scan
- Treatment
- Casting for mild
- Surgery for advanced
52Case 10
- 59 yo female with right heel pain
- Worse with first steps when getting out of bed
- Gradually improves but worsens by end of day
- Related to wearing boots
53Case 10
- Evaluation
- Point tender medial calcaneal tubercle
- Increased with passive great toe extension
- Valgus foot type
- Treatment
- Ice, stretch, cross-friction massage
- Night splint, orthotics
- Physical therapy
- Corticosteroid injection
54How Bad Does This Hurt
- Not at all
- Like a Bee Sting
- Grumpy face on visual pain scale
- Ill have another baby before I do this again
55Case 11
- 48 yo male with right leg pain after playing
tennis - Medial calf pain
- Felt like he was hit with a ball
- Trouble with toe raise
56Medial Gastrocnemius Strain
- Evaluation
- Swelling and ecchymosis medial gastroc
- No palpable muscle defect
- Achilles intact
- Imaging?
- Treatment
- Protect, ice, stretch
- Protected return to activities
57Case 12 History
- 38 yo active duty airman with 10 year history of
bilateral lower leg pain - Diagnosed with shin splints and stress fractures
- No pain at rest
- Pain 10 minutes into exercise
- Pain resolves 10 minutes after exercise
- Unable to drive standard transmission for 10-15
minutes after exercise - Associated dorsal foot numbness and leg tightness
58Case 12 Physical
- Pre-exercise
- Normal gait and appearance
- TTP posterior medial tibia bilaterally
- No calf tenderness
- Neurovascular intact
- Normal strength
- Post-exercise
- Foot drop gait
- TTP posterior medial tibia bilaterally
- Calf pain
- Decreased dorsal foot sensation
- 4/5 strength ankle and 1st toe extension
59Lower Leg Pain
- Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome
- Shin splint
- Isolated medial tibial pain
- Normal X-rays
- Stress fracture
- Bone injury
- Varying degrees of injury
- X-ray, bone scan, MRI
- Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome
- Tight compartments
- Anterior, lateral, superficial posterior and deep
posterior - Associated nerve and vascular compromise
- Ps
- Pulseless, palor, paresthesia, pain, paralysis
60What is the word starting with p that means
- Polarthermic
- Poikilothermia
- Poikilodactyly
- Poi
61Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome
- Evaluation
- Differentiate leg pain
- Pressure measurement
- Treatment
- Conservative
- Surgical fasciotomy
62Tibial Stress Fracture
- X-ray
- No finding
- Periosteal reaction
- Dreaded black line
- Bone Scan
63Unlucky Case 13
- 19yo female student
- New running program
- Shooting foot pain
- Pebble sensation
- No history of injury
- Associated toe numbness with pedicure
- Works as a waitress
64Case 13 Physical Exam
- Normal appearing foot
- FROM, Motor intact
- Decreased sensation 3rd webspace
- Non-tender metatarsal heads and shaft
- Squeeze her metatarsal heads
- Mulders sign palpable click
- Reproduce shooting pain
65Mortons Neuroma
- Interdigital nerve chronic stress
- Treatment
- New shoes
- Wider toe box
- Metatarsal pads
- Injection
66Metatarsal Stress Fracture