Title: The Organization of American States
1The Organization of American States
Unit for Social Development and Education
Young Americas Business Network the Americas
Young Americas Business Trust the Americas
Summer 1997 Site design and construction begins
A web site designed by the Organization of
American States Unit for Social Development and
Education, to identify and document successful
strategies that help young people learn the
personal, technical, and employment skills
necessary for them to succeed in school and the
October 1997 Barbados - Prototype launched at
CARICOM Regional Conference on Youth Enterprise
and Development
November 1997 Mexico - Web site pre-launch at
regional conference for enterprise and
- December 1997 Official Launch, Site Operational
- partnerships sought for content development
- establishing network of web sites, organizations
Young Americas Business Network the Americas
3communications center
internal communications center
information center
Facilitates communication between interested
parties by providing an easy means of sending and
retrieving information from around the region.
A central location for research output and
information exchange.
A password-protected area to facilitate groups
working over the Internet, including real-time
- Conference Center
- Document Center
- Resource Database
- Discussion forums
- Trade-NET
- Practitioners Survey
- OAS Project Information
- Resource Database
- Documents
- Enterprise Education Training Manual
- Case Studies
Young Americas Business Network the Americas
4Strategy for Growth Present Status
1. The web site and dynamic database are now
operational, serving data via the web to visitors
from the Internet community.
To Internet Community
2. News groups, mailing lists, discussion
groups, e-mail, and the web are being used to
actively seek out and invite interested new
visitors to the site.
Young Americas Business Network the Americas
5Strategy for Growth Interaction Map
By creating this interactive center on the
Internet, the Network will attract four core
Through these interactions, the Network will
- bridge partnerships,
- promote current initiatives,
- sponsor youth business, and
- provide on-line services where needed.
Young Americas Business Network the Americas
6Partnership and Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsor the creation of a new area
- contribute a page or a section developed by your
organization - sponsor web site development for National OAS
projects - sponsor a young entrepreneur or youth business
Sponsor the development of resource database
- sponsor a youth researcher
- provide access to data or resources
Partner by supporting and maintaining a section
- host an existing or new discussion forum
- promote Trade-NET
Provide software, hardware, or expertise
Young Americas Business Network the Americas
7The Organization of American States
Unit for Social Development and Education
Young Americas Business Network the Americas
Young Americas Business Trust the Americas
Building the Future of Business in the Caribbean
and the Americas