Title: Assessment of Smolt Condition:
1Assessment of Smolt Condition Biological and
Environmental Interactions Columbia River
Research Laboratory,
Western Fisheries Research Center,
Cook, WA Robin M. Schrock, Robert E. Reagan, and
Alec G. Maule
2Project Overview
Early role - basinwide smolt monitoring
- Real-time physiological monitoring for FPC
- for Water Budget
- Prevalence/severity of BKD in smolts
- Monitor in-river effects of rearing/release
strategies - GBT gt new project development
3Relationship to BiOp
RPA 184 hatchery reform early rearing
environment 141 effects of temperature
history 182 reproductive success
early life stage 188 extra mortality
early rearing history 187 ocean entry,
SAR, transport vs. migrants rearing
history effects Adaptive management strategies -
hatchery reform, RME
4Objective 1 Science support technical
assistance regional agencies
- Rearing conditions density, rations, growth
- Physiological/environmental interactions vs
genetics - Temperature
- Immunostimulants/feeds
- Stress immunostimulants/vaccines
5Fitness of Hatchery, Wild, and Hybrid Offspring
Analysis of Production Variables and Adult Returns
Effects of an Altered Feeding Strategy on
Evaluation of Yearling Snake River Fall Chinook
Stress in Acclimated versus Direct Stream
Released Fish Anadromous Fish Reintroduction
Project Genetic Differences on Survival and
Emigration of Steelhead Trout Temperature Effects
on Precocity and Residualism in Steelhead
Smolts Survival in Coho Salmon under Natural and
Standard Conditions
Evaluation of Collection, Bypass, and
Introduced steelhead and coho smolt production
6Recent Preliminary Investigations
USGS Science Support to USFWS Entiat NFH 2001
- Immunological factors in surface vs ground water
- Immunostimulant exposures as disease challenge
USFWS/IDFG - Hagerman NFH in 2001
- Immunostimulant effects - handling
stress/vaccination - Effects of glucan on incidental furunculosis
outbreak - Furunculosis ELISA, PCR detection techniques
7Objectives 2-5
Goal Effects of early rearing on development
- Population genetic screening
- Select wild/hatchery comparisons
- Priority wild vs hatchery in surface
groundwater - Immunostimulant exposures as disease challenge
- Coordinate with CWT, PIT, radio telem projects
- Monitor evaluate emigration, ocean entry,
adult performance
8(No Transcript)
9Immunostimulants Why?
10Information Transfer and Products
Journal Publications Book Chapters
Annual/Technical Reports
Annual Smolt Workshop