Title: <Title of Talk>
1ltTitle of Talkgt
- ltNamegt
- ltInstitutiongt
- Inflation Probe Systematics Workshop
- Annapolis, MD July 28-30
3Experiment Details
Please fill out this table for the limit on r,
give a footnote on how that was calculated (ie
what foreground model if any, etc)
Angular resolution Arcminutes
Frequency Coverage GHz
Sky Coverage Square Degrees
Multipole Coverage -
Polarization Modulation? -
Types of Detectors -
Location (Balloon/Ground/Space)
Instrument NEQ ?K s1/2
Expected/Current limit on r -
Status (Funded/Proposed/ Future)
4Instrument and Observing Strategy
Please describe the following items, as well as
anything else we need to know to understand how
youre going to make polarization maps
- Optics
- band definitions
- polarization selection
- Polarization modulation
- Scan strategy
- Pointing reconstruction (accuracy)
5Systematics to consider
Below is a list of potential systematic effects.
Please address whatever effects you can from here
in your talk feel free to add more or
qualify/expand on these. Quantitative limits
(measured, calculated, or estimated) on these
effects would be helpful, as would results of
simulations with your observing strategy that
take them to a power spectrum.
Systematic Effect
Crosspolar beam E ? B
Polarization angle errors E ? B
Pointing errors (on Q/U) E ? B
Main beam asymmetry (before differencing) dT ? B
Sidelobes dT ? B
Instrumental polarization dT ? B
Relative calibration errors dT ? B
Pointing errors before differencing T ? B
Gain drift before differencing T ? B
Optics and spillover T variations dTopt ? B
Scan modulated cold stage variations dTCS ? B
Band shape errors, including modulator effects foregrounds ? B
Others? ?
- For a deployed experiment, what lessons were
learned? - For an experiment in development, what are your
major concerns? ie, what systematics worry you