Title: UV to Mid-IR SEDs of Low Redshift Quasars
1UV to Mid-IR SEDs of Low Redshift Quasars
Zhaohui Shang(Tianjin Normal University/Universit
y of Wyoming) Michael Brotherton, Danny
Dale(University of Wyoming) Dean Hines(Space
Science Institute)
Xian Oct. 20, 2006
2Quasar Spectral Energy Distributions (SED)
- Significant energy output over wide frequency
range - Big blue bump (UV bump) strongest energy
output - Infrared bump energy output comparable to UV
bump - Important in determining the bolometric
luminosity of quasars (AGNs)
- Quasar SED (Elvis et al. 1994)
- Infrared broad band photometry
3Recent Results from Spitzer (broad band IRAC)
- 259 SDSS quasars (Richards et al. 2006,
astro-ph/0601558) - Overall SEDs consistent with the mean SEDs of
Elvis et al. 1994 - SED diversity leads to large uncertainty in
determining bolometric luminosity if assuming
mean SED, e.g., LBol9?L?(5100Å).
4Recent Results from Spitzer (broad band IRAC,
- 13 high-redshift (zgt4.5) quasars (Hines et al.
2006, ApJ, 641, L85) - Consistent with SEDs of low-redshift quasars
(Elvis et al. 1994)
- Our project
- Mid-IR SED from spectra (Spitzer IRS)
- Study emission features
- Add best data from other bands (e.g., X-ray)
- Improve bolometric correction
5Sample and Data (UV-optical)
- Sample 1 22 PG quasars (Laor et al. 1994, Shang
et al. 2003) - Sample 2 17 AGNs from FUSE UV-bright sample
(Kriss 2000, Shang et al. 2005) - Z lt 0.5
- Quasi-simultaneous UV-optical spectra to reduce
uncertainty from variability - Rest wavelength coverage 1000 8000 Å, (some 900
9000 Å)
6Sample and Data (Infrared)
- Sample 1 22 PG quasars (Laor et al. 1994, Shang
et al. 2003) - Sample 2 17 AGNs from FUSE UV-bright sample
(Kriss 2000, Shang et al. 2005) - Spitzer IRS mid-IR spectra (rest frame 5-35 µm)
- MIPS far-IR (24, 70, 160 µm) photometry (not
- Available mid-IR spectra UV-optical
- Total 15 objects (6 radio-loud, 9 radio-quiet)
- Silicates features at 10 and 18 µm(Siebenmorgen
et al. 2005, Sturm et al. 2005, Hao et al. 2005,
Weedman et al. 2005) - Emission lines Ne III15.56 µm, O IV25.89 µm,
- Power-law between 5-8 µm, and beyond
7Results 1 of 3 Spectral Energy Distributions
- Our sub-sample of 15 objects
- Composite spectrum (UV optical mid-IR)
- Normalized at 5600 Å
- Clear Silicates features around 10 and 18 µm
8Results 1 of 3 Spectral Energy Distributions
- Our sub-sample of 15 objects
- Composite spectrum (UV optical mid-IR)
- Normalized at 5600 Å
- Clear Silicates features around 10 and 18 µm
- Near-IR composite spectrum (Glikman et al. 2006)
- 27 AGNs (zlt0.4)
- 1 micron inflexion
9Result 1 of 3 Spectral Energy Distributions
- Our sub-sample of 15 objects
- Composite spectrum (UV optical mid-IR)
- Normalized at 5600 Å
- Clear Silicates features around 10 and 18 µm
- Near-IR composite spectrum (Glikman et al. 2006)
- 27 AGNs (zlt0.4)
- 1 micron inflexion
- Compared to the mean SEDs of Elvis et al. 1994
- Normalized to UV-optical
- Overall similar patterns
- More details with emission features
10Result 1 of 3 Spectral Energy Distributions
- Individual mid-IR spectral are different.
- Contribute differently to the bolometric
luminosity(LMIR8 to 30 of LBol, assuming
- Bolometric luminosity estimate must take into
account the diversity of the (mid-) infrared
spectra. - Mid-IR spectra can help to improve the bolometric
Normalized at 8 µm
Normalized at 5600 Å
11Result 1 of 3 Spectral Energy Distributions
Normalized at 8 µm
Normalized at 5600 Å
Small difference between radio-loud and
12Result 2 of 3 Evidence of Intrinsic Reddening
13Result 2 of 3 Evidence of Intrinsic Reddening
(Is it real?)
- Correlation holds without the outliers.
14Result 2 of 3 Evidence of Intrinsic Reddening
(is it real?)
- Correlation holds without the outliers
- Correlation is NOT caused by a correlation
between spectral slope and the UV luminosity. - Show direct evidence of intrinsic dust reddening.
- All quasars have intrinsic reddening (our sample
is blue). - Mid-IR UV-optical info could lead to good
estimate of intrinsic reddening.
15Result 3 of 3 Eigenvector one (EV1) in Mid-IR
- Our sub-sample of 15 objects
- Composite spectrum (UV optical mid-IR)
- Normalized at 5600 Å
- Clear Silicates features around 10 and 18 µm
(Boroson Green 1992)
- Strong anti-correlation between OIII and FeII
emissions - Involve many other UV-optical, soft X-ray
parameters. - May related to covering factor.
- May be driven by Eddington Accretion ratio L/LEdd.
16Result 3 of 3 Eigenvector one (EV1) in Mid-IR
(Boroson Green 1992)
17Result 3 of 3 Eigenvector one (EV1) in Mid-IR
r0.64, p1.0
- Equivalent width of Silicates 10µm seems also to
be a parameter of EV1. - Consistent with the picture of covering factor.
- We constructed the UV-optical and mid-IR
composite spectra of low-redshift broad-line
(type I) quasars from a sub-sample. - Unlike borad-band SEDs, the composites show
detailed mid-IR features. - Mid-IR spectra needs to be considered in
estimating a better bolometric luminosity. - All quasars seem to have intrinsic dust
reddening. - Mid-IR and UV-optical information may be used to
estimate the intrinsic reddening. - Silicates 10µm feature is a parameter in the
Eigenvector 1 relationships. - This agrees with the UV-optical results.