Title: Conrad Hilton
1Conrad Hilton
2Conrad Hilton, at a gala celebrating his career,
was asked, What was the most important lesson
youve learned in you long and distinguished
career? His immediate answer
3remember to tuck the shower curtain inside the
4Execution is strategy. Fred Malek
5The art of war does not require complicated
maneuvers the simplest are the best and common
sense is fundamental. From which one might wonder
how it is generals make blunders it is because
they try to be clever. Napoleon
6Jim Penman
7Jims Mowing Canada Jims Mowing UK Jims
Antennas Jims Bookkeeping Jims Building
Maintenance Jims Carpet Cleaning Jims Car
Cleaning Jims Computer Services Jims Dog
Wash Jims Driving School Jims Fencing Jims
Floors Jims Painting Jims Paving Jims Pergolas
gazebos Jims Pool Care Jims Pressure
Cleaning Jims Roofing Jims Security Doors Jims
Trees Jims Window Cleaning Jims
Windscreens Note Download, free, Jim Penmans
book What Will They Franchise Next? The Story
of Jims Group
8Basement Systems Inc.Larry JaneskyDry
Basement Science (115,000!)1990 0 2003
13M 2007 62,000,000
9 Tom Peters Excellence. Always. Newpreneurs.
Inc./San Francisco/18 November 2009 (PP
available to download at tompeters.com)
10NOTE To appreciate this presentation and
ensure that it is not a mess, you need Microsoft
fonts Showcard Gothic, Ravie, Chiller
and Verdana
11 1
16 2
17Insanely Great Steve Jobs
18Radically thrilling BMW
19 3
22 Excellence1982 The Bedrock Eight
Basics 1. A Bias for Action 2. Close to the
Customer 3. Autonomy and Entrepreneurship 4.
Productivity Through People 5. Hands On,
Value-Driven 6. Stick to the Knitting 7. Simple
Form, Lean Staff 8. Simultaneous Loose-Tight
23Breakthrough 82 People! Customers! Action!
Values! In Search of Excellence
24Hard Is SoftSoft Is Hard
25Hard Is Soft (Plans, s)Soft Is Hard (people,
customers, values, relationships)
26 4
27The doctor interrupts after Source
Jerome Groopman, How Doctors Think
2818 seconds
29An obsession with Listening is ... the ultimate
of Respect. Listening is ... the
heart and soul of Engagement. Listening is ...
the heart and soul of Kindness. Listening is ...
the heart and soul of Thoughtfulness. Listening
is ... the basis for true Collaboration. Listening
is ... the basis for true Partnership. Listening
is ... a Team Sport. Listening is ... a
Developable Individual Skill. (Though women
are far better at it
than men.) Listening is ... the basis for
Community. Listening is ... the bedrock of Joint
Ventures that work. Listening is ... the bedrock
of Joint Ventures that last. Listening is ... the
core of effective Cross-functional
Communication (Which is in turn
Attribute 1 of
organizational effectiveness.) cont.
30 Listening is ... the engine of superior
EXECUTION. Listening is ... the key to making the
Sale. Listening is ... the key to Keeping the
Customers Business. Listening is ... the engine
of Network development. Listening is ... the
engine of Network maintenance. Listening is ...
the engine of Network expansion. Listening is ...
Social Networkings secret weapon. Listening is
... Learning. Listening is ... the sine qua non
of Renewal. Listening is ... the sine qua non of
Creativity. Listening is ... the sine qua non of
Innovation. Listening is ... the core of taking
Diverse opinions aboard. Listening is ...
Strategy. Listening is ... Source 1 of
Value-added. Listening is ... Differentiator
1. Listening is ... Profitable. (The R.O.I.
from listening is higher than
from any other single
activity.) Listening is the bedrock which
underpins a Commitment to
31Listening is of the utmost strategic
importance!Listening is a proper core
value ! Listening is trainable !
Listening is a profession !
32 Listen Profession Study practice
evaluation Enterprise value "We listen
intently to and fully engage all with whom we
33 Listening is a profession!
34 5
35The four most important words in any
organization are
36The four most important words in any
organization are What do you think?
Source courtesy Dave Wheeler, posted at
37Tomorrow How many times will you ask the WDYT
question? Count! Practice makes better!
This is a STRATEGIC skill!
38 6
39The deepest human need is the need to be
appreciated.William James
40Tomorrow How many times will you mange to blurt
out, Thank you? Count em! Practice makes
better! The engineer from Manchester. This
is a STRATEGIC skill!
41appreciation is of the utmost strategic
importance!appreciation is a proper core
value ! appreciation is trainable !
appreciation is a profession !
42And the answer is . otis
43- It was much later that I realized Dads secret.
He gained respect by giving it. He talked and
listened to the fourth-grade kids in Spring
Valley who shined shoes the same way he talked
and listened to a bishop or a college president.
He was seriously interested in who you were and
what you had to say. - Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot, Respect
44 7
45I regard apologizing as the most magical,
healing, restorative gesture human beings can
make. It is the centerpiece of my work with
executives who want to get better. Marshall
Goldsmith, What Got You Here Wont Get You
There How Successful People Become Even More
46Relationships (of all varieties) THERE ONCE WAS
48effective Repair/Apology is of the utmost
strategic importance!effective repair is a
proper core value ! effective repair
is trainable ! effective repair is a
profession !
49 8
50We are thoughtful in all we do.
51Thoughtfulness is key to customer
retention. Thoughtfulness is key to employee
recruitment and satisfaction. Thoughtfulness
is key to brand perception. Thoughtfulness is key
to your ability to look in the mirror and tell
your kids about your job. Thoughtfulness is
free. Thoughtfulness is key to speeding things
up it reduces friction. Thoughtfulness is key
to transparency and even cost containmentit
abets rather than stifles truth-telling.
52Thoughtfulness is of the utmost strategic
importance!thoughtfulness is a proper
core value ! Thoughtfulness is
trainable ! Thoughtfulness is a profession
53Courtesies of a small and trivial character are
the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and
appreciating heart. Henry Clay
54 9
56Press Ganey Assoc 139,380 former patients from
225 hospitalsnone of THE top 15 factors
determining Patient Satisfaction referred to
patients health outcomeP.S. directly related
to Staff InteractionP.P.S. directly correlated
with Employee Satisfaction Source Putting
Patients First, Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin,
Patrick Charmel
57There is a misconception that supportive
interactions require more staff or more time and
are therefore more costly. Although labor costs
are a substantial part of any hospital budget,
the interactions themselves add nothing to the
budget. Kindness is free. Listening to patients
or answering their questions costs nothing. It
can be argued that negative interactionsalienatin
g patients, being non-responsive to their needs
or limiting their sense of controlcan be very
costly. Angry, frustrated or frightened
patients may be combative, withdrawn and less
cooperativerequiring far more time than it
would have taken to interact with them initially
in a positive way. Putting Patients First,
Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin, Patrick Charmel
58Kindness is free.
59 10
601. Listen/Respect2. Ask/Engage3.
Thank/Acknowledge4. Apologize/Rectify
61 11
621 Truthteller
63You Your calendarCalendars never lie
64Dennis, you need a To-dont List !
65Dont gt Do Donting, systematic, gt WILLPOWER
66 12
67 Entrepreneurial Excellence
TEN1. Insane Passion for and commitment to
the idea.2. Can explain the idea in Simple
English and Excite others about its
Uniqueness in ONE MINUTE (or less).3. Good
Accountant/Wise-man (-woman)/ 50-50
Partner.4. Devotee of the Experimental Method
(Try it. Now.)/Master of Plan
B/Relentless/ Resilient.5. Patience in
Hiring/Great Place to Work from the
get-go.6. diversity/M-F balance.7. Exude
Playfulness/Fun.9. Sweat the details (Execution
Strategy).10. EXCELLENCE. Period.
68Excellence can be obtained if you ...
care more than others think is wise ...
risk more than others think is safe ...
dream more than others think is practical
... expect more than others think is
possible. Source Anon. (Posted _at_ tompeters.com
by K.Sriram, November 27, 2006 117 AM)
69The failure to pursue EXCELLENCE is
incomprehensible to me.
70remember to tuck the shower curtain inside the
71 The end