Title: New Directions in Professional Development The Literacy Coach
1New Directions in Professional Development The
Literacy Coach
- Dorothy S. Strickland, Ph.D.
- Samuel DeWitt Proctor Professor of Education
- Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
2Why coaching?
- Extending reform
- shifting the major focus -
- from generating standards and assessments to
improving instruction - - at the school and classroom levels
3Why coaching? cont.
- Strengthening reform
- by applying the research base on -
- Learning
- Teaching
- Professional development
4More reasons for coaching!
- Support for new teachers
- induction year
- alternate route
- Support for experienced teachers
- initiating and coordinating new
- policies and programs
5Defining the role Qualities of an effective
Content knowledge
- Successful coaches know the established
literature and the current thinking about - - Reading/literacy development
- Best Practices
- National, State, Local Policies
- Adults as learners
6Defining the roleQualities of an Effective
CoachProcess abilities
- Successful coaches are -
- effective teachers
- effective in working with faculty/staff as a team
- well organized
- highly motivated
- effective leaders lifelong learners
- Effective coaches are problem solvers!
7Defining the roleQualities of an Effective
- Positive and supportive attitude
- Adopts stance of co-learner
- Resiliency
8Defining the roleQualities of an Effective
CoachAbility to facilitate and collaborate
- Leader
- but not Supervisor
- Supporter of self-reflection self-assessment
- but not an Evaluator
- Partner with principal
- but not a snoop for the principal
- Important that ALL involved understand and agree
9Living the Role
- The literacy coach coordinates and supports all
services associated with literacy programs. -
- (International Reading Association.)
10Living the Role Coordinator of Professional
- Facilitates group and individual professional
development - -- Observes Demonstrates Confers
- Effects collaboration reflective dialogue
- Serves as resource
- Promotes shared vision for policy practice
11Common Models of Professional Development
- Individually guided
- Observation/Assessment
- Focused long-term school improvement program
and/or curriculum development - Targeted training for specific objectives
- Teacher Inquiry (group or individual)
- Models may overlap
12Living the role Coordinator of Assessment
- Works with others to --
- Conduct needs assessments
- Schedule/coordinate student assessments
- Conduct some student assessments
- Assist in interpreting test results
13Living the role Program Developer
- Works with others to -
- Select and evaluate curriculum materials
- Coordinate selection committee activities
- Provide resources materials for selection
14Living the role Proposal writer
- Works with others to
- Determine funding possibilities
- Initiate and develop grant proposals
15Living the role Researcher
- Works with others to
- Collect, organize, and interpret data
- (e.g. assessment enrollment, etc.)
- Use data to inform curriculum and program
16Who Coaches the Coaches?
- University reading specialists programs
- Ongoing professional growth through
- Involvement in professional organizations
- Professional literature
- Networking among coaches
17Potential Sources of Concern
- Inappropriate selection of coach
- Misunderstanding of role
- Inappropriate use of coachs time and abilities
18Summary Recommendations to Reading/Literacy
Coaches (IRA)
- Be a lifelong learner
- Be professional respect the work of others
- Interact with other coaches
- Request support and seek feedback from those with
whom you work