Title: Welcome to Pod 3
1Welcome to Pod 3
- Ms. Bauer,
- Mrs. Brusseler,
- Mr. Budinas,
- Mrs. Coyle,
- and
- Ms. Reed
2Things to know about getting around the school
- Stamp out in assignment book BEFORE you leave the
room! - Yellow Pass
3Lunch Pass
Lunch Recess Pass Students Name_________________
___Date ________ Destination Pod 3 Time
1012 / 1034 / 1012 w/lunch Teacher
requesting Brusseler/Budinas/Coyle/Reed Reason
owed work/papers With Lunch extra
help Please allow make-up work student to go
to make-up test the front of
the detention lunch line. ---------------------
-------------------------------------Return to
Lunch / Gym / Activities Time ______ Teachers
Initials ________
Lunch Recess Pass Students Name ______________
_______________ Date ___________ Table _____
Seat ___ Destination Pod 1 Pod 2 Pod
3 Other __________
- PEZjust for our pod ?
- PEZ store
- PAWS.school wide
- Dog Pound
- Homework Parties
5What if I am absent?
- Bring excuse to the attendance in cafeteria the
day you return. - Make sure you visit your teachers the day you
return to schedule make-up work and tests. - Parents may call us for work so you do not get
behind! - Check eboard for your missed work.
- If you are leaving early, note to OFFICE before
homeroom. - If you are going home a different way, you do NOT
have to bring us a note. - But, the bus is s a different story
7Writing Utensils
- Every morning make sure you have sharp pencils.
Before homeroom is a good time to sharpen
pencils. - You may buy pencils from your homeroom teacher
before homeroom. They are 3 PEZ each. - You may buy pencils from your classroom teacher
at the beginning of class ONLY!
86th grade is different
- Your desk is NOT your desk.
- Lunch money goes directly to cafeteria.
- Study halls are study halls.
- Ninth period activity periods.
- Days 1-6
- Spirit Day is every Friday wear Green and Gold
for a PAWS.