Climate Impacts of Aerosols with Emphasis on Cloud Modification - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Climate Impacts of Aerosols with Emphasis on Cloud Modification


Climate Impacts of Aerosols with Emphasis on Cloud Modification – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Climate Impacts of Aerosols with Emphasis on Cloud Modification

Climate Impacts of Aerosols with Emphasis on
Cloud Modification
Evidence of Mineral Dust Altering Cloud
Microphysics and Precipitation
  • Vernon Morris1, Qilong Min2, Rui Li2, Bing Lin3,
    Angelina Amadou1,
  • Everette Joseph1, Yong Hu3, Shuyu Wang2
  • 1NOAA Center for Atmospheric Sciences (NCAS)
    Howard University
  • 2Atmospheric Science Research Center, State
    University of New York3Science Directories, NASA
    Langley Research Center

Outline of Presentation
  • Justification of Study/Overview of Issues
  • AEROSE Cruises
  • Laboratory Simulations of Cloud Microphysics
  • Use of Multi-satellite/Multi-sensor Observations
    for Understanding Cloud Microphysics

Indirect aerosol effect (I)
Few aerosols Low droplet concentration Less
reflective cloud
Numerous aerosols High droplet concentration More
reflective cloud (Cooler climate)
Indirect aerosol effect (II)
Smaller droplets
Lower Precipitation rate
Clouds are longer lived and retain higher liquid
water content
The semi-direct aerosol effect
Implications to Precipitation
  • Inhibited precipitation or enhanced
  • It depends on the cloud temperature, the
    chemical nature of the advected material, the
    pressure-level of the interaction, cloud liquid
    water content, cloud dynamics, and likely several
    other factors

Overview of Problem
  • Clouds are the largest modulators of the solar
    radiative flux reaching the Earth's surface
  • Aerosols represent the source of greatest
    uncertainty in climate forcing and atmospheric
  • One of the greatest current challenges in our
    understanding of atmospheric physics of aerosols
    is quantitatively relating radiative forcing,
    cloud modification, and chemical properties.
  • Indirect effect of aerosols are understood
    theoretically but there are not many practical
    cases or experimental evidences to date
  • Organic content of aerosols is significant but
    not well depicted in most atmospheric models
    incorporating ambient aerosol

Scientific Drivers
  • Hypotheses
  • Nucleation properties change as a function of the
    microphysics but not necessarily in linear
  • Microphysics varies as function of chemical
  • Precipitation and rainfall structure will be
    impacted as function of aerosol chemical
  • Goal and approach
  • Systematic laboratory characterization of
  • Comparisons of experimental and theoretical
    nucleation potentials
  • Evaluation of trends in behavior as a function of

Summary/Science Traceability
Climate Change Impacts
How Do Number Distributions Change?
How Do Nucleation Properties Change?
How Do Size Distributions Change?
How Do Optical Properties Change?
How does the chemical composition of CN affect
cloud properties?
Optical Properties
Specific Tasks of Cloud-Aerosol Studies
  • To develop a reliable laboratory technique to
    generate carbonaceous, aromatic, and mineral dust
  • To systematically investigate the basic
    nucleation properties of elemental carbon,
    organic carbon, and mineral dusts
  • To systematically investigate the nucleation
    properties of aqueous/organic solutions which are
    capable of becoming cloud condensation nuclei.
  • To clarify any structure-nucleation relationship
    identified through the study

Experimental Approach
  • Investigate the influence of aerosol composition
    on cloud condensation nuclei based on changes in
  • Size distributions
  • Electrical mobility
  • Number distributions of aerosols and CN
  • Optical extinction
  • Investigate perturbations by chemical class
  • Aromatics
  • Acids
  • Ketones and aldehydes
  • Esters
  • Examine Homogeneous vs heterogeneous inclusions
  • Graphite 100 ng/m3
  • STM soot
  • Mineral dust

  • Baseline Data

Aerosol Nucleation Potential
  • For a fixed R.H
  • Mass of solute (dry diameter)
  • Activation diameter (wet diameter)
  • Need to estimate the effect on the Raoult term
    and Vant Hoff factor

Activated nucleus
Köhler curves for relative humidity of
  • The surface tension is lowered
  • hexane 70
  • benzene 48
  • chlorobenzene 51
  • nitrobenzene 60

Nucleation properties of benzene
  • Given
  • Decrease of Surface tension of 48 from 0.073
    J/m2 to 0.035 J/m2
  • Köhler curve gives
  • Dry diameter is
  • 0.029 µm
  • Wet diameter is 0.123 µm
  • The DMA size distribution
  • ¼ nucleation particles
  • All accumulation particles

Nucleation properties for nitrobenzene
  • Given
  • Relative Humidity of 100.55
  • Decrease of Surface tension of 60 from 0.073
    J/m2 to 0.044 J/m2
  • Köhler curve gives
  • Dry diameter is
  • 0.022 µm
  • Wet diameter is 0.123 µm
  • The DMA size distribution
  • 1/5 nucleation particles
  • All accumulation particles

Summary Data
What Are the impacts of Sahara Dust on Atlantic
Ocean Rainfall Structure?- as derived from
multi-satellite/multi-sensor observations
  • Direct evidence for desert dusts effects on
    rainfall structure
  • over the ocean has not been reported.
  • Model simulations and observations of surface
    rain rate are inconsistent. Some observations
    show that dust suppress clouds and precipitation
    Rosenfeld 2000, Rosenfeld et al. 2001
  • Observations of proposed AIE (aerosols indirect
    effects) from satellite platform are not
    consistent (Shao and Liu 2005).
  • Giant CCN may enhance the collision and
    coalescence of droplets and therefore increase
    warm precipitation formation and decrease the
    clouds albedo Yin et al, 2000, van den Heever
    et al, 2005.
  • How does one control for thermodynamic

AEROSE is a series of field campaigns designed to
  • Provide a set of critical measurements to
    characterize the microphysical and chemical
    evolution of Saharan dust aerosol during
    trans-Atlantic transport
  • Obtain in-situ characterization of the impact of
    aerosols of African origin on energy balance and
    tropospheric chemistry in the tropical Atlantic
  • Obtain bio-optics and oceanographic observations
    in order to study the effect of the dust on the
    marine boundary layer, characterize water masses
    throughout the transects, as well as to
    investigate upwelling conditions off the
    Northwest coast of Africa.
  • Provide additional complementary visible and near
    IR measurements that can support the validation
    and improvement of dust aerosol AVHRR SST
    corrections, the validation of MODIS data and
    products, upwelling activity, and associated
    biological signatures.

(No Transcript)
March 13
March 11
Evolution of Aerosol Surface Elemental
Observations from METEOSAT Visible imagery (Mar
310, 2004 - 1 frame / day)
Brief overview of the dust event
  • On 3 March 2004, the massive storm formed a huge
    arc of thick dust that swept over the Canary
    Islands where it dropped a significant amount of
    dust. This event was captured by various
    satellites, including Meteosat-8 and NASA's Terra
    and Aqua. On 5 March 2004, the dust, still thick
    and well visible in the satellite images, reached
    the Cape Verde Islands and the shores of Western
    Europe. In the following days, the dust crossed
    the Atlantic Ocean and reached South America and
    the Caribbean Sea.  During this process, the dust
    got thinner and thinner (smaller dust particles
    and smaller aerosol optical thickness) making it
    less visible in the satellite images. However, on
    10 March 2004 large amounts of fine dust were
    still well visible in the area of the Gulf of

Mar 03 UT1200
Mar 05 UT1200
Mar 03 Onset of event Mar 05 Reaches Cape
Verde Mar 07 Diffusing into Atlantic Mar 10
Still well visible throughout region
Mar 07 UT1200
Mar 10 UT1200
From http//
Principal Aims
  • Use rainfall profiles and microphysicd derived
    from satellite-based passive microwave sensors
    measurements to examine the dusts impacts on
    rainfall structure.
  • Determine a method to exclude confounding factors
    introduced by thermodynamic conditions when
    studying AIE using satellite measurements.

  • Geostationary satellite (Meteosat-8) images with
    high temporal resolution (4 frames/hr ) served as
    background to judge dust storms distribution.
  • AERONET station in-situ observations serve as
    additional evidence to judge the location of dust
  • Low-orbit satellite (TRMM) observations/retrievals
    of rain profiles from multi-channel passive
    microwave sensor (TMI) and active microwave
    sensor (Precipitation Radar) provide us unique
    information of the inner structure of rain (TRMM
    standard products - 2A12 for TMI and 2A25 for PR)
  • TRMM Microwave Imager have 5 frequencies 10.7,
    19.4, 21.3, 37.0 and 85.5 GHz. All of them are
    dual polarized except for 21.3 channel, which are
    only vertical polarized.
  • The TRMM standard product, 2A12, output vertical
    profiles of four kinds of hydrometeors at 17
    level. They are precipitation water, cloud water,
    recipitation ice and cloud ice.
  • Polar-orbit satellite (AQUA) observations/retrieva
    ls of rain profiles by multi-channel passive
    microwave sensor (AMSR-E) add more useful samples
    into this study (non-official product, especially
    provided by Dr. Kummerows Group using the same
    algorithm of TMI, i.e. GPROF algorithm ).

Method - case study
  • Several studies have reported that AIEs can be
    confounded by many parameters
  • Cloud thermodynamic conditions and
  • Actual aerosol physical and chemical properties
  • Biases in algorithms used to derive
    cloud/rainfall and aerosol characteristics.
  • The Sahara dust distribution generally has a
    North-South gradients. If we can identify a
    rainfall system that is partially immersed in the
    dust - then we can get two dustier rainy areas
    and two clearer rainy areas by splitting the
    rain area into four quadrants (NE, NW, SW and
  • If we assume similar thermodynamic conditions and
    aerosol properties in each quadrant then the
    difference in rainfall structures among these
    quadrants should mainly be due to the dust.
  • Combining the observations from Meteosat-8, TRMM
    and AQUA, we have identified two such cases in
    this study.

Clean Sky Rainy Dusty
Method statistical study
  • Studies have shown that tropical rainfall
    vertical structures have large regional
    differences among those occurring along
    coastlines, inland and open oceans.
  • To substantiate our assumption of controlled
    thermodynamics we compared the rainfall
    structure in given area during two different time
    period. One is dust-free period and the other
    is dusty period.

Mar 1 2004
Mar 6 2004
Mar 10 2004
Mar 5 2004
Dust-free period
Dusty period
Case study using TMI profile
Satellite observations of the dust and
cloud/rainfall system over Atlantic ocean. (a)
RGB compositing image using 0.6, 0.8 and 3.2-um
channel taken by Metsat-8 on 8 Mar, 2004 at UT
0912. The dust inflow from Sahara desert are
represented as white Smog which is clearly
distinct against other objects. The two major
cloud system represented as blue colors can be
seen in the image. Both of them are partially
invaded by the dust. One of them (the left and
larger one) are almost simultaneously detected by
TRMM. (b) The rainfall system detected by TRMM
TMI on 8 Mar, 2004 at UT 0911. (c) The four
quadrants we divided for the rainfall case
detected by TMI. Red and blue pixels indicate
convective and stratiform rain pixel follow our
definitions. Number of samples in each quadrant
is shown in bracket . (a) and (b) are made by
software UMARF native format reader and TRMM
orbit-viewer, respectively.
Observations from TRMM TMICase II. Clean
Rainfall System
TRMM TMI Surface Rain (mm/h) Orbit number
35881 Date Mar 02, 2004 UTC 0132 Condition
Clean (no dust)
About 3 days before the dust storms coming into
this area.
Observations from TRMM TMICase III. Dusty
(mostly) Rainfall System
METEOSAT IMAGE Date Mar 08, 2004 UTC 1200
TRMM TMI Surface Rain (mm/h) Date Mar 08,
2004 UTC 0911 Condition Dusty (partially)
Case study using TMI
Upper two plots Profiles of PW (Precipitable
Water), NPW (Normalized PW) and the
precipitation efficiency index - PEI (ratio of
PW to all hydrometeors in the air) in the four
quadrants. Lower four plots Additionally,
we use a mean clean case (March 2,
2004,UT132) and a mostly dusty case (March 7,
2004,UT 2139) as references.
Case study using PR
TRMM PR is the only satellite-based active
microwave instrument to detect rainfall. Profiles
derived from PR attenuation-corrected
reflectivity are regarded as more direct
measurements of the rainfall inner structure.
They have horizontal and vertical resolution of
4.3 km and 0.25 km, respectively. PRs swath
(about 220 km ) is less than one-third of TMI
swath (about 760km) so we only divide the rain
system into 2 sectors (using the same borderline
as described above). The north sector is regarded
as dusty and the south sector is regarded as
clean. PR cannot measure the rainfall
structure near the Earth surface because its
returns are contaminated. We only report the
profiles above 1.5 km. PR cannot distinguish
hydrometeors into ice or liquid water, rain or
cloud droplet. So we can not give the
precipitation efficiency index. Results derived
from TRMM PR are consistent with those of TMI.
The rain intensity is weaker in dust area at each
Classification of rainy pixel and rain type
  • TMI rainy pixel surface rain gt 0
  • TMI convective rain pixel (convective rain /
    surface rain ) gt70
  • TMI stratiform rain pixel (convective rain /
    surface rain ) lt70

Case I. Partially Dusty Rainfall System
Convective rain pixel Stratiform rain pixel
Case II. Clean Rainfall System
Convective rain pixel Stratiform rain pixel
Case III. Dusty (mostly) Rainfall System
Convective rain pixel Stratiform rain pixel
Stratiform Rain Profiles
Partially Dusty
Mostly Dusty
The mean intensity of precipitation water is
weakest in mostly dusty case (except for the SE
region). Large regional variations can be found
in partially dusty case. Mean intensity in NE
and NW region are significant weaker than those
in SW and SE region, and are close to those in
mostly dusty case. But there is no significant
difference between Clean case and Partially Dusty
Convective Rain Profiles
Partially Dusty
Mostly Dusty
Mean intensity of precipitation water is weakest
in mostly dusty case (except for the SE region)
and strongest in Clean case.
Precipitation size growth PR Reflectivity
More precipitation-size ice here!
Weaker near surface radar reflectivity
Dusty Area
Convective Rain Stratiform Rain
Saharan dusts act as ice forming nuclei to
produce more, small size cloud ice particles, but
unable to grow up to PR detectable ice particles
due to insufficient water vapor supply and short
life time.
More small ice particles continue to grow up
slowly, producing more PR detectable ice
particles as compared with its counterpart in
dust-free area.
Sahara Dust Layer Suppress the water vapor
supply And increase ice forming nuclei.
  • Dusts, transported up by the strong convective
    updrafts acted as additional ice nuclei. Some of
    ice particles grow and contribute to convective
    precipitation, and others were advected into the
    neighboring stratiform region and enhance
    nucleation leading to precipitation in the
    stratiform region. Thus, dusts enhance stratiform
  • The microphysical effects of dusts in the
    convective regions were shifting the
    precipitation size spectrum from heavy to light
    and suppressing precipitation. Dusts also
    enhanced evaporation processes, which further
    reduced the precipitation reaching surfaces
  • The cloud system adjusted itself to these changes
    and resulted in a weak but long lasting cloud
    system with increasing convective precipitation
    fraction and decreasing stratiform precipitation

  • Dr. C. Kummerow
  • Mr. Betty-Ann Garriques
  • Mr. Temesgen Sahle
  • Mr. Paul Nkansah
  • Mr. Evans Dure

Extra (Supporting) Slides
Comparison of retrievals from TMI and AMSR-E
0.1 1.0 10.0
100.0 TMI Surface Rain rate (mm/h) Mar
2,2004 UT 0132
AMSR Surface Rain rate (mm/h) Mar 2,
2004 UT 0241
  • TMI captured only one case which partially
    impacted by the dust. Fortunately, the AMSR-E
    aboard NASAs AQUA satellite capture another
    rainfall system which is also partially immersed
    in the dust storm.
  • Because of requirement of extra CPU time and huge
    storage space ( Dr. Kummerow, private
    communication), so far, no vertical information
    are released by AMSR-E group.
  • But the AMSR-E code is fundamentally the same as
    the TMI GPROF, and the observations of AMSR-E (12
    channels, 6 frequencies 6.925, 10.65, 18.7,
    23.8, 36.5, and 89.0 GHz. All are dual polarized)
    are enough to retrieve rainfall profiles.
  • Before we use these profiles, we performed an
    examination of the consistency between TMI and
    AMSR-E. The case we select for this exercise is a
    rainfall system detected by AMSR-E on Mar 2 2004
    at UT 0241 and by TMI at Mar 2 2004 at UT 0132.
    Comparison are done in all four quadrants of this

Comparison of retrievals from TMI and AMSR-E
We observe poor agreement between the mean
profiles of precipitable water located in the
southeast quadrant is between the TMI rand
AMSR-Es retrievals. The other AMSR-Es
profiles, including PW, NPW and PEI, are very
close to those of TMI. Given the lag on
observation times (1 hour and 9 minutes) between
TMI and AMSR-E, we are fairly confident in
concluding that there is no systemic bias between
this two retrievals.
  • Interpretation of the mechanism is based on
    inference, rather than observation.
  • Some one point out GCCN will enhance
    precipitation while CCN will suppress
    precipitation. In this study, we can not
    distinguish CCN from GCCN because of lack of
    dusts size information.

A partially dusty Case UT 911, March 8, 2004

T and RH profiles derived from AIRS
In the two northern (dusty) quadrants, the air
temperature from 950 hPa to 700 hPa is a little
bit higher (Max 1.5 degree) than those in the
south two quadrants(dust-free). Additionally,
the difference of water vapor mass mixing ratio
and the saturate value is more negative from
surface to 700 hPa in the two northern (dusty)
quadrants. These plots indicated that there
is indeed a warm and dry layer in the dusty rain
area. This is an expected result of the dust
intrusion. Thus, we can infer that the
evaporation process is more intense and
suppresses convection in this sector.
Stratiform Rain Efficiency Index (REI)
Partially Dusty
Mostly Dusty
Precipitation Water
(precipitation water precipitation ice cloud
water cloud ice)
Generally, the REI in dusty cloud is significant
smaller than those in clean cloud. Clean REI
increases with decreasing altitude. Dusty REI
decreases with decreasing altitude at the layer
from 2.75 to 3.75km.
When dust inject into cloud, raindrops evaporate
and result in a low increase speed toward earth
surface. In layer from 2.75 to 3.75km, the
relative Increase speed is even lower than that
of cloud water drop, thus product a positive
slope of .
From case 35979 (partially dusty)
Convective Rain Efficiency Index (REI)
Partially Dusty
Mostly Dusty
REIs in dusty clouds are significantly smaller
than those observed in clean clouds.
Statistical study (EQ-4N)
Samples Dust-free Convective rain pixel 3866
Stratiform rain pixel 8420 Dusty
Convective rain pixel 1580
Stratiform rain pixel 2549
Statistical Study of the Ice-forming process
The intensity of precipitation Ice is weaker for
dusty conditions (6 Mar to 10 Mar) than in
dust-free conditions (1 Mar to 5 Mar). This
indicates that the dust may inhibit the rainfall
not only in warm rain processes, but also in the
ice forming process. The implication of
suppressed convection is less water vapor being
transported to the upper layer. On the other
hand, in the upper layer, normalized
precipitation Ice for stratiform rain under dusty
conditions is larger than under dust-free
conditions. This means the growth speed is
quicker when dust exists for a given ice
intensity at 5.5 km altitude. This can be
explained if dust particles in the air increase
the concentration of ice nuclei, so that the
probability of ice crystal colliding with
super-cooled droplets or other ice particles
increases, thus, enhancing growth speed is This
phenomenon can not be seen in convective rain
mainly because ice is more common in stratiform
rain than in convective rain for a given surface
rain rate. The indirect effects of dust on ice
forming process is less important than its
suppressing on the convection intensity.
Case study of the Ice-forming process
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