Title: University of Notre Dame
1University of Notre Dame
- Student Name
- Project Date
- University of Notre Dame is located in South
Bend, Indiana -
- The zip code is 46556
3 Notre Dame Campus
- The weather for this week is
- Tuesday - Light Snow High 36o F / Low 26o F
- Wednesday AM Snow High 29o F / Low 22o F
- Thursday Few Snow Showers / Wind High 29o
F / Low 22o F - Friday Mostly Sunny High 34o F / Low 20o
F - Saturday Partly Cloudy High 36o F / Low
25o F - Sunday Snow Shower High 36o F / Low 30o F
- Monday Mostly Cloudy High 41o F / Low 24o
F - http//www.w3.weather.com/activities/homeandgarden
5Cost of Attendance
The average 2004/2005 Notre Dame undergraduate
student expense budget includes
Actual costs vary based on housing
accommodations, travel costs, and personal
expenses. Annual increases in the cost of a Notre
Dame education are anticipated.
6South Bend Center for Medical Education
- Neuroscience
- Human Physiology
- Introduction to Clinical Medicine I
- Medical Microbiology
- Medical Genetics
- Introduction to Medicine-II
7Student Activities
- Academic Clubs
- Athletic Clubs
- Cultural Clubs
- Graduate Clubs
- Media
- Performing Arts Clubs
- Religious
- Student Businesses
- Student Government
8Student Enrollment
- Tuition
- Undergraduate 27,170
- Graduate School 27,070
- Law School 27,800
- Regular MBA 27,800
- Room and board average 6,930
- Enrollment
- Undergraduate 8,261
- Graduate School 1,564
- Professional (Law, M.Div., Business) 1,486
- Total 11,311