Title: A Drinking Water Flow for any State
1A Drinking Water Flow for any State
- Presented by Mike Matsko
- April 29, 2009
2Project Background
- CDC Health Tracking grant awarded to NJDHHS and
NJDEP - DEP involved with Drinking Water and Air Quality
data - NJ project partners relied on guidance and
outputs from Content Work Groups (CWG) - NJ project partners relied on Technical Network
Implementation Plan (TNIP) for data sharing - Secure data transfer
- Grantees will also install an Exchange Network
Client to exchange data with their environmental
partners on the EPA Exchange Network. (TNIP
section 3.10.2 page 35)
3Drinking Water Exchange Planning
- Collaborated with 4 other States (MA, MD, PA, and
UT) - Primacy Agency was Environmental
- Data was managed in SDWIS
- Interested in building a sharable/national
solution - Drafted an implementation plan
- Met the TNIP requirements
- Used nationally accepted building blocks
- NJ had grant funding to provide a sharable
4Drinking Water Exchange Building Blocks
- Exchange Network Node
- Exchange Network tools
- EN Browser
- Java Flow Processor (JFP)
- SDWIS database
- SDWIS XML schema for data sharing (expanded)
- CWG approved SQL for data extraction
- CWG approved Staging Tables
- CWG approved SAS code to calculate Nationally
Consistent Data Measures (NCDMs) for drinking
5Drinking Water Exchange Design
- Implement using building blocks
- Build missing pieces
Data Requestor
Data Provider
Staging Tables
EN Browser
EN Node
New blocks
Existing blocks
6Drinking Water Exchange Development
- Expanded existing national SDWIS XML Schema
- Drinking Water Node Plug-in (developed using JFP)
- Drinking Water EN Browser Registration
- Documentation
- XML Conformance Report
- Drinking Water Flow Configuration Document
- Users Guide
7Drinking Water Exchange Implementation-EN
Browser Secure Login
8Drinking Water Exchange Implementation-EN
Browser Data Service Discovery
9Drinking Water Exchange Implementation-Select
Drinking Water Service
10Drinking Water Exchange Implementation-Request
11Drinking Water Exchange Implementation-Request
12Drinking Water Exchange Implementation-Request
13Drinking Water Exchange Implementation-Execute
Data Request
14Drinking Water Exchange Implementation-Check on
15Drinking Water Exchange Implementation-View/Filte
r Data
16Drinking Water Exchange Implementation-Specify
Data Format
17Drinking Water Exchange Implementation-Browse
Inventory Data
18Drinking Water Exchange Implementation-Browse
Violation and Lead Exceedance Data
19Drinking Water Exchange Implementation-Browse
Sample Result Data
20Drinking Water Exchange Implementation-Download
21Drinking Water Exchange Implementation-Download
22Drinking Water Exchange Implementation-View Data
Formatted for CWG Staging Tables
23Drinking Water Exchange Status and Next Steps
- Finalize code and documentation
- Deploy to production environments
- Register new Drinking Water Exchange with the EN
Network Operations Board (NOB) - Publish all documentation and deployment code for
use by other EN partners
24What does this mean for other States?
- Environmental Agencies that manages Drinking
water data in SDWIS can implement this solution - Use existing building blocks and new components
- Step 1 Contact your EN, Health, and Water
representatives - Step 2 Implement the JFP and Node Plug-in
- Step 3 Register your Node and Drinking Water
data flow - Step 4 Start sharing real time data with your
partners - Resources will be found at www.exchangenetwork.net