Title: Slides from Chapter 6 Computer Accounting using MYOB
1Chapter 6 Accounts Payable
2Figure 6.1 New tax code for capital purchases
3Figure 6.2 Supplier section of the Custom List
and Field Names window
4Figure 6.3 Profile section for a new supplier
5Figure 6.4 Card details example for a supplier
6Figure 6.5 Buying Details set up for a supplier
7Figure 6.6 Pre-conversion invoice for Cretian
Cosmetics Pty Ltd
8Figure 6.7 Payables balances after entering an
9Figure 6.8 Congratulations if you balance!
10Figure 6.9 Completed tax inclusive service
11Figure 6.10 Recap transaction using a Bill for
service type purchase
12Figure 6.11 Quotation received from a supplier
13Figure 6.12 The Purchases Register with quote
from Cretian Cosmetics highlighted
14Figure 6.13 Suppliers quote now changed to an
15Figure 6.14 The Purchases Register window
showing Orders on file
16Figure 6.15 Order now changed to a Bill received
from supplier
17Figure 6.16 Payment to Cretian Cosmetics Pty Ltd
for PO 3125
18Figure 6.17 Debit note for goods returned to
19Figure 6.18 Debit for Davis Manufacturing
selected from the list
20Figure 6.19 Debit applied against Purchase 3148
21Figure 6.20 Volume rebate received from Cretian
22Figure 6.21 Cheque details for a cheque received
from Cretian Cosmetics
23Figure 6.22 Refund from Cretian recorded through
Settle Returns Debits
24Figure 6.23 Selecting a Form to use for printing
a Purchase Order
25Figure 6.24 The Print Purchase Forms Selection
26Figure 6.25 Order print selection list with
number 3151 selected
27Figure 6.26 Report Customisation window for
accounts payable listing
28Figure 6.27 GST Report selected from list
29Figure 6.28 Report Customisation window for a
GST report
30Figure 6.29 Default supplier terms using Easy
Setup Assistant
31Figure 6.30 The Linked Account for paying
supplier bills