Title: Tiina Sarisalmi
1Tiina Sarisalmi
- English teacher (primary grades 3-6)
- ICT teacher and coordinator
- Project coordinator
2Main activities and responsibilities
eTwinning camp in Lanzarote in 2006
- I teach English in two different primary schools
in the municipality of Orivesi - I teach ICT in the upper secondary school of
Orivesi - I coordinate the implementation of ICT in
teaching and learning in Orivesi - Im responsible for developing, updating and the
implementation of ICT strategy in basic education
in Orivesi LLP Grundtvig and Comenius - I coordinate and initiate European projects in
basic education - I teach my colleagues and give them support in
ICT and European projects - Im in eTwinning teacher team working creating
project modules and kits - Im a study book writer English study books for
primary school
3eTwining projects
- To Be Young in Europe in 2005 (spring 2005)
- Learning and Sharing - Norway-Finland eTwinning
(2005 2006, one school year) - Learning through Friendship - Spain-Finland
eTwinning (2005 2007, two school years) - Friendship and Fun - German-Finnish eTwinning
(2006 2007) - Frinceland - Our Space in the Web -
French-Finland eTwinning (2006 2007) - Our Lives - Building Friendship in the Web -
France-Finland eTwinning (2006 2007) - 4F - France, Finland, Friendship, Fun (2007
2008) - Life across Europe (2007 2008)
- Finnish - German eTwinning 2007-2008
- Eu Cookbook 2007 2008
- Ireland, Belgium and Finland Compare (spring and
autumn 2008) - Learning together by eTwinning (2008-2009)
4Learning and Sharing
- eTwinning winner in the category of pedagogical
innovation in 2006
5In the Web
agekv-projektit http//www.orivedenkoulut.net/hol
spring2006 http//www.kolumbus.fi/tiina.sarisalmi
/Sivut/projektit.htm http//my.twinspace.etwinning
.net/eucookbook?len http//twinspace.etwinning.n