Title: DiViDU Learning from Professional Practice through Online Video
1DiViDULearning from Professional Practice
through Online Video
- Judith Janssen Alessandra Corda
- Graduate School of Teaching Learning
- University of Amsterdam
- The Netherlands
2The cast of the presentation in Montreal..
Judith Janssen
Els Scheringa
Riet Kulk
Anne-Martine Gielis
3and virtual..
Caspar Geraedts
Simeon Bilija
Gee van Duin
4This is what I would like to talk about .
- Introduction
- Some theoretical background
- Illustration of the Video Reflection assigment
- student selecting relevant critical situations
- reflection on ones own behavior
- peer feedback
- Demonstration of Jo Anns Reflection assignment
- In what way is my designed learning project
effective? - How can I see whether learners learn what they
learn? - What would I like to change anything and why?
5The DiViDU learning environment is aninternet
application containing
- Growing collection of video-clips filmed by
trainees or learners - Task-based online assignments
- Educational resources (word docs, powerpoints,
links to websites, pdf) - Stored in
- Repositories for video-clips, resources, tasks
- A section for carrying out learning tasks
- A section for creating learning tasks
6DiViDU added value
- Key-learning activities are focused on
- Video registration of authentic situations
- visualizes complex behavior in an objective way
- tacit knowledge can be made explicit
- Systematic attention to
- Reflection
- Linking theoretical concepts to practice
- Peer-learning
- Coaching while at the job (or training location)
7Reflection Model (Korthagen et al. 2002
Fortkamp 2002)
8Caspar selecting video clips
92. Looking back
4. Developing alternatives
5.(1)Trying out
3. Feedback
Comment of Caspar
10Advantages for students
- Looking in someone elses kitchen (virtual
visit) - Giving feedback to others
- Supporting a fellow-student
- Analyzing feedback received from peers
- Comparing interpretations received from peers
- Peers take over an important part
- of the role of the tutor.
11Phase 3 Looking back, reflect asking for
Caspar asked a question in order to get feedback
of peers and tutors
Uploaded videoclips
12Phase 1 Student selecting segments to use for
13Gees feedback theoretical concept
14Development of three didactical modelsfor
learning from professional practice
- Analysis
- To learn to analyze regular or good
professional practice - Reflection
- To learn to reflect on ones own professional
behavior - Assessment
- To learn to assess ones own professional
15Premises during development of DiViDU
- Developing of video clips
- showing day-to-day practice
- to be submitted to the repository in a simple
manner - to be re-used by students and tutors
- A flexible choice of learning tasks
- Social constructivist concepts of learning
- Cyclic learning processes
- Competency-based education
- Blended learning
- Learning from critical friends
- Simplifying the development and re-use of
learning tasks
16Phase 2 Teaching (learning) about the menstrual
17Phase 4 Getting feedback from the
educatorTeacher Educator Gee observes Caspars
18Dentistry student with a patient
19Summarising the case
- The task oriented learning environment
facilitates collaboration between students - Through linking video with ideas of various
parties (discursive dimension of Laurillards
framework) students and trainers learn - Type of feedback
- Peers react with concerns
- Trainer adds theoretical concepts
20What might happen next?
- Caspar might
- ask for more feedback from other peers or experts
- give feedback to others
- use some typical video clips in an assessment
module to demonstrate his teaching competencies - Gee might
- use some of the video clips to create an analysis
learning task module to illustrate typical
theoretical elements of collaborative work -
- re-use or improve assignments for other purposes
21Thank you for being with us!
- For more information and questions on DiViDU,
please contact us - dividu_at_ilo.uva.nl
- Website
- http//dividu.digiuni.nl ltenglish section under
construction, available from July 8th gt - Literature
- Brown S, Cruickshank, I, Pedagogical
re-engineering Using Laurillards taxonomy of
educational media to guide curriculum design,
ALT-C 2003 Research Proceedings, UK. - Korthagen, F.A.J. Kessels, J.P.A.M. (1999).
Linking theory and practice changing the
pedagogy of teacher education. Educational
researcher, 28 (4), 4-17