Title: ISR Collection Management with Mission Minder
1ISR Collection Management with Mission Minder
- George KrasovecData Fusion Corporationkrasovec_at_d
- What is Mission Minder?
- Intelligence/Surveillance/Reconnaissance (ISR)
business logic, data bases, network interfaces
tightly integrated with STK AVO, analytic models,
and numerous report generators - Hands-off scenario generation via simple,
mission-oriented GUI - Transforms collection requirements into optimized
execution plan in minutes - Provides live situation display and post mission
analysis support - Background and sponsorship
- DoDs Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)
Program - Phase I AFRL/Big Safari Program Office
- Phase III Two Department of Defense Sponsors
- Modernize planning and analysis for peripheral
TechSIGINT collection mission - Tactical SIGINT mission support
- Real-time situation awareness, collection
monitoring, collector management - Real-time ground coverage contour generation
- Corporate IRAD
3Summary of Mission Minder Features
- Pre-Mission
- Automatic STK globe composition covering the AOI
(maps, imagery, terrain) - Scenario management (objects, maps, terrain,
globes, etc.) - Requirements-driven target layout (sites,
emitters, etc.) - Flight plan layout and optimization
(multi-platform) - Mission timing and sensor tasking
- Live Ops
- TCP or Multi-Cast network feeds
- GPS and custom navigation message formats
- Multi-platform virtual display in 2D/3D windows
- Real-time ground coverage contour generation
- CPU-friendly tri-chromatic color projection
technique - Post-Mission
- Mission reconstruction, signal ID support
- Computer-assisted signals analysis report
generation (template based)
- Configurations supported
- OS Solaris, Windows NT/XP
- DB Oracle, MS Access
5Mission Minder Architecture
6Mission Minder Roles Pre-Mission
- Automatic STK globe composition covering the AOI
(maps and imagery)
7Mission Minder Roles Pre-Mission
- Automatic STK globe composition covering the AOI
(maps and imagery) - Requirements-driven target layout
8Mission Minder Roles Pre-Mission
- Automatic STK globe composition covering the AOI
(maps and imagery) - Requirements-driven target layout
- Flight plan layout and optimization
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10Mission Minder Roles Pre-Mission
- Automatic STK globe composition covering the AOI
(maps and imagery) - Requirements-driven target layout
- Flight plan layout and optimization
- Multi-platform mission synthesis
11Mission Minder Roles Pre-Mission
- Automatic STK globe composition covering the AOI
- Requirements-driven target layout
- Flight plan layout and optimization
- Multi-platform mission synthesis
- Sensor tasking (single/multiple collectors)
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13Mission Minder Roles Live Ops
- Configurable platform feeds
14Mission Minder Roles Live Ops
- Configurable platform feeds
- Push button control panel for 3D situation
15Mission Minder Roles Live Ops
- Configurable platform feeds
- Push button control panel for 3D situation
display - Collection activity display in 2D window
16Mission Minder Roles Live Ops
- Configurable platform feeds
- Push button control panel for 3D situation
display - Collection activity display in 2D window
- Real-time situation display and ground coverage
contour generation in 3D window
17Mission Minder Situation Display
- Real-time ground coverage contours
- Computationally light weight
- Natural light sources suppressed
- Three primary colors (RGB) allocated to asset
classes - Colored light sources attached to objects in each
asset class - Additive color mixing performed by STK 3D
graphics rendering - Colored contour display suppressed by increasing
ambient light intensity (slider on control panel) - Scene composition
- DTED-1 or DTED-2
- gray scale imagery
- no color distortion
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19Mission Minder Roles Post-Mission
20Mission Minder Roles Post-Mission
- Mission reconstruction
- Signal ID support
21Mission Minder Roles Post-Mission
- Mission reconstruction
- Signal ID support
- Computer-assisted signals analysis report
22Mission Minder - Summary
- Leverage with STK
- Benefits to user community
- Plans
- Migration to STK 4DX architecture
- Integrate DFCs Global Reference Information
Management (GRIM) capabilities - Accuracy, sensitivity coefficients for
geo-location predictions - AOA/TDOA/FDOA estimators
- Investigating integration into emerging
TechSIGINT Tool framework