Title: Francois Macary, Agfa HealthCare
1Sharing Laboratory ReportsXD-LAB
- Francois Macary, Agfa HealthCare
- co-chair Lab Technical Committee
2Lab TF Integration Profiles
Laboratory Scheduled Workflow (LSWF) Laboratory
Information Reconciliation (LIR) Laboratory
Device Automation (LDA) Laboratory Point Of Care
Testing (LPOCT) Laboratory Code Sets Distribution
(LCSD) Laboratory Barcode Labeling (LBL) -gt 2007
Sharing Laboratory Reports (XD-LAB)
3Lab TF Integration Profiles
Laboratory Scheduled Workflow (LSWF) Laboratory
Information Reconciliation (LIR) Laboratory
Device Automation (LDA) Laboratory Point Of Care
Testing (LPOCT) Laboratory Code Sets Distribution
(LCSD) Laboratory Barcode Labeling (LBL) -gt 2007
Sharing Laboratory Reports (XD-LAB)
Sharing Laboratory Reports
- Sharing laboratory reports
- Retrieval of historical lab results by the
providers of care, in a patient-centric manner - Main characteristics of a lab report
- Presents a set of releasable laboratory results
to be shared as historical information. - Usually a final report, shared once the lab order
is completed. - Occasionally a partial report may also be shared
- Human-readable, viewed by care providers
(physicians, nurses, pharmacists and even the
patient (e.g. through a PHR) - Machine-processable (for decision support,
bio-surveillance) - The results must be represented in both formats
5Use case 1 Hospital lab report CIS ?EHRs
At discharge time, a hospital physician selects
the most significant laboratory reports produced
during the patient stay, and issues these
reports to an Affinity Domain shared by a number
of healthcare enterprises and primary care
Lab Report Source
Lab Report Consumer
Lab Reports
Any care setting or care provider
6Use case 2 Private lab report LIS ? PHR/EHR
A private laboratory having signed a final report
for a patient, sends this report in an electronic
format to the patient record in the regional or
national PHR.
Lab Report Source
Lab Report Consumer
Lab Reportdocument
Any care setting or care provider
Private laboratory
7Use case 3 Lab report published by a GP
A physician reviews the results received from a
reference laboratory for his patient. The
doctor, as requested by the patient, shares this
laboratory report in the patients personal
health record in an electronic format.
Lab Report Consumer
Lab Report Source
Results reviewed
Lab Reportdocument
Any care setting or care provider
Ambulatory physicians office
8Use case 4 Lab report automatically shared
A laboratory, systematically (with some degree of
automatism) shares its final reports with a
regional healthcare network.
Lab Report Source
Lab Report Consumer
Lab ReportDocument
Any care setting or care provider
9Use case 5 Hospitals cumulative report CIS ?
At discharge time of an inpatient, a hospital
physician selects the most significant lab
results, produced by one or more laboratories of
the healthcare enterprise during patient stay,
and issues a cumulative report to the national
Lab Report Source
Lab Report Consumer
Cumulative Lab Report
Any care setting or care provider
10Dependencies of XD-LAB towards other profiles
Share a CDA lab report
Content Creator
Content Consumer
Document sharing infrastructure
Security infrastructure
11XD-LAB options
(1) The Content Consumer must support at least
one of these options
12A CDA Release 2 document
The header delivers the context patient,
encounter, author, cutodian, documented act
The body can be structured as a tree of nested
A section may contain a narrative block for the
human reader and a number of entries containing
machine-readable coded data.
13XD-LAB constrains CDA R2
- Constrains the use of elements of the CDA header
- Delivers guidelines for the layout of the
structured body - How to build the tree of sections
- How to organize the narrative block lttextgt ..
lt/textgt - Mandates the structured coded data ltentrygt ..
lt/entrygt and defines a unique template for it. - Aligned with HL7 V3 Laboratory result messages
- Compatible with HL7 v2.5 laboratory result
14Key elements in the header
Elements driven by the affinity domain
- clinicalDocument/realmCode
- ltrealmCode codeUVgt universal (no national
extension) - ltrealmCode codeUSgt US extension
- clinicalDocument/code
- The kind of document Either a multi-disciplinary
lab report or a single specialty lab report. - clinicalDocument/languageCode
- The main language used in the document (can be
superseded by some section) - ltlanguageCode code"en-US" codeSystem"
15Key elements in the header
Replacing a lab report by a new version
- lteffectiveTimegt The time the current version
was produced - ltsetIdgt a common identifier to all versions of
this document - ltidgt unique id of the current instance
- ltversionNumbergt integer representing the
current version - ltrelatedDocument typeCodeRPLCgt (only
replacement) - ltparentDocumentgt
- ltidgt the unique id of the replaced document
16Key elements in the header
Authoring and stewardship
- The ltauthorgt may be a system (e.g. the LIS)
- The ltcustodiangt is the organization in charge
with stewardship of the report (replace,
deprecate). It is the organization operating the
Content Creator actor (depending on the use case
the laboratory, the hospital, the GP )
17Key elements in the header
Who and what this report is answering to
- inFulfillmentOf/order the request received by
the laboratory - ltparticipant typeCodeREFgt the ordering
physician - informationRecipient/intendedRecipient the list
of the other intended recipents
18Key elements in the header
The main act a lab order
- documentationOf/serviceEvent the main act
documented by the report (e.g. the laboratory
order) - ltperformergt the laboratory who performed the
main part or the totality of the tests reported
in this document. - ltlegalAuthenticatorgt the person who has
verified and legally authenticated the report,
and the organization represented by this person - ltauthenticatorgt the other verifiers of the
report (e.g. a biologist who performed the
clinical validation of the results)
19Key elements in the header
The patient
- ltrecordTargetgt the patient
- componentOf/encompassingEncounter the encounter
during which the tests documented in this report
were produced
20Same content binding as PCC
- Mapping between the metadata of XD and the
header of the CDA document (here the lab report),
is defined in PCC TF, volume 2, section 4.1.1
21The body is structured in two levels of sections
18767-4 Blood gas
Arterial blood gas pO2 (mm Hg) 85
pCO2 (mm Hg) 35
Each section carrying results is derived from a
mandatory ltentrygt embedded at the end of the
section. This entry carries the coded
structured representation of these results, to be
imported by the consumer.
18719-5 Chemistry
Electrolytes Na (mmol/l) 141
K (mmol/l) 4.4
22At the international level, this profile is
flexible regarding the organization of the body
- Possibility to use only one level of section,
instead of two. - The profile provides a list of specialties but
does not impose the relationship between
specialties and tests - The narrative block (lttextgtlt/textgt) may appear
only in a leaf section (which can be a specialty
section without sub-section).
23General rules of representation of lab results in
the human-readable body
- Date/time of the observation (physiologic time
specimen collection) - Name of the analyte
- Value (numeric, textual, coded, graphic, image)
- Unit (if relevant)
- Reference range (if known and relevant)
- Interpretation code (if known and relevant)
- Specimen type (if not implied by the test)
- Testing method
- Zero or more previous results, to facilitate the
interpretation (trend) - Verifier, if it does not appear in the header
- Subcontractor lab if this test was not performed
by the performer declared in the header
244 templates for the leaf sections
- Single specimen battery
- Individual test
- Challenge study (dynamic function test)
- microbiology
These templates are flexible paragraph, table,
paragraph The examples shown, are not exclusive.
Specialty section
Human readable lttextgt block
Previous results
Current results
26Embedded graphics or images
ltentrygt ltobservationMediagt lt/observationMediagt
27Microbiology rendering with table germ/antibiotic
28Microbiology more traditional rendering
29The coded structured data
- Each leaf section SHALL contain one ltentrygt
element at its end, below the lttextgt block. - The lttextgt block of the section SHALL be derived
from the content of the ltentrygt - The ltentrygt conforms to a unique template defined
in section 9.2 of the supplement.
30Usable coding systems in the ltentrygt
- HL7 vocabulary domains (e.g. specimen type,
patient gender ) - SNOMED CT
- For test codes
- LOINC subset
- National terminologies (e.g. in Japan)