Title: Diversity in Second Grade
1Diversity in Second Grade
- Michelle Hunt
- Linda Hicks
- ED 417
- Ohio Strands
- American Heritage Activities
- American Heritage Web Sites
- People in Societies Activities
- People in Societies Web Sites
- World Interactions Activities
- World Interactions Web Sites
- Decision Making Resources Activities
8. Decision Making Resources Web Sites 9.
Democratic Process Activities 10. Democratic
Process Web Sites 11. Citizens Rights
Responsibilities Activities 12. Citizens Rights
Responsibilities Web Sites 13. Science,
Technology, Society Activities 14. Science,
Technology, Society Web Sites
4American Heritage Activities
1.) Chart occurrences of different cultures into
similar times. 2.) Place special occasions of a
culture on a time line. 3.) Develop a group
project for display in a multi-cultural
festival. 4.) Compare and contrast a students
current culture to the same culture 100 years
ago. 5.) Explain the daily life of a historical
figure of cultural diversity when they were a
5American Heritage Web Sites
1.) http//www.ausbcomp.com/redman/hopi.htm A
site about Indian holidays and historical
figures. 2.) http//www.shakunage.org/ Info on
the Japanese culture. 3.) http//www.ubp.com/ Sit
e of African American info on art, culture, and
figures. 4.) http//www.hispanic.com/ Famous
Hispanics. 5.) http//dpls.dacc.wisc.edu/slavedat
a/index.html Information on the slave movement..
6People Societies Activities
1.) Create a Venn Diagram of two individual
cultures. 2.) Participate in festivals of a
culture, exploring games, food, and
traditions. 3.) Using a map students will show
where a culture originated from and the path
taken to America. 4.) Explain what would change
in a students life if they lived in a culture
other than their own. 5.) Explore individual
governments of different cultures and explain how
they work.
7People Societies Web Sites
1.) http//link.lanic.utexas.edu/menic/ Site for
mid east w/ maps, language, etc. 2.)
http//www.hanksville.org/NAresources/ Info on
Native Americans. 3.) http//www.maps.com/?AID41
160PID186662 Maps and games about
countries. 4.) http//jin.jcic.or.jp/kidsweb/inde
x.html Kids page with information on Japan. 5.)
http//www.jewfaq.org/toc.htm Tons of facts on
8World Interaction Activities
1.) Draw a map of a country and give directions
for another student to travel from one place to
another. 2.) Draw a map of a country and
surrounding countries, then cut them apart to
make a puzzle. 3.) Draw a map of a country and of
America in relation to it. Trace the route
immigrants took to get to America. 4.) Describe a
natural disaster in another country and how if
affected the people and environment. 5.) Describe
changes a student would experience coming to
Dayton, Ohio from another country.
9World Interactions Web Sites
1.) http//www.kstrom.net/isk/maps/mapmenu.html Na
tive American information including maps. 2.)
http//nationalatlas.gov/natlas/natlasstart.asp Ma
king maps of U.S. 3.) http//www.pacificnet.net//
jue/docs/asam.html Asian American facts on
historical people and the culture. 4.)
http//www.etown.edu/vl/ Resource for searching
International info. 5.) http//www.lib.utexas.edu
/maps/middle_east.html Maps of the Middle East.
10Decision Making Resources Activities
1.) Make a list of resources obtained from
another country and explain how those resources
are or are not helpful to America. 2.) Make a bar
graph showing how many students in the class use
a particular resource from another country. 3.)
Make-up a resource to sell and devise a plan to
promote and sell the product. 4.) Name a resource
from another country and explain how our area
would be affected if it no longer existed. 5.)
Describe what could be substituted for a resource
if that resource was no longer available.
11Decision Making Resources Web Sites
1.) http//dir.yahoo.com/Regional/countries/china/
societyandculture/ Yahoo search for Chinese
facts. 2.) http//www.encarta.msn.com/products/in
fo/Africana.asp Encartas search for African
information. 3.) http//www.lib.uci.edu/rrsc/sasi
an.html Resources about countries and people of
South East Asia. 4.) http//www.princeton.edu/mc
brown/display/faces.html Site of African
Americans in Science. 5.) http//www.fas.harvard.
edu/mideast/inMEres/inMEres.html TONS of info on
Arab American issues.
12Democratic Process Activities
1.) List some laws from another country and
explain why they were made. 2.) Explain how laws
are enforced in another country. 3.) Create a
simulation of the government of a country and
demonstrate the creation and passing of a
law. 4.) Compare and contrast the law process of
another country to that of America. 5.) Explain
what would happen if a particular law was
13Democratic Process Web Sites
1.) http//www.hanksville.org/NAresources/ Info
on Native Americans. 2.) http//www.jinjapan.org/
Info on Japan. 3.) http//www.msnbc.com/news/AFR
ICA_Front.asp MSNBC site for Africa info. 4.)
http//www.viet.net/ Vietnamese web site. 5.)
http//www.shakunage.org/ Info on the Japanese
14Citizenship Rights Responsibilities Activities
1.) Explain a crisis or hardship felt in a
country and tell what you would do to help ease
the problem. 2.) Develop a travel poster for a
country working with a group of students. 3.)
Students will delegate jobs to each other while
researching topics about a country. 4.) Explain
the type of government of another country. Tell
if that way is fair to all the people who live
there. 5.) Create your own government and have
other students tell if your way is fair to all
15Citizenship Rights Responsibilities Web Sites
1.) http//www.thehawksnest.com/html/nativein.html
Index of Native Americans. 2.)
tml Info on Apache women and their
accomplishments. 3.) http//www.hispaniconline.co
m/ Hispanic current events. 4.)
http//www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/meres.htm Doc
uments on Middle Eastern issues. 5.)
http//www.kamilat.org/ Issues that affect Muslim
16Science, Technology, Society Activities
1.) Research the internet on an invention
invented outside of the U.S. 2.) Create a word
search on the internet using a list of vocabulary
words from the study of a country. 3.) Explain
the weather pattern of another country and
compare it to the weather in the U.S. 4.)
Research a historical figure from a country on
the internet and explain how they affected
history. 5.) Become a pen pal with a student in
another English speaking country.
17Science, Technology, Society Web Sites
1.) http//puzzlemaker.school.discovery.com/ Make
word searches. 2.)http//www.usc.edu/isd/archives
/ethnicstudies/jewish_american_resources.html Info
on resources about Jewish Americans. 3.)
http//www.cacf.org/ Coalition for Asian American
children and families. 4.) http//www.pacificnet.
net//jue/docs/asam.html Asian American facts on
historical people and the culture. 5.)
http//www.weather.com/ The Weather Channel site.
The activities and web sites listed previously
could be organized into weekly activities with
each week focusing on a particular country or
culture. The activities are to promote the
awareness and acceptance of cultural differences
among all people.