Towards the Seventh Framework Programme - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Towards the Seventh Framework Programme


The core objectives for Health research in FP7 are 'improving the ... FYR Macedonia. Europe enlarges. Associated countries. Norway. Switzerland. Iceland. Israel ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Towards the Seventh Framework Programme

  • Ole Olesen
  • Health Directorate, DG Research
  • European Commission

3 July 2007
  • The Health Theme (structure, activity areas)
  • Eligibility, evaluation, funding
  • First calls trends and topics

The Health Theme
Collaborative researchin Health in FP7
The core objectives for Health research in FP7
are improving the health of the European
citizens and increasing the competitiveness of
the European health related industries and
businesses with emphasis on translational
  • Budget
  • 6 billion over 7 years (2007-2013)

Health research theme 1 in FP7
Pillar 1 Biotechnology, generic tools and
medical technologies for human health
Pillar 2 Translating research for human health
Pillar 3 Optimising the delivery of health
care to European citizens
Funding schemes targeted at Small and
Medium-sized Enterprises
Child Health
Health of the Ageing population
Funding schemes targeted at International
Cooperation SICA
Whats new in Collaborative Research in Health
in FP7?
  • Budget increase 600m to 900m per year
  • Continuity in themes and instruments
  • Continued SME focus
  • Less focus on genomics
  • Emphasis on translational research
  • Re-introduction of biomedical technology
  • Joint Technology Initiatives Innovative
    Medicines Initiative
  • New focus on International Cooperation
  • New pillar Public Health and Health system

Innovative Medicines Initiative- Background
  • Economical and structural challenges to European
    pharma RD Increasing development costs,
    increasing failure rates, expatriation, lower
    public spending and private investments than
    other regions.
  • Consultations with more than 300 experts and key
    stakeholders (Pharma Industry, SMEs, patients,
    regulators, clinical and academic researchers,
  • Identification of 4 key areas for RD
  • Predictive safety
  • Predictive efficacy
  • Knowledge management
  • Education and training
  • The aim of the Innovative Medicines Initiative
    (IMI) is to address these 4 key areas

Innovative Medicines Initiative- Implementation
  • The Innovative IMI is proposed as a Joint
    Technology Initiative (JTI) under FP7
  • A new, independent legal structure a Public
    Private Partnership will be set up by the EC
    and EFPIA.
  • Location, Governance structure, IPR and financial
    rules to be decided.
  • Tentative initial budget of 2 Bn equally from
    EC and Pharma Industry (in kind or cash) - and
    potentially other stakeholders
  • Activities through open calls for tenders many
    of interest for Academia/SMEs
  • IMI will complement and/or replace collaborative
    research activities in key areas (predictive
    safety, toxicology and efficacy)

Next steps for IMI
  • Develop governance structure legal entity,
    financial engineering, governance rules, IPR
  • Obtain approval for IMI as joint undertaking
    (Art. 171) through a Council decision.
  • The Commission proposal has been completed, and
    is now discussed in the Council research group
  • Develop annual Work Programme from Strategic
    Research Agenda
  • Pending favorable decision by the European
    Council of Ministers, IMI could become
    operational by late 2007

Increased International participation in Health
245 participants from 51 third countries in FP6
International Collaboration in FP7
Two different avenues
  • 1. All activities open for International
  • International Cooperation Partner Countries
    (ICPCs) can participate in projects and receive
    EC funding
  • Minimum number of participants 3 from MS/AS
  • 2. Specific International Cooperation Actions
  • Address specific issues of partner countries or
    with a global character, on the basis of mutual
    interest and benefit
  • Minimum number of participants 22 (2 from
    MS/AS 2 from ICPCs)

International Collaboration What is new in FP7?
  • The management of thematic INCO projects moves
    from the INCO directorate to the thematic
    directorates? INCO-Health to Health Research
  • better synergies with traditional collaborative
    projects in the theme
  • greater visibility for INCO projects (now called
    SICA) as part of a larger portfolio

Infectious diseases in FP7Extended disease focus
Poverty-related diseases HIV/AIDS Malaria TB Ne
glected tropical diseases
Emerging infectious diseases Influenza Hepatitis
Anti-microbal resistance
Theme 3 Health Care Delivery
  • 3 Optimising the delivery of health care
  • Enhanced health promotion and disease prevention
    providing evidence of best public health measures
    life styles, interventions, special focus on
    mental health, etc.
  • Translating clinical research into clinical
    practice patient safety, better use of
    medicines, benchmarking, pharmacovigilance, etc.
  • Quality, solidarity and sustainability of health
    systems organisational and financial aspects,
    health systems, etc.

Call Topics inDelivery of Health Care
  • Implementation of research into healthcare
    practice (FRP)
  • Self-medication and patient safety (FRP)
  • Improving clinical decision making (FRP)
  • Better use of medicines (FRP)
  • Continuity of clinical care (FRP)
  • Patient self-management of chronic disease (FRP)
  • Evaluation of disease management programmes
  • Mobility of health professionals (FRP)
  • Clinician worktime and patient safety (FRP)
  • Trends of population health (FRP)
  • Promoting healthy behaviour in children and
    adolescents (FRP)
  • Interventions addressing the gradient of health
    inequalities (FRP)
  • Public health interventions addressing the abuse
    of alcohol (FRP)
  • Evaluation of suicide prevention strategies
    across Europe (FRP)

Application process

Europe enlarges
  • EU-27
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Luxembourg
  • Netherlands
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Portugal
  • UK
  • Cyprus
  • Estonia
  • Hungary

Minimum 3 MS/AS
  • Associated countries
  • Norway
  • Switzerland
  • Iceland
  • Israel

Funding Instruments in FP7?
Funding instruments Integrated Projects
Integrating Projects (IP) (6-12 M
EUR) STREP Projects
Focused Research Projects (FRP) (max 3 M
EUR) Networks of Excellence
Networks of Excellence (NoE) Coordination
action Specific Support Action
Coordination and Support Action (CSA)
More flexible financing combinations -
co-financing, RSFF, PPPs, IMI, EDCTP - EC funding
to leverage other RD investments
Simplified Evaluation in FP7
  • Only 3 criteria for peer-evaluation
  • Scientific Excellence(Quality of objectives and
    concept, state of the art)
  • Impact(Expected impact as set out in work
    programme, dissemination activities and IPR
  • Implementation(competence of partners, quality
    of the consortium (complementarity), managerial
    approach, allocation and justification of
    resources (budget, staff, equipment)
  • Ethical review of original proposal
  • No possibility to submit additional ethical
    information between scientific and ethical review

1-3rd Call for proposals Health theme
  • First calls for proposals
  • first deadline 17 April 07 budget of 622
  • Received 914 proposals
  • Imbalance of small/large projects 60/40
  • 2nd Deadline
  • second deadline 18 September 07 budget 538
  • 3rd Deadline
  • New Work programme to be drafted Autumn 2007
  • Publication Q2, 2008 ?
  • Likely to focus on larger projects

FP7 main new elements
  • Longer duration (7 years) larger budget
    40 annually
  • European Research Council (Ideas programme )
  • Collaborative research (Cooperation )
  • continuity in themes instruments.
  • Focus on both basic and translationalresearch
  • Increased focus on international cooperation
  • funding levels to be raised in some cases (SME)
    50 ? 75
  • Joint Technology Initiatives, egg the
    Innovative Medicines Initiative IMI
  • Infrastructures, SME, regions potential
    (Research Capacities )
  • Human potential and science careers (People )

Health Research Continuity of Challenges in FP7
  • Longer duration - larger budget
  • Continuity from FP6 (pipeline approach)
  • Focus on product development (translational)
  • Focus on collaborative research
  • Focus on European and global health problems
  • Create Partnerships
  • Between scientists from different disciplines
  • Between scientists from different countries
  • Between different sectors Industry-academia

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