Title: School of Education University of Tampere, Finland
1School of Education University of Tampere,
Issues in Study Design
Petri Nokelainen petri.nokelainen_at_uta.fi
2CONTENTSIssues in Study DesignWriting
Scientific ReportsTen Questions About YOUR
3Issues in Study Design
Scientific research
E2 Textual / nominal data
T2 Innovation
T1 Research body
E1 Numerical data
4Issues in Study Design
Quan E1 !
5Issues in Study Design
Research question
6Issues in Study Design
(Nokelainen, 2008, p. 119)
7Issues in Study Design
8Issues in Study Design
- The left-hand side of the figure shows two main
categories of data collection - Probability sample (PS) and
- Non-probability sample (NPS).
- Both methods aim to produce a scientific,
representative sample from the target population.
9Issues in Study Design
- According to Jackson (2006), a representative
sample is like the population. - Thus, we can be confident that the results we
find based on the sample also hold for the
population. - This is not a problem with PS, which is based on
random, stratified or cluster sampling. - In random sampling each member of the population
has an equal likelihood of being selected into
the sample. - Stratified random sampling allows taking into
account different subgroups in the population. - If the population is too large for random
sampling of any sort, cluster sampling is
10Issues in Study Design
- Problems arise with NPS as the individual members
of the population do not have an equal likelihood
of being selected to be a member of the sample. - The most commonly applied NPS technique is
convenience sampling (CS) in which participants
are obtained wherever they can be found and
wherever is convenient for the researcher (Hair,
Anderson, Tatham Black, 1998).
11Issues in Study Design
- Why, then, educational scientists use NPS,
typically CS? - Simply because it tends to be less expensive
than RS and it is easier to generate samples
using this technique (Jackson, 2006, p. 84).
12Issues in Study Design
- However, on the lower left-hand part of the
figure, it is shown that when researcher ensures
that the CS is like the population on certain
characteristics (location and dispersion
descriptive statistics about, for example, age
and job title), it becomes a quota sample (QS). - A quota sample is better than a CS as it allows
us to ensure that the results we find based on
the sample also hold for the population.
13Issues in Study Design
- The upper part of the figure contains two
sections, namely parametric and
non-parametric divided into eight sub-sections
(DNIMMOCS OLD). - Parametric approach is viable only if
- 1) Both the phenomenon modeled and the sample
follow normal distribution. - 2) Sample size is large enough (at least 30
observations). - 3) Continuous indicators are used.
- 4) Dependencies between the observed variables
are linear. - Otherwise non-parametric techniques should be
14Issues in Study Design
- First, study design (D) is made on the basis of
the research question and major goal. - According to de Vaus (2004, p. 9), research
design is to ensure that the evidence obtained
enables us to answer the initial question as
unambiguously as possible.
15Issues in Study Design
- In order to obtain relevant evidence, we need to
specify the type of evidence needed to answer the
research question. - More specifically, we need to ask Given this
research question, what type of evidence (data)
is needed to answer the question in a convincing
16Issues in Study Design
- Sometimes we proceed with the so-called
qualitative designs, sometimes a quantitative
orientation is more appropriate, and sometimes we
work both qualitatively and quantitatively
(mixed-methods research, for a thorough
discussion, see Brannen, 2004). - Methodological, conceptual etc. triangulation.
- Design research is quite new approach, see
Bannan-Ritland (2003).
17Issues in Study Design
- Experimental design (a.k.a. pretest post-test
randomized experiment) is the most recommended
approach, but only possible with a random sample
(a.k.a probability sample) and random
assignment (participants are randomly selected
for the experimental and control groups). - Research is conducted in a controlled environment
(e.g., laboratory) with experiment and control
groups (threat to external validity due to
artificial environment). - Using experimental design, both reliability and
validity are maximized via random sampling and
control in the given experiment (de Vaus, 2004).
18Issues in Study Design
19Issues in Study Design
Random assignment to groups
Measurement (X)
Measurement (Y)
Control group
Measurement (X)
No treatment
Measurement (Y)
20Issues in Study Design
- Quasi-experimental design (a.k.a. non-equivalent
groups design) resembles experimental design but
lacks random assignment (sometimes also random
sampling) and controlled research environment. - This type of design is sometimes the only way to
do research in certain populations as it
minimizes the threats to external validity
(natural environments instead of artificial ones).
21Issues in Study Design
- The most popular quantitative approach in
educational research, correlational design
(a.k.a. descriptive study or observational
study), allows the use of non-probability sample
(a.k.a convenience sample). - Most correlational designs are missing control,
and thus loose some of their scientific power
(Jackson, 2006). - Some research journals accept factorial analysis
(main and interaction effects, e.g., MANOVA)
based on quasi-experimental design.
22Issues in Study Design
- Observational studies can further be classified
into cross-sectional and longitudinal studies
(see Caskie Willis, 2006). - Longitudinal design includes series of
measurements over time. - Change over time, age effect.
- Cross-sectional study involves usually one
measurement and is thus considerably cheaper and
faster to conduct (although producing less
controllable and less powerful results). - If there are several measurements, individual
participants answers are not connected over time
(e.g., due to anonymity). - Causal conclusions are usually out of scope of
this research type (ibid.).
23Issues in Study Design
- Longitudinal design
- One sample that remains the same throughout the
study. - Longitudinal study produces more convincing
results as it allows the understanding of change
in a construct over time and variability and
predictors of such change over time (ibid.). - However, it takes naturally more time to carry
out and suffers from participant drop-out.
Random sample
Measurement (X)
Measurement (Y)
24Issues in Study Design
- Cross-sectional design
- Measurement is conducted once (or several times)
and the sample varies throughout the study.
Convenience or random sample
Measurement (Y)
Convenience orrandom sample
No treatment
Measurement (Y)
25Issues in Study Design
pretest-posttest randomized experiment
Non-Equivalent Groups Design
Correlational design
26(No Transcript)
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33(No Transcript)
34Issues in Study Design
- Why do, then, educational scholars use
correlational designs over controlled
experiments? - The first answer is simple Correlational designs
are far easier, faster and inexpensive to conduct
than experimental designs. - The second answer is more complex as we need to
ask if the controlled experiment approach is at
all viable method to study educational research
35Issues in Study Design
- In science and psychology, most areas of interest
are quite easily quantifiable and replicable
(like, for example, freezing point of chocolate
or systolic blood pressure). - However, in educational research we study, for
example, topics like pedagogical aspects of
digital learning material (Nokelainen, 2006) or
compare pre-existing characteristics of interest
(e.g., gender, age, educational level). - In such situations researchers do apply
correlational designs, but still aim to employ
different types of data in the analysis with a
complementary way (quasi-experimental study).
36Issues in Study Design
- Case study design is applied in qualitative
research. - The aim is to collect information from one or
more cases and stydy, describe and explain them
through how and why questions. - Cases are represented, for example, by
individuals, their communication and experiences.
(For thorough discussion, see Flyvbjerg, 2004.)
37Issues in Study Design
- As a conclusion, Abelsons (1995) concept of
statistics as principled argument becomes useful
- Data analysis should not be pointlessly formal,
but instead ... it should make an interesting
claim it should tell a story that an informed
audience will care about and it should do so by
intelligent interpretation of appropriate
evidence from empirical measurements or
observations (p. 2).
38Issues in Study Design
- Second, optimal sample size (N) is divided into
two sections in the figure - Samples that operate in the optimal area (n ? 30
250) for traditional parametric frequentistic
techniques (Black, 1993 Tabachnick Fidell,
1996), such as t-test or exploratory factor
analysis, and the samples that fail to do so (n lt
30 or n gt 250).
39Estimation of sample size
- N
- Population size.
- n
- Estimated sample size.
- Sampling error (e)
- Difference between the true (unknown) value and
observed values, if the survey were repeated
(sample collected) numerous times. - Confidence interval
- Spread of the observed values that would be seen
if the survey were repeated numerous times. - Confidence level
- How often the observed values would be within
sampling error of the true value if the survey
were repeated numerous times.
(Murphy Myors, 1998)
40Issues in Study Design
- Traditional non-parametric techniques, such as
Mann-Whitney U-test, are considered to operate
robustly, also with small samples (-gt lack of
power?). - Bayesian approach, however, is free of such
41Issues in Study Design
- Third, independent observations (IO) are always
expected, also in time series analysis.
42Issues in Study Design
- Controlled experiment designs, when conducted
properly, rule out IO violations quite
effectively (Martin, 2004), but correlational
designs usually lack such control (e.g., to rule
out employees co-operation when they respond to
the survey questions). - On the other hand, some qualitative techniques,
like focus group analysis (Macnaghten Myers,
2004), are heavily based on non-independent
observations as informants are asked to talk to
each other as an important part of the data
43Issues in Study Design
- Fourth, parametric techniques assume continuous
(c) measurement level (ML) of indicators (i.e.,
so called quantitative variables).
44Issues in Study Design
45Issues in Study Design
46Issues in Study Design
47Issues in Study Design
- Non-parametric analysis is based on ordering of
values and thus discrete (d) or, when applicable,
nominal (n) values are expected (i.e., so called
qualitative variables). - A respondents income level (euros) or age (years
or months) is a representative example of the
first indicator type. - A Likert scale from 1 to 5 is an example of the
second indicator type (ordered discrete values). - Respondents gender is an example of the third
indicator type (nominal discrete values).
48Issues in Study Design
- It is important to note that the central limit
theorem, discovered by Pierre-Simon Laplace (1749
- 1827), assures an approximate normal
distribution for practically all sums of
independent random variables. - For example, it allows the use of parametric
t-test with binomial or ordinal indicators (as
the sample of normally distributed group means
are compared, not the indicator values
themselves). - Bayesian analysis is based on discrete values,
and thus, continuous values must be disceticized
(automatically or manually) before the analysis.
49Issues in Study Design
- Fifth, parametric techniques are technically
based on the assumption of the multivariate
distribution (MD) that is normal (n) by nature. - Non-parametric techniques expect any shaped
similar distributions (s). - This is a great news to anyone who has collected
real-life educational science empirical data and
checked both univariate and multivariate variable
distributions as usually almost all variables
violate quite heavily against the normal
distribution assumption with small sample sizes
(e.g., below n 100).
50Issues in Study Design
- Some researchers try to force their indicators to
follow multivariate normal distribution by
applying various transformation techniques (e.g.,
logarithmic, square), but with varying success. - The motivation for transformations lies behind
the fact that in order to enable parametric
analysis (i.e., based on, e.g., normal
distribution) the bivariate or multivariate
statistical dependencies (S) must be linear (l). - It is important to note that this assumption does
not hold for the Bayesian techniques.
51Issues in Study Design
- Non-parametric statistics
- Chi-square ?2
- Multiway Frequency Analysis ?2
- Spearman Rank Order Correlation rS
- Mann-Whitney U
- Wilcoxon Signed Rank
- Kruskal-Wallis H
- Friedman
- Bayesian dependency modeling (B-Course)
- Logit analysis, Logistic regression
- Bayesian classification modeling (B-Course)
- Categorical variable modeling (Mplus)
Parametric statistics Pearson Product Moment
Correlation rP Independent-samples
t Paired-samples t One-way between-groups ANOVA
F Two-way repeated-measures ANOVA F ANCOVA,
MANOVA Regression analysis R Exploratory factor
analysis Principal component analysis Cluster
analysis Discriminant analysis Classification
analysis Confirmatory factor analysis
52Issues in Study Design
- Sixth, extreme values, outliers (O), affect the
results and, thus, the conclusions, of some
parametric techniques severely (e.g., regression
and discriminant analysis) and should be
recognized and removed (see, e.g., Tabachnick
Fidell, 1996). - Non-parametric analysis techniques are not
affected by such values as their analysis is not
based on multivariate normal assumption (i.e.,
linear dependencies between variables).
53Issues in Study Design
- Seventh, when calculating correlations (C),
Pearson product moment correlation (rP) should be
applied with continuous indicators, and Spearman
rank-order correlation (rS) with ordinal
indicators. - Both techniques are valid to detect linear
54Issues in Study Design
- The last point is to discuss about the two types
of statistical dependencies (S) among the
variables under analysis, namely linear (l) and
non-linear (nl).
55Issues in Study Design
- It is natural to assume, that both parametric and
non-parametric techniques designed to detect
linear dependencies work best with samples that
contain linear dependencies. - However, there are non-linear techniques, such as
Bayesian analysis and neural networks that also
allow the investigation of both dependency types.
56Issues in Study Design
- The figure contains a reference to the
qualitative analysis techniques, referring here
to the empirical textual evidence based approach
(e.g., individual or focus group interviews,
narrative stories).
57Issues in Study Design
- Firstly, it is obvious that qualitative research
operates with small samples (usually n lt 30). - There is nothing suspicious working with small
samples Bartlett, Pavlov, Piaget and Skinner did
that too!
58Issues in Study Design
- Secondly, probability samples could also be used
by qualitative researchers (as stated in the
figure), but not as the only way to produce
scientifically important findings. - Gobo (2004) illustrates this by listing important
qualitative research studies based solely on
non-probability samples - Alvin Gouldner (1920-1980)
- Howard Becker (1928-)
- Ernest De Martino (1908-1965)
- David Sudnow (1938-2007)
- Aaron Cicourel (1928-).
59Issues in Study Design
- Gobo (2004) defines a new concept of
generalizability for qualitative research by
arguing that the concept of generalizability is
based on the idea of social representativeness,
which allows the generalizability to become a
function of the invariance (regularities) of the
phenomenon. - Thus, The ethnographer does not generalize one
case or event but its main structural aspects
that can be noticed in other cases or events of
the same kind or class. (id., p. 453.)
60Issues in Study Design
- Thirdly, both qualitative and Bayesian analysis
techniques allow researcher to apply a priori
input to the modeling process and update the
model on the basis of increased level of
61Issues in Study DesignWriting Scientific
ReportsTen Questions About YOUR Research
62Writing scientific reports
Original idea for the research
Database of scientific knowledge
63Writing scientific reports
- Title
- Author(s) name(s) and affiliation(s)
- Abstract and keywords
- Introduction / Goals or aims of the study
(periodicals research questions) - Theoretical framework / literature review
(periodicals research questions) - Research questions (dissertation)
- Method
- 7.1 Sample, participants
- 7.2 Measures / instruments
- 7.3 Procedure
- 7.4 Statistical analyses
- Results
- Conclusion(s) and/or Summary
- Discussion
- Acknowledgements / credits
- References
- Appendix(es)
64Writing scientific reports
- 1. Introduction
- School leadership is currently one of the most
widely studied and published areas in social
sciences. However, leadership as a social
process, affecting both end products and
personnel emotions, is seldom studied (Nokelainen
Ruohotie, 2006). In this sense one interesting
direction to look at is Emotional Intelligence
(EI) research that has recently become one of the
most important constructs in modern psychological
research. EI refers to the competence to
identify, express and understand emotions,
assimilate emotions in thought, and regulate both
positive and negative emotions in one and others
(Matthews, Zeidner, Roberts, 2002, p. 123).
65Writing scientific reports
- 2. Theoretical Framework
- The theory as formulated by Salovey and Mayer
(1990 Mayer Salovey, 1997) framed EI within a
model of intelligence. Golemans model formulates
EI in terms of a theory of performance (1998b).
Goleman argues (2001) that an EI-based theory of
performance has direct applicability to the
domain of work and organizational effectiveness,
particularly predicting excellence in jobs of all
kinds, from sales to leadership. Goleman,
Boyatzis and McKee further state (2002, p. 38)
that EI characteristics are not innate talents,
but learned abilities.
66Writing scientific reports
- 2. Theoretical Framework
- Theoretical framework is summarized in Figure 1.
Figure represents self-regulation (Zimmerman,
1998, 2000) as a system concept (Boekaerts
Niemivirta, 2000) managing leadership behavior
through interactive processes between motivation,
volition, emotion, attention, metacognition and
action control systems. As Markku Hannula (2006)
points out, self-regulation should be seen to be
much more than mere metacognition.
67Writing scientific reports
Figure 1. Self-regulation as a system concept
managing leadership competence through
interactive processes between different control
systems. (Adapted from Zimmerman, 2000, p.
68Writing scientific reports
- 2. Theoretical Framework
- Daniel Goleman popularized the term emotional
intelligence and claimed that EI was as powerful
and at times more powerful than IQ in predicting
life success (1995, p. 34). He aimed to show in
his studies that emotional and social factors are
important (1995, 1998a), but his views on EI
often went far beyond the evidence available
(Brackett et al., 2004). A recent study showed
that most popular EI and ability measures are
only related at r lt .22, i.e. about five per cent
of common variance (Brackett Mayer, 2003).
Brackett, M. A., Lopes, P., Ivcevic, Z., Pizarro,
D., Mayer, J. D., Salovey, P. (2004).
Integrating emotion and cognition The role of
emotional intelligence. In D. Dai, R. J.
Sternberg (Eds.), Motivation, emotion, and
cognition Integrating perspectives on
intellectual functioning (pp. 175-194). Mahawah,
NJ Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
69Writing scientific reports
- 3. Method
- 3.1 Sample
- The non-probability sample consists of 124
Finnish teachers from four comprehensive (n 84)
and two upper secondary (n 40) schools. All the
schools were located in Helsinki, capital of
Finland (about 560 000 inhabitants, 9.3 of total
population 5 223 442). Each respondent was
personally invited to complete a paper and pencil
version of the questionnaire. Participants were
asked to evaluate their attitude towards the
statements measuring emotional leadership.
70Writing scientific reports
- 3. Method
- 3.1 Sample
- The respondents age was classified into four
categories (1) 21 to 30 years old (n 18,
14.5) (2) 31 to 40 years old (n 25, 20.2)
(3) 41 to 50 years old (n 34, 27.4) (4) over
50 years old (n 39, 31.5). Seventy per cent of
the respondents were females (n 87, 70.2), the
rest were males (n 29, 23.4).
71Writing scientific reports
- 3. Method
- 3.2 Instrument
- Emotional Leadership Questionnaire
operationalises Goleman and his colleagues (2002)
four domains of emotional intelligence
characteristics with 51 items (1)
self-awareness, (2) self-management, (3) social
awareness and (4) relationship management. Table
1 depicts four EL domains and the eighteen
associated characteristics (see Appendix for item
level details).
72(No Transcript)
73Writing scientific reports
- 4. Results
- Next, we examine with descriptive statistics how
subordinates evaluated their superiors
emotional leadership. Table 1 shows that the
school principals had quite strong self-awareness
(M 3.7 3.8, SD 0.8 1.0). This finding is
natural, as especially self-confidence is an
important characteristic of a good leader. On the
other hand, we suspect that this result is partly
a self-fulfilling prophecy as teachers expect to
see those atypical Finnish mentality
characteristics strongly present in their
74Writing scientific reports
75Writing scientific reports
Figure 2. Comparison of disagreement (SD) between
the three age groups on the IRSSQ dimensions.
76Writing scientific reports
Figure 2. Comparison of disagreement (SD) between
the three age groups on the IRSSQ dimensions.
77Writing scientific reports
Figure 3. Bayesian network of Finnish school
principals Emotional Leadership competencies.
78Writing scientific reports
Figure 3. Bayesian network of Finnish school
principals Emotional Leadership competencies.
79Writing scientific reports
80Writing scientific reports
81Writing scientific reports
82Writing scientific reports
- 5. Conclusions
- In this paper, we presented a 51 item self-rating
Likert-scale Emotional Leadership Questionnaire
(ELQ) that operationalises Golemans et al.
(2002) four domains of emotional intelligence.
Our goal in this paper was to study with an
empirical sample the construct validity of the
four-domain model (Goleman et al., 2002) of EL.
The non-probability sample consisted of 124
Finnish school teachers from six different
capital area schools.
83Writing scientific reports
- 6. Discussion
- We asked teachers to evaluate their superiors
according to our fixed, person-related questions.
In the next version of the ELQ, we will add an
additional scale measuring the importance of each
question in a five-point Likert scale. This
allows us to compare personal level EL factors to
other measures, for example, the Multiple
Intelligences Profiling Questionnaire (MIPQ), an
operationalization of Howard Gardners MI
theory, (Tirri, K., Komulainen, Nokelainen,
Tirri, H., 2002).
84Writing scientific reports
- References (APA style, http//www.apa.org)
- Bar-On, R., Tranel, D., Denburg, N. L.,
Bechara, A. (2003). Exploring the neurological
substrate of emotional and social intelligence,
Brain, 126(3), 1790-1800. - Boekaerts, M., Niemivirta, M. (2000).
Self-regulation in learning finding a balance
between learning and ego-protective goals. In M.
Boekaerts, P. R. Pintrich, M. Zeidner (Eds.),
Handbook of Self-regulation (pp. 417-450). San
Diego, CA Academic Press. - Carmines, E. G., Zeller, R. A. (1979).
Reliability and Validity. Beverly Hills, CA Sage
Publications. - EQ Symposium (2004). About Reuven BarOns
Involvement in Emotional Intelligence. Retrieved
April 13, 2007, from http//www.cgrowth.com/rb_bio
85Writing scientific reports
- Test your APA knowledge What is WRONG with the
following reference list? - Cohen, J. (1988) Statistical power analysis for
the behavioral sciences. Second Edition.
Hillsdale, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. - Hair, J. F., Anderson, R. E., Tatham R. L.
Black, W. C. (1995). Multivariate data analysis.
Fourth edition. Englewood Cliffs Prentice Hall. - Howell, David (1997). Statistical Methods for
Psychology. Belmont, CA Wadsworth Publishing
Company. - Nokelainen, P., Tirri, H. (2007). The Essential
Benefits of Using Bayesian Modeling in
Professional Growth Research. In S. Saari T.
Varis (Eds.), Professional Growth, 413-423).
Hämeenlinna, FI RCVE. - Kerlinger, F. 1986. Foundations of Behavioral
Research. Third Edition. New York CBS College
Publishing. - Tirri, K., and Nokelainen, P. (2008).
Identification of multiple intelligences with the
Multiple Intelligence Profiling Questionnaire
III. Psychology Science Quarterly, 50(2),
86Issues in Study DesignWriting Scientific
ReportsTen Questions About YOUR Research
87Ten questions about YOUR research
- Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP)
http//www.phru.nhs.uk/casp/casp.htm - Rigor
- Credibility
- Relevance
- (Abelson, 1995.)
88Ten questions about YOUR research
- Screening
- Was there a clear statement of the aims of the
study? - Is a qualitative/quantitative methodology
appropriate? - Research Design
- Was the research design appropriate to address
the aims of the research? - Was the sampling technique/recruitment strategy
appropriate to the aims of the research?
89Ten questions about YOUR research
- Data collection
- Were the data collected in a way that addressed
the research issue? - Justification of the setting for data collection.
- Clarification how data were collected (e.g.,
questionnaire, focus group, semi-structured
interview,..). - Justification of the chosen methods.
- Explicit report on methods (e.g., how the
instruments were delivered, what were the
instructions, how interviews were conducted, was
there a topic guide, how data was stored, ..). - Explicit report on modifications to the methods
during the study. - Discussion of the sample size (effect size,
power)/saturation of data.
90Ten questions about YOUR research
- Reflexivity
- Has the relationship between researcher and
participants been adequately considered? - Critical examination of researchers own role,
potential bias and influence during - formulation of research questions
- data collection, including sample recruitment and
choice of location. - How researcher responded to events during the
91Ten questions about YOUR research
- Ethical issues
- Have ethical issues been taken into
consideration? - Detailed description how the research was
explained to participants so that reader is
able to assess whether ethical standards were
maintained. - Discussion of the issues raised by the study.
92Ten questions about YOUR research
- Data analysis
- Was the data analysis sufficiently rigorous?
- In-depth description of the analysis process.
- Selection of the statistical techniques/use of
thematic analysis (e.g., how the
categories/themes were derived from the data?) - Qualitative How the data presented was selected
from the original sample to demonstrate the
analysis process? - Is a sufficient data presented to support the
findings? - To what extent contradictory data are taken into
account? - Whether the researcher critically examined their
own role, potential bias and influence during
analysis (qualitative selection of data for
93Ten questions about YOUR research
- Findings
- Is there a clear statement of findings?
- Explicit findings.
- Adequate discussion of the evidence both for and
against the researchers arguments. - Discussion of the credibility of the findings
(triangulation, respondent validation, more than
one analyst,..). - Discussion of the findings in relation to the
original research questions.
94Ten questions about YOUR research
- Value of the research
- How valuable is the research?
- Contribution to existing knowledge and
understanding. - Identification of new areas where research is
necessary. - Transferability (generalizability/representativene
ss) of findings to other populations. - Consideration of other ways how the research may
be used.
- Abelson, R. P. (1995). Statistics as Principled
Argument. Hillsdale, NJ Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates. - Anderson, J. (1995). Cognitive Psychology and Its
Implications. Freeman New York. - Bannan-Ritland, B. (2003). The Role of Design in
Research The Integrative Learning Design
Framework. Educational Researcher, 32(1), 21-24. - Brannen, J. (2004). Working qualitatively and
quantitatively. In C. Seale, G. Gobo, J. Gubrium,
D. Silverman (Eds.), Qualitative Research
Practice (pp. 312-326). London Sage. - Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for
the behavioral sciences. Second edition.
Hillsdale, NJ Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. - Fisher, R. (1935). The design of experiments.
Edinburgh Oliver Boyd. - Flyvbjerg, B. (2004). Five misunderstandings
about case-study research. In C. Seale, J. F.
Gubrium, G. Gobo, D. Silverman (Eds.),
Qualitative Research Practice (pp. 420-434).
London Sage.
- Gigerenzer, G. (2000). Adaptive thinking. New
York Oxford University Press. - Gigerenzer, G., Krauss, S., Vitouch, O. (2004).
The null ritual What you always wanted to know
about significance testing but were afraid to
ask. In D. Kaplan (Ed.), The SAGE handbook of
quantitative methodology for the social sciences
(pp. 391-408). Thousand Oaks Sage. - Gobo, G. (2004). Sampling, representativeness and
generalizability. In C. Seale, J. F. Gubrium, G.
Gobo, D. Silverman (Eds.), Qualitative Research
Practice (pp. 435-456). London Sage. - Hair, J. F., Anderson, R. E., Tatham, R. L.,
Black, W. C. (1998). Multivariate Data Analysis.
Fifth edition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice
- Jackson, S. (2006). Research Methods and
Statistics. A Critical Thinking Approach. Second
edition. Belmont, CS Thomson. - Lavine, M. L. (1999). What is Bayesian Statistics
and Why Everything Else is Wrong. The Journal of
Undergraduate Mathematics and Its Applications,
20, 165-174. - Luoma, M., Nokelainen, P., Ruohotie, P. (2003,
April). Learning Strategies for Police
Organization - Modeling Organizational Learning
Prerequisites. Paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of American Educational Research
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